Papa's Day pt.1(AU)

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Shadow worked in his garden of lavender when he heard the backdoor open.

"Daddy!" a little voice cried.

Raising his head, Shadow spotted non other than his daughter, Maria. He smiled as she ran to him.

"Daddy, daddy, guess what I did today!" Maria said, signing the same sentence in ASL.

"What did you do today hunny?" he asked, signing back to her.

"I learned to spin dash!"

Sonic exited the house and walked to Maria and Shadow, "She sure did!" he chuckled.

"Wow! That's amazing Maria!" Shadow said before giving Sonic a quick stink eye, "Why don't you go back inside and get ready for lunch, okay?"

Maria nodded her head and ran inside. Shadow stood up and placed a hand on his hip. Sonic rubbed his neck nervously.

"I thought we were gonna wait till she was six..." Shadow said dully.

"I know, I know... It's just that Egghead had attacked, and as I was doing my spin dash, she tried to spin dash-"

"And you couldn't stand to watch her fail?" Shadow interrupted.

Sonic chuckled nervously in response.

Shadow shook his head, "Sonic, you have to be more careful-"

Sonic pulled his husband into a kiss, "I know, I'm sorry." he told him after pulling away, "I'll do better next time..."

A blush over took the husband's face, "Hey! Let me finish my sentence, Faker!"

Sonic held his husband as he laughed, "Go on then. What were you going to say?"

With a flustered face, Shadow opened his mouth to speak, but quickly gave up. He made a tsk sound before looking away. The blue hedgehog smiled before kissing Shadow's cheek.

"I'm going to go make Maria some food, do you want anytime?" Sonic asked.

"I'll have some of whatever Maria is having." Shadow replied.

After Sonic walked inside, Shadow walked to the shack and took off his gloves and hat. Throwing them in their box, his phone ringed loudly.

"Who's calling me now..?" Shadow asked himself, picking up his phone.

Looking at the screen, Shadow quickly realized that it wasn't a phone call, but a reminder.

Mother's Day in 5 days

Mother's Day huh? Shadow thought.

When Sonic and Shadow first adopted Maria, she was just a new born. A baby left in a basket on their front porch like in those movies. A note was placed in the basket reading,
"As someone who is very incapable of taking care of this child, I know that you, Shadow and Sonic the hedgehogs, would be a perfect fit for her. I've been watching you for the past few months of my pregnancy, and realized how amazing you both are with kids, and how you want your own someday. So let me make that someday happen, and hand my daughter to you for I can't take care of her. Name her what you want. -Unknown"
After that night, they agreed that Mother's Day would be for Sonic, and Father's Day would be for Shadow. That is if Maria wanted to follow everyone on in the tradition. She of course wanted to follow the tradition, and didn't seem to mind that Mother's Day would be for her Papa.

"I suppose Maria would want to do something for Sonic." Shadow told himself before leaving the shack and heading inside.

The smell of fresh cut lettuce filled Shadow's nostrils as soft music played from Sonic's Bluetooth speaker. The faint sound of the bathroom sink was heard under the music. Maria was washing her hands before eating. Shadow took this opportunity to talk to her about Mother's Day, which they called Papa's Day.

"Maria~" Shadow sang lightly, peering into the bathroom.

Maria hummed softly to herself, her white tipped quails swaying as she tilted her head side to side. Grabbing the light switch, Shadow flipped it on and off, letting his daughter know someone was there. Quickly, she turned around before smiling at her Father.

"Hello Daddy!" Maria smiled, letting the water run, her hands pulled away from the sink.

Shadow pointed to the sink, indicating for her to finish. Getting the hint, she did. As she dried off her hands, Shadow leaned on the wall next to her.

"So, what would you like to do for Papa's Day?" he asked her, signing a few words as he spoke.

Maria thought for a second, "Hmmm," she hummed thoughtful. "Oh! Special dinner!"

"Special dinner?" Shadow tilted his head.

With a giggle, Maria nodded, "We make Papa dinner, then, I serve it!"

Shadow smiled at the idea. Maria was known to be smart for her age, but this was just genius kid's play.

"Sure, why not?"

The hedgehog jumped up and down, "YIPPIE! Let's make chili dogs!"

"Chili dogs!?" Shadow chuckled, picking Maria up.


They two entered the dinning room, laughing to eachother. Sonic placed down the last plate before smiling at the duo.

"What did I miss out on?" Sonic asked, signing the sentence as he spoke it.

Maria placed a hand to her smile as she giggled one more, "Nothiiing!" she signed and spoke.

Sonic rolled his eyes playfully before sitting down, "I made sandwiches and dino nuggies; with a side of apple sauce and apple juice for a drink."

Immediately, Maria dug in as Shadow tried to put the bib on her. Sonic ended up doing it as Maria tried to push it away. For the next five days, Shadow and Maria had to come up with a good distraction for Sonic while they worked on dinner. And they knew just what to do...

[Fun fact: Maria is known to be smart for her young, five year old, age. Meaning that not only can she form perfect sentence, but she also knows an amazing amount of sign language!]

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