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[Pirate AU]

Shadow kept his hands on the wheel of his ship. He had just successfully robbed another ship by himself. His crew? Well, he didn't have one. Not that he needed one that is. Being by himself had its advantages. Though, it was a lonely life.

He wasn't always a pirate. When he was younger, Shadow worked mainly with his sister Maria. His human sister. They owned a little trading center with their dads. However, things took a wrong turn when a group of bandits killed them. They wanted revenge for "selling them the wrong supply to rob them of their money". Turns out that they did sell them the right product, but a thief has swapped it out for a crappier version when the bandits weren't looking.

Shadow was then taken in by a group of high-rated pirates who raised him to be the pirate he is today. Shadow, the greatest pirate around. Taking over ships by himself, killing hundreds, stealing the hardest treasure to find; there's even a rumor he defeated a dragon! Lost his eye in the process as proof, and now wears one of the dragon's scales as an eyepatch.

Yup, him and his lonesome. All by himself. No one else. Nope! ... No one else...


"Hey there!" a sudden cherry voice scared Shadow. He jumped back in his chair at the saloon with a yelp.

"...Who are you..?" Shadow asked grimly.

A blue hedgehog smiled brightly and took a seat next to the pirate, "I'm Sonic! Nice to meet you!"

Shadow gave the hedgehog a look before turning his attention away from the odd being. He took a sip of his beer.

"Sooo~ what are you doing here by yourself?" Sonic asked.

A groan came from the now annoyed pirate, "What do you want from me?" he asked.

"Whoa! Chill out buddy!"

"I'm not your buddy..."

"I just wanted to see why you were sitting by yourself!"

Shadow took another sip of his beer, "That's non of your concern."

Sonic shrugged and turned to the wall Shadow was starting at. While he wasn't looking, Shadow gave him a side glance. Slowly, he turned his gaze at the blue hedgehog. Then, it hit him.

"You're Sonic the hedgehog... THE Sonic the hedgehog." Shadow suddenly said.

Sonic turned to him, "Yup! And you must be THE Shadow the hedgehog? Greatest single man pirate out there!" he chuckled.

Sonic the hedgehog... A hero to the poor and others. He was also a pirate, but a better version. Highly skilled, super fast, amazing ship, handsome, and had the crew of one other person. His buddy's name was unknown; due to Sonic not wanting it to be easier for people to find the little guy. But, he was no where in sight.

"Don't you usually have a friend with you..?" Shadow asked the hero pirate.

"Yeahhh- he got sick, so he's spending his time right now with a friend. So I'm without a crew till then." Sonic rubbed his neck as he looked away nervously.

A tsk noise came from Shadow's mouth before chugging the rest of his beer. With a slam of his cup, he placed down a few doubloons and stood up to leave. A hand grabbed his arm.

"Wait!" Sonic exclaimed, "Don't go yet!"

Shadow pulled away, "And why would I listen to a good-to-shoe like you?" he grumbled through barred teeth.

"Look, I need your help." Sonic pleaded. "I have this gold that I need to steal, but I can't do it by myself-"

"No." Shadow cut him off flatly and began to walk away.

A blue blur stopped him, the hero pirate now stood in front of him. His ears back, his eye widened, "Pleaseee! I can't do it alone!"

"Why not get your friend to help you?"

"Besides from being sick, like I told you earlier, he's also too weak to handle the bandits alone."

Shadow's ears perked up, "Bandits?"

"Yeah, some idiots they are... But they're skilled, and have Eggman, the big guy, on their side. I can take Eggman and the group if they were alone; but not when they're working together."

"Do these bandits have a... flag?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Is it red with a sword in the middle of it?"

Sonic thought for a second, "Hey, yeah! They do! Have you met them before?"

Shadow thought back to that awful night. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist and teeth. Finally, he looked Sonic in the eyes, "Fine, I'll help you."

Sonic stood up taller, his ears perked up, as his eyes widened in surprise. They shinned with glee, "Really! You'll help me?!" His blue tail wags as he followed Shadow out to his ship.

Shadow chuckled slightly at the sight of the excited hero, "Call down..." he told the hedgehog.

Sonic blushed with embarrassment and chuckled nervously. They got to the steering wheel of Shadow's ship, Sonic at awe of the ship's details.

"Excited little hedgehog?" Shadow asked.

Sonic blushed, "Yeah! You're so cool! This robbery is gonna be awesome!"

Shadow blushed slightly at the praise, "Don't make me regret this..." he chuckled to himself.

Sonic saluted, "You won't!"

Sonic then turned and rushed down to take a better look of the ship. This was new to Shadow; sharing a ship with someone. Especially that someone being known worldwide as a hero pirate.

'A good pirate and a bad pirate... Huh. Wonder how this is turn out.' Shadow thought to himself with a slight smile.

[Yar har fiddly de! Being a pirate is alright to be! Do what you want cause a pirate is free; YOU ARE A PIRATE🦜]

[Also: basically a double upload!?🤯 I'm on a roll💪✨ Lmk if u want a pt.2]

[QUICK DISCLAIMER: Gerald Robotnik & human version Doom are Shadow and Maria's dads in this version. And no, they aren't romantically involved.]

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