Didn't care?

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Wind rushed through Sonic's blue quills as he speed around on the running trail in Green Hills. A smile on his face the whole time. It had been a while since he had done this after almost dying saving the Shatterverse. He still thanks Shadow for what he did everytime he sees him. While Shadow was his rival, he still saved his life! It was... Sweet.

Amy had almost fainted after hearing he was close to disappearing from existence. That was when she put him on strict bed rest, not leaving his side. Shadow visited privately every now and then when no one was there. Sonic preferred his company over Amy's.

Racing past a few palm trees, Sonic found himself on the beach. It was a quiet day, and everyone was busy with their own things. Sitting down on the sand, Sonic stared at the ocean. Closing his eyes, he let his mind wonder as he thought about all the memories he made during his time in the Shatterverse. Nine, Rusty Rose, Shadow...

He blushes at the last thought. Suddenly, the sound of sand moving caught his attention. Sonic looked to the left of him and saw none other than Shadow the hedgehog. A frown on the emo's face like always.

"Shadow!" Sonic exclaimed, "What's up?"

Shadow didn't reply and simply sat down next to Sonic. Sonic raised an eyebrow with a slight smile. Ignoring the green eyes on him, Shadow closed his own. The blue hedgehog followed with a sigh of relaxation.

After a while of silence, a deep voice finally rang in Sonic's ear, "How are you healing..?"

"Good!" Sonic replied, "I've been healed for a while now, but I feel better than ever today!" Well, the truth why he 'felt better than even' was because Shadow was there. But he wasn't going to say that out loud...

Shadow hummed in response. Sonic bit his lip and turned back to Shadow.

"Thanks again for saving me."

Shadow rolled his eyes, "Why must you thank me everytime you see me? That was  a month ago." He moved his hands around slightly as he spoke.

With a sigh, Sonic rested his head on his own shoulder, "Because you saved me! Why else?" Sonic replied, scooting over to Shadow. "I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the girls. But mainly because of you! You had the chance not to; but you still chose to save me!"

Shadow thought back to that day. That moment... It was scary. The stress, the intensity, the memories of Maria... All of those emotion were all over the place in his mind and body. He sighed to release the tension of that memory. Seeing Sonic turn grey, then fall over...

The black hedgehog thought he had died! The one person who he cared about in a long time, gone. It was even scarier when he had actually almost died. Dumb hedgehog had even made a joke while being on his death bed...

Shadow turned his head slightly to look at Sonic who smiled back at him. Since that day, the emotions he had felt were just bottled up in him. And now? They were about to flow all out.

Shadow finally punch Sonic in the arm, "Why must you smile and it!?" he yelled angerly.

With a shocked expression, Sonic rubbed his arm, "What do you mean?!"

"You! Making all these jokes like everything is going to be okay! You had almost DIED, and yet you were still making jokes! Do you know how stressful that was!? To THINK that you had died when Nine extracted the prism energy from you; then to have you actually almost die in my arms? And now you just sit here, smiling about the whole situation like it was just a silly little injury!"

Sonic stared at Shadow as he huffed angerly, his eyes furrowed, "Sh- Shadow... I- didn't know you felt this way."

"Whatever..." Shadow growled as he turned away.

After a couple of seconds, a hand was placed on the angry hedgehog's shoulder, "I didn't mean to make you upset. Or scared. I just didn't think you would care-"

"Didn't care?" Shadow cut him off, "Why wouldn't I care? You're the one person who brings me light to my life! I love you!"

Shadow slapped a hand over his mouth at the last line. Sonic's shocked face turned into a large goofy smile. Without another word, the blushing emo hedgehog pulled out his chaos emerald and teleported away.

Sonic blushed hard as he thought about that last line, "I love you too Shadow." he whispered.

[Sorry if Shadow's personality wasn't accurate in this story...]

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