Prom (pt.1)

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[Highschool AU]

Knuckles patted Sonic's shoulder, "Don't worry about it bud! In sure he'll accept!"

"Easy for you to say!" Sonic replied. "Rouge said yes when you asked her!"

Rolling his eyes, Knuckles went back on his phone. Rouge and him texted back and forth a bit before Knuckles finally sighed. He placed a hand on Sonic's head.

"Come on." he said, ruffling Sonic's quills before walking away.

Tails, who had just walked into the room, took Sonic's arm and followed Knuckles out of curiosity and boredom.

"Where are we going?" Tails asked, Sonic bobbing his head as they walked.

"To see Rouge," Knuckles replied. "She's gonna help Sonic here get a date to prom."

"Why doesn't he just ask?"

"Because he's a sissy." Knuckles chuckled.


Arriving at Rouge's house, Knuckles knocked on her door.

"Knuckles? Is that you dear? The doors unlocked." a voice called from inside the house.

The trio all entered the house. Rouge came from around the corner. She had an apron on that read "KISS THE COOK." Knuckles smiled at her, which she mirrored.

"Hey baby!" Rouge said, giving Knuckles a kiss. Tails coiled in disgust.

"Hey," he replied before looking at the bowl of batter in her hands. "What are you making?"

"Cake! Amy lent me a recipe that I wanted to try out."

"Whoa! Cool!" Tails cut in, stars in his eyes, "I didn't know you were a baker Rouge!"

With a slight chuckle, she set the bowl down on the counter, "Not really darling. But, it does keep me busy."

She gave a smirk as Knuckles and Tails went to try the batter before laying her eyes on Sonic. He laid face first into her leather couch, sulking.

"Babe, what's wrong with Sonic?"

Knuckles took his finger out his mouth, "Oh, yeah. Remember that thing I needed help with?"


"Well, Sonic's having trouble asking Shadow to prom."

"... Really?" Rouge replied with a raised eyebrow. "Shadow has to be one of the easiest people to ask out. Well, if he likes you that is."

Sonic shot up at the last sentence. "Likes you?" he asked.

"Well sure! He can be bark and bite. But sometimes he can be bark and no bite. If you're placed good in his book."

Sonic's ears perked up, then dropped once more, "OH! But Shadow HATES me!" He sees me as his rival and everything!"

Rouge smacked her forehead, "You're right Knuckles... He's not very bright..."

Knuckles grunted from the kitchen.

Tails came out holding a little fondant figure of himself, "Sonic! Look what I made!"

Sonic gave the little man a thumbs up before slamming his head back on the couch. Tails frowned, but then shrugged it off and went back to Knuckles as Rouge complimented his work. As Sonic let out a large, annoying, unnecessary sigh, Rouge rubbed her eyes. She stroded to Sonic, grabbed his ear, pulled him off the couch, and lifted him to his feet, still holding his ear.

"You like Shadow right?" she asked.

Sonic nodded his head nervously, "Y-yes?"

"And you want to impress him? Get him to go to prom with you? Yes?"


"So, how about you get off your lazy a- ... butt- and do something!"

"But I don't know what to do! I'm horrible with this stuff!"

"Oh for crying out- wait! Do you know how to bake?"


Shadow sat on his bedside, fiddling with his phone. A single text to meet up would decided something big for him. He stared at the text with anxiety. Finally, Shadow threw his phone on his pillow. No, he couldn't do it.

His head rested in his palms when all of the sudden- DING DONG- Shadow lifted his head.


Sonic pressed the doorbell. The bell echoed through the house. A sweat dropped down the hedgehog's face. His red shoe tapped the concrete anxiously.

"Guess he's not here! Oh well!" Sonic told himself quickly before turning around. "Guess I'll just lea-"

"Sonic?" Shadow asked.

Sonic froze as he tensed up. Slowly, he turned his body to face the black hedgehog.

"HEYYYYYYY Shadowwwww!" Sonic said with an awkward hand wave.

Shadow raised an unamused eyebrow, "What do you want, Faker?"

"Oh! Well- uhm- I was just... Uhmmm-"

Shadow looked from the hedgehog's nervous sweat, to his hands that he hid behind his back. Something crinkled from behind his back.

"What are you planning hedgehog?" Shadow scolded as he folded his arms.

Blush came from Sonic's cheeks as he looked away.

"Spit it out!" Shadow exclaimed, now agitated.

"It's for you!" Sonic pulled out a container and a bouquet of lavender.

Shadow stood still. He didn't say anything, just stared.

Sonic rubbed under his nose, "I was wondering if you, maybe, wanted to go to prom with me?"

Shadow slowly took the lavender.

"I, uh, made you a cinnamon roll cupcake. Amy's recipe." Sonic added as he still held the container. "Unless you don't like cinnamon rolls! Then I can take it back!"

Shadow snatched the container, "No, I'll eat it." he said sternly, yet calmly.

With a smile, Sonic stepped closer, "Sooooooo, is that a yes?"

Shadow turned around, slammed the door, and walked off. Sonic stood in shock. I guess it's a no?

Suddenly, the door opened once more and Shadow shoved a single rose at Sonic, "I was planning on asking you first, but you beat me to it. You're so annoying sometimes..."

Now Shadow and Sonic were both blushing uncontrollably. Before one of the two could say anything more, Sonic's phone started to buzz. It was Amy...

"SONIC! Tails and Knuckles set my OVEN ON FIRE! HURRY PLEASE!!" Amy screamed into the phone, making Sonic push the phone away from his ear.

"Okay, okay! I'm on my way! Just try to put it out with water till I get there. Sonic told Amy before hanging up.

With a sigh, he put his phone away and looked back to Shadow, "Sorry Shadz, I gotta go-"

Shadow kissed Sonic on the cheek before give him a smirk and closing the front door. Sonic cuffed the cheek Shadow kissed with his palm. A squeal left him before he remembered what he needed to do, and zoomed off.

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