Sea Captain

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(Inspired from this comic I saw on TT. You can find it on Twitter by the user: Shipslucia. If that's still their user...)


It had been a few weeks and Sonic hadn't said a thing to the others. While Sonic did act skittish and scared around Shadow, he tried his best to hide it to avoid getting questioned by the crew. One little question and Sonic would burst it seemed. Because Sonic knew that Shadow was part angelfish, he was now bound to help him with late night tasks. It was either that, or he was killed.

"Sonic!" Shadow called from the wheel.

Sonic tenses up as he gripped the mop he held harder. Knuckle's eyebrows furrowed at his distressed friend.

"Matey, what causes you to be so distressed?" he asked.

Sonic's pupils dilated rapidly, "AHHH IT'S NOTHING!" he blurted, throwing the mop on the floor, "I got to go, the captain needs me!"

Running up the steps, Sonic wiped sweat from his forehead. Shadow raised an eyebrow at him, a grim look on his face. Bending to the side, Shadow grabbed a rope and shoved it to Sonic.

"You're helping me again tonight." Shadow told him.

Sonic groaned, "Again? I've been getting less and less sleep! How do YOU even manage to stay awake with such little sleep!?"

"I manage." Shadow replied.

"Why do you need my help if you've done it by yourself before anyways?"

Shadow raised a single claw to Sonic's neck, "Do you want to end up dead..?"

"N-no!" Sonic gulped as Shadow placed his hand back on the wheel.

"Good. Also, I need you to warn me if something happens, or someone is nearby. You need to be a distraction."

Sonic bobbed his head down. He didn't want to do this, he never even wanted to find out! Death was sounding a little too good right now... If only Knuckles could control his damn snoring-

"Get back to work." Shadow commanded.

"Y-yes captain!" Sonic replied, rushing away.

Several hours later and it was time. Sonic tried sneaking off to bed, but was stopped by Shadow per usual. As instructed, Sonic had to tie the rope to the ship's railing.

"Stupid job, stupid rope, stupid angelfish..." Sonic muttered angerly as he clumsily tried to tie the rope. "Come on you stupid thing!" he yelled.

Suddenly, the ship began to rock violently. The rope came lose and fell on the floor. His knees failing on him, Sonic stumbled to the floor as well, yelling. Shadow immediately came out, sword in hand.

"Sonic!?" he yelled, trying to keep his balance.

The sound of Knuckles and Tails could be heard from down under, "Captain! What's happening!?" Knuckles exclaimed.

"It's a storm!" Shadow called back.

Crashing came from under the deck as the two sailors yelled, "We're trapped!" Tails screamed, fear in his voice, "The barrels fell over!"

Shadow turned to the door that lead downstairs and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. He turned back to Sonic who tried to find his balance.

"Leave us! I'll handle it! Just try to get those barrels away from the door!" Shadow instructed.

Rain poured down hard, making fog appear. It was hard to see the blue blob that had managed to grab the railing.

"Hold on Sonic, I'm coming!" Shadow called.

Sonic tried to warn Shadow away, but was hit by a wave that knocked him off the tall ship. He hit the water hard on his back, causing him to lose all breath immediately. In a state of panic, he tried to breathe, only to inhale a tone of nasty sea water. Using his instincts, he spat it out.

'DAMN IT! SWIM UP!' he thought.

Fighting for his consciousness, he quickly lost and passed out.


"SONIC!!" Shadow screamed.

Without any hesitation: he threw down his sword, grabbed the rope, tied it to the railing, and jumped in the water. The cold water splashed Shadow as he slowly rose to the top of the water. Knowing Sonic couldn't swim, he dived back down.

'Damn it Sonic, where are you!?' Shadow thought nervously.

Just as another wave came crashing down, something blue caught his eyes. Sonic! Shadow rushed to the unconscious hedgehog. His limp body was being tossed around in the aggressive waves. The bandana he wore was gone. Taking hold of Sonic's shirt, Shadow pulled him over his shoulder.

'Hang on Sonic...' Shadow thought.

Making it to the rope, Shadow managed to pull the two of them up and onto the boat. The rain had stopped, but the fog was still there. The atmosphere was as cold as Sonic's body. Shadow trembled from the cold, but mainly from the fear of losing the one thing he cared deeply about. As Shadow waited for Sonic to wake up, twitch, breathe, anything, the storm cleared. Moon light peered thought the dark clouds as the waves slowly started to rest.

"Come on, come on!" Shadow whispered.

Remembering what Maria has taught him when he was younger, he pinched Sonic's nose, opened his mouth, tilted his head upwards, and put his lips on his. One breath, two breath. Then what? Oh, yes! He placed both hands on his chest and pressed repeatedly. It had been a long time since he was taught this, so he did it clumsily, forgetting how to hold his hands and such.

Tears filled his eyes as Sonic failed to open his, "Come on!" Shadow exclamation, "You can't die yet! I order it!"

His form had slowly disappeared just before Knuckles and Tails made it out from below. They both gasped at the sight. Shadow tried again, one breath, two breath, heart compressions. He tried again and again until he slowly stopped trying. He sobbed as his hands went limp over the body. Tails turned to Knuckles and cried loudly into his chest. Knuckles rested his head on Tails, tears flowing down.

"No..." Shadow whispered, his head now resting on Sonic's chest, "No!"

Shadow's sadness quickly turned to rage. Lifting his fists up high, he slammed them down on Sonic's chest.
(Don't actually do this to someone, learn CPR instead plz🙏)


Sonic gasped for air loudly, final puking up the water he inhaled. He sat up and coughed violently, "Ugh, my head... What happened-"

Shadow cut him off with a hug. If the water didn't kill him then the hug would. Tails ran over and jumped into Sonic, Knuckles joining. The four of them hugged as the clouds slowly faded. A cool breeze blew on by, making Sonic shiver.

"It's freezing out!" Sonic exclaimed.

Tails chuckled, "I think it's just you, you're soaked with cold water!"

"Let's get you inside and wrapped up." Shadow said, helping Sonic to his feet. With a little struggle, Sonic made it up; but fell again into Shadow's arms. "Falling for me, aye?" Shadow chuckled, picking Sonic up bridal style.

Sonic blushed.

"You're gonna make up for the trouble you caused today though." Shadow said blankly.

Sonic groaned in response.

[Made u think Shadow died, now it's Sonic's turn😈]

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