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[Currently in the air; I thought it would be cute to write a story about an airplane trip😀 This will also have my own head cannons!]

"Do I REALLY have to do this..?" Sonic asked with an annoyed sigh.

Amy huffed, "Yes!"

"But WHY? I can easily run there, or have Tails taken us on the X-Tornado!"

"Because! This is going to be a fun, friends trip! I want us to experience this together!"

"Plus, the X-Tornado is currently broken." Tails added as they walked to their gate.

"It'll be fun Sonic!" Rouge said in her sweet tone.

"Yeah Sonic, don't be a pussy." Knuckles chuckled.

Sonic gave an angry expression. Shadow rolled his carry on next to Sonic. He was fully prepared for this: sleeping mask, neck pillow, blanket.

"You know we're only flying for a couple hours, right?" Sonic asked him, unamused.

"We're flying for three hours, Sonic. I want to have my piece of comfort while we fly." Shadow replied sternly.

CRACK- "GATE 32 FOR ORLANDO, FLORIDA IS READY FOR BOARDING!" a lady announced over the speakers.

"Why are we going to Orlando again?" Sonic asked as they got in their line.

"Because of their amusement parks!" Tails replied excitedly, "Disney, Busch Gardens, Epcot, and more!"

"I heard they have large aquariums!" Amy smiled.

Sonic coiled back. Finally, their row was called. Finding their seats, Sonic sat next to Shadow who took the window seat. Tails sat next to Knuckles as Amy and Rouge sat together. Each having an extra seat for their things. Shadow laid  back peacefully, his mask on and his blanket covering his legs. Sonic on the other hand tapped the floor rapidly. He tried to lay back and relax, but just couldn't.

After a while Shadow got annoyed, "Will you stop that hedgehog..." he scowled.

Sonic apologized and stopped only to start back up once the plane started moving backwards. It was hard to hear the instructions in case of an emergency over the tapping.

Shadow took off his mask and sat up, "Hedgehog! Stop that tapping!"

Sonic didn't reply, his face giving a mixture of fear and zoning out. He watched as Sonic tried to bite his nails through his gloves. Weird... Why was he acting so unusual?

"We ask that everyone keeps their seatbelts buckled until the light above turns off." the pilot said suddenly.

This snapped Sonic out of his thoughts. He immediately buckled, tightening it as tight as it could go on him.

Shadow scoffed, "Are you scared?" he asked.

Sonic looked at Shadow, "N-no!"

"Then why are you shaking?"

Sonic didn't reply and looked down.

Shadow scoffed again, "Who would've guessed? Sonic the hedgehog! Famous, braveless, and can look death in the face with a laugh, is scared of an airplane?"

"Shut up!"

"Haven't you ridden the X-Tornado? Isn't that a plane? Haven't you ridden on top of it before?"

"That's different!" Sonic replied, "The X-Tornado is small and fast!"

Shadow nodded his head as the plane pulled onto the runway, "So you're scared because an airplane is bigger and slower..?"

"Yes! I-I mean no..." Sonic replied, making Shadow raise an eyebrow, "Okay, look... I don't know what it is, but airplanes are scaryyy! They're HUGE!"

"Didn't you defeat a huge train on Amy's birthday..?" Shadow asked.

Sonic huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back. Shadow rolled his eyes before setting the eye mask back on. About ten minutes later and it was time to take off. The plane went slowly, gradually gained speed. Sonic's breathing became heavy as he tried to remain calm. He closed his eyes, gripping the arm rests as the plane started to lift. Suddenly, he started to whimper.

Lifting his eye mask at the noise, Shadow sighed as he saw Sonic struggling to stay calm. Without hesitation, he reached his hand out and grabbed Sonic's hand. Sonic looked at Shadow who didn't look back. His eye mask was off, but his eyes were closed. The blue hedgehog blushed slightly, a smile coming across his face. Shadow blushed slightly too.

Once they were stabilized in the air, Sonic leaned against Shadow, "Thanks, Shadow..."

"Tsk... Don't get used to it." he replied before resting his head on Sonic's, their hands still intertwined.

[For anyone wondering, I landed safely ☺️🙏 I'm glad to get another story published for y'all 😀 Hope ur all doing well🫶]

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