Papa's Day pt.2

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The smell of breakfast woke Sonic from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, stretching. The time was 6:25 in the morning. Sonic wanted to go back to sleep but knew better. What day was it anyways? Saturday? Before Sonic could grab his watch to check, Maria came bursting into the room.

"Papa! Wake up! Wake up!" she exclaimed, jumping on the bed.

Sonic jolted back at the sudden loud sound, hitting his head on bedframe.

"Maria!" Shadow called, stepping into the bedroom, "You can't do that, remember? Loud noises are too much sometimes, okay?"

Maria looked down to the bed, "Sorry..." she signed.

Sonic pulled Maria into a hug, "It's okay hunny, I know you didn't mean harm." he signed back.

As the hug turned into a cuddle, Shadow left the room before returning with a tray. On it was eggs, bacon, sausages, waffles, orange juice, coffee, and a card. The heavenly smell lifted Sonic.

"Oh wow! What's all this for?" Sonic asked.

"Read the card, read the card!" Maria smiled as Shadow pulled out the stands from under the tray.

Once Shadow put the now bed tray down on top of Sonic, he immediately picked up the card.

[ART MADE BY ME, DON'T STEAL!🙏🙏][If I get a comment on how bad it is I'ma dip💀 It's supposed to look like a kid made it; so it's not perfect ON PURPOSE]

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[If I get a comment on how bad it is I'ma dip💀 It's supposed to look like a kid made it; so it's not perfect ON PURPOSE]

A smile lit up Sonic's face, "I love it Maria! It looks just like us!"

Maria hugged Sonic one last time before getting off the bed, giggling, "I'ma make you another one!"

Sonic chuckled as she zoomed out the room. Shadow walked up next to Sonic's side.

"I forgot today was Mother's Day." Sonic muttered to Shadow.

They leaned into a kiss as Sonic carefully put the paper next to him. Shadow put a hand on Sonic's waist, Sonic cuffing his face back. As the kiss got more passionate, it was suddenly interrupted by Maria burping loudly. Her yelling, "EXCUSE ME!" made the two laugh.

"She's not wearing her hearing aids, is she?" Sonic asked Shadow, sliding his hands onto his husband's chest.

Shadow chuckled, "No, no she isn't."

As Sonic ate in bed, Shadow and Maria got ready for the day, planning their next move. The second Sonic got done with dressing, the two rushed him out the house. Tails waited outside for him, in on the plan, making some lame excuses for why he needed him at the shack.

"Go help Tails, we'll be fine here." Shadow told Sonic, giving him a kiss before pushing him out of the house.

Sonic stumbled into Tails's arms, confused, "Wait, but- huh?"

"Bye Papa! We'll see you tonight!" Maria called to Sonic as Tails tugged him away.

As soon as Sonic went around the corner, Maria slammed the door shut, giving Shadow a high-five.

"Let's do this thing!" she yelled.


After a long day of helping Tails with the most ridiculous things, Sonic walked up to his front door and put the key in. Jingling it a few times, Sonic managed to hear the loud click of the lock. Turning the doorknob, the tired hedgehog pushed open the door.

"Hunny, I'm home!" he called out, chuckling to himself after saying the famous line.

He set down the key in the basket hanging up next to the off light switch. Why was the light off? Did they go to sleep early? Not bothering to turn it on, Sonic walked into the living room, only to see that the lights were also off.

'What the- did they really go to sleep early? I thought that we could've watched a movie or something...' Sonic thought to himself sadly.

He shrugged it off before heading into the kitchen where the dinning room also was. The lights were also off, but luckily for Sonic, the switch was right next to him!


"Surprise!!" Shadow and Maria jumped up from behind the table.

The table was covered in a red cloth, flowers in the middle with two white plates on each end of the rounded table. Maria wore her waitress outfit from last Halloween, while Shadow wore a suit.

Sonic blushed from embarrassment of being under dressed, "I wish I would've known about this. I would've dress up!" he chuckled, still embarrassed.

Shadow walked to Sonic and pulled him into a hug as Maria joined, "Nothing to worry about love; I would've taken it off anyways..." Shadow whispered.

Goosebumps rose under Sonic's quills as his face turned red. Maria and Shadow let go of Sonic and led him to the table.

"Sir," she looked to Shadow, "Sir." she looked to Sonic, "What up would you like for a drink?"

"I'll have your finest wine!" Shadow asked.

"Me too!" Sonic replied.

"Certainly my good sirs! I'll be right back with that." Maria said, pretending to write the order down on the mini Frozen notebook she held.

"I'm gonna help her with that actually..." Shadow whispered before getting up from the table.

Sonic giggled as Shadow went to Maria, grabbing the wine bottle from the counter. Handing the little waitress two plastic cups, the hedgehog hurried back to the table.

Maria walked back with the cups on her plastic tray, "Here are your cups sirs!"

"Why thank you Madame!" Sonic replied in a fancy voice, taking the purple cup.

Shadow also thanked Maria, taking the blue sparkly cup. After taking their dinner orders (which was only dino nuggets and veggies), Maria put the act away as she sat down with her parents. Shadow was going to make steak, but Maria profusely refuses, saying how, "Papa is only going to eat the dino nuggies! I just know it!"

Sonic smiled at the story his husband told, "Well, as long as the food is good, that's all that matters really."

"She was kind enough to let me make vegetable though." Shadow added.

"Papa needs his greens!" Maria exclaimed, "He doesn't eat enough of them!"

Sonic sat in shock as Shadow agreed.


After putting Maria to bed, Sonic brushed his teeth as Shadow dressed out of his clothing. Knowing Shadow has already brushed his teeth and wouldn't be showing up to the bathroom, Sonic headed to bed himself. Entering the dark room, Sonic shuffled to the end of the bed.

"Shadow?" Sonic asked before hearing the door clock behind him.

With a shift turn around, a dark figure pinned Sonic to his bed. The figure was Shadow.

"Shadow!" Sonic explained, "You scared me! What were you doing over there?"

A smile laid on Shadow's face before his lips puckered, hitting Sonic's lips. Immediately, Sonic understood and followed. First their lips intertwined, then their body. Taking turns going back and forth, the two hedgehogs rolled on top of each other. The coldness of the room turned hot as things got steamy.

Sonic giggled as Shadow pulled away, "I love you." he told his husband.

Shadow's pupils expanded, "I love you too..." he replied with a smile before resting his head on Sonic's chest.


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