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Cy's ghost starts convincing them that it's time to go to the Tower.
Even Taurus-4 returns with an offer. Telling Cy that he doesn't have to go to the guardian tower, but that he should at least come into the City where it'll be easier for him to get food and live.
Yet Cy tries to deny this, saying he's a danger.
Tuarus-4 reassures him countless times that he wont have to report to the Vanguard, and there is very little within the City to worry about.
This doesn't make Cy feel any better about the situation, but he finally accepts.

Packing up what little things he has. Cy leaves with Taurus-4 for the city. And once inside, he already feels out of place. Looking among all the humans sheltered here.
He hadn't seen anything like it since his resurrection.

Taurus-4 pays for a small place in the City for Cy to stay.
And once out of public eye Cy starts to doubt his decision.
But again Taurus convinces Cy to just stay for a while, and enjoy the City.
While Cy is frustrated at this large exo's optimism. He inquires to Taurus-4 that he doesn't fit in do to his looks, and he most likely will scare the humans. 
Taurus-4 considers this, noting that Cy does look intimidating and not like any normal exo.
But still, Taurus-4 stands firm that Cy will be okay, and when did they ever care about what other think?

Cy realized that as much as he fronts his lack of care for others views on him, he does.
Cy agrees to stay in the city for a bit, but tells Taurus-4 that if it doesn't work out, he's out of here.

Within a few weeks of adjustment. Cy manages to keep himself busy with small crafts, building things from scrap he finds while walking around the City.
He hadn't decided if he'd stay yet or not. Getting some odd looks from the people as he roamed, considering his site and dirty robes from years of war.
He tried hard to hide his four arms from the public eye. But, people always stared, especially when his ghost was at his side.
It was only till a small child tugged at his hooded robes and asked him for help reaching their airplane toy by the park.

This interaction stuck with Cy, as he easily climbed the tree and grabbed the toy for the child. Seeing the child joy peaked his curiosity. The boys name was Abe, and they wanted Cy to stay and play with him.
Though Cy was reluctant, he stayed cause the child pleaded.
Eventually Cy would find out that Abe was actually an orphaned child.

Cy decided that he'd stay, but only a little longer, for Abe.
He'd find out from Abe's caretaker when they came to the park, so Cy could visit the boy.
But, eventually park meetings turned into visits at the orphanage itself.
Abe would be the first person Cy would allow to see him for who he was.
And to Cy's surprise Abe found the four arms he had really cool.

A few weeks turned into a year now. With Cy regularly visiting Abe.
He even found a small side job to pay for things on his own, so he could get stuff for Abe.
Taurus-4 would visit Cy and learn of the orphaned child that seem to keep the guardian killer in the City.

However Taurus-4 would be a bit surprised when Cy came to them about heading to the guardians tower. Cy explained that Abe told him how a guardian saved him outside the city walls from the Fallen. And, that he wants to be just like Cy when he grows up and be a guardian. 
It would be the next day, and Cy learned that Abe had been adopted. So Abe was not there, but of course the child left Cy a parting gift. Promising to him again when they become a guardian too!
Cy decided, maybe it is time to give his destined role a chance, besides he'd do it for Abe.

So Taurus-4 agreed to take Cy to the Tower. 
It be the first time Cy would see so many guardians, where they weren't trying to kill him, and he wasn't trying to kill them.

That was until they got to the tower and Tuarus-4 brought Cy to meet with Zavala.
"No..." Zavala said firmly. It seemed there was a turmoil of confusion in Zavala's expression.
One of rage, and concern, but held back. 
Taurus-4 was confused as well, never seeing Zavala deny a guardian like this.
Cy didn't know it, but he was about to learn who he was a long time ago.

THE SUMMARY OF LIGHTHAWKWhere stories live. Discover now