Alternative Ending

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[Finished Sonic X recently and just couldn't expect Shadow's ending😭 SOOO, I decided to make an alternative ending to cope😃 This will contain spoilers for Sonic X, so if you don't want to get spoiled, I suggest not reading this✨]

It had been six years since Sonic and his friends returned back to their world. Sonic was 22 and was still avoiding Amy's attempts. Tails was finally 14, and had graduated school early due to his high IQ.

"Hi Sonic~!" Amy called to the hedgehog as he zoomed on by.

Sonic ignored her for he had something important to do. It was the anniversary of Shadow's passing. Up in the flowery hills, Sonic had made a grave for him. Everyone else knew about it of course, but he was the only one who visited it everyday for at least a quick hi.

The blue adult sketed to a stop at the grave, "Heyy Shadow! What's up?" he smiled softly, walking closer, "It's the six year anniversary of your passing... I just wish you didn't have to go out like that. You would've liked it here!" He chuckled.

Sonic wiped a tear from his eye. He never cries, but he always seemed to during this day. While he never knew the guy, it was still upsetting. They definitely could been friends at least.

Chris typed away on his large monitor. It was almost done... Helen rolled up in her wheelchair and pecked Chris on the cheek.

"I'm going home, okay?" she told him.

He looked back to his girlfriend(idk if they're canon but it looked like they were) and smiled, "Alright! Drive home safely."

"Don't stay up too late, k?"

"I won't, don't worry about me." Chris replied before giving her a kiss.

A few hours later, Chris had done it. He reached for his phone to call everyone, but decided to see if it would actually work. Didn't want to embarrass himself if it didn't work. Taking a deep breath, the 18 year old typed down a few more things in his computer, walked to the large circle, and pressed the red button.

Wirrrrrrrr- VWOM

Chris stepped back in shock, "I-it works! It really works!!"

With the largest smile he's ever produced, Chris grabbed his backpack, ready to leap through the portal. Ready to jump in, someone tugged at his backpack, making him stumble back on his rear. The adult looked up to see who had came into the lab. His eyes widened.

Sonic rested next to Shadow's grave. He laid in his usual resting position, a smile on his face. He was there the whole day, besides the whole Eggman attack that didn't even last a minute. Amy had also visited the grave to give Sonic food and water. Along with some flirtatious attems that went purposely unnoticed per usual.

"The stars look good today? Huh, buddy." Sonic replied as he watched the galaxy above him.

The sound of a twig snapping caught Sonic's attention. A figure, off in the distance, stared at Sonic. Chills ran down the hedgehog's spine as the figure stood still. They looked to have spiky hair.

"Who's there?" Sonic asked, standing to a fighting position.

The figure slowly came into the moonlight.

"C-Chris..?" Sonic whispered, a rush of emotions flowing through him.

Chris smiled before welling up with tears. He broke down crying, trying to stay standing. Sonic ran to him, helping him keep his strength. This failed as Chris fell to his knees, hugging Sonic.

"Oh, Sonic! I missed you!" he cried loudly.

Sonic smiled in response, hugging Chris back, "I missed you too, buddy."

The hug lasted a while before they pulled away. Chris whipped his runny nose, tears stained his face. Sonic chuckled at his friend before spotting someone else in the distance. It looked to be... Amy? Like she has just woke up out of bed, and her curls fell off her quills.

Chris turned back to see the figure himself, "Oh, yes! Sonic, I want you to see someone."

The second figure walked next to Chris in the moon light. It was a hedgehog like Sonic expected, but not the hedgehog he anticipated.

"SHADOW!?" Sonic yelled.

Shadow gave a slight grin before being almost trampled into a hug. The hedgehog prevented himself from falling over as Sonic held onto him. Shadow blushed slightly before slowly giving into the hug.

"B-but how!?" Sonic asked, pulling away, "You died!"

Shadow grunted, "I DID die."

Sonic raised an eyebrow, "Then how are you here?"

"I'm not sure... After the incident though, I later woke up next to this- blue cat? and his frog."

"Big and Froggy!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Hmm, yes." Shadow replied. "He was saying something about a light coming from the sky? Some nonsense like that..."

The hedgehog placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder, "I'm just glad you're back, friend."

Shadow blushed again, Chris joining the two with a smile.

[This took longer to write than I wanted tbh- I'm going to try working on my other book, so you won't see much coming from this one in a while. Go check it out if u like! I'd appreciate it✨]

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