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Upon returning to the tower after the long journey to meet his old family. 
Hawk returned with a new sense of purpose and goals. Firstly, having gained his now flowing mohawk made of light. Hawk also returned with a new sense of comfort in Taurus-4. Now talking with the larger exo in a friendly manner then ever before. Hawk listened to their every word, and even when he returned to training, he eased up on his fellow guardians. 
Before he was reluctant to use his powers, now he works hard to maintain it and wield it safely.
However, now that he is back and given the nick name Lighthawk. Hawk still couldn't control his light powers compared to his fellow guardians. 
He often ended up hurting himself more than anything, and though his combat skills with weapons and hand to hand were above an experts level. Hawk fell far behind in his abilities to wield the light still.

Eventually, Hawk would graduate with his fellow guardians and would meet with Zavala. Explaining to Zavala that he wanted to leave the tower and become an Officer of the city, to protect lose less able. 
Yet. Zavala was reluctant, though they saw the change in Lighthawk, they noted that their powers were still dangerously uncontrolled. Zavala though not happy with the idea of letting Lighthawk leave to join the lower officer, struck a deal that if Lighthawk could manage to control his powers at will on command, he'd think it over. 

So Lighthawk with a new goal decided he'd do whatever it took to figure out just how to wield the light like the others. But, it was no easy task. Lighthawk had no idea where to begin. Often looking at the large white Traveler in the sky, but knowing it give him no answers. It never did when he stared at it from outside the walls of the city. He knew this had to be done on his own, something was wrong?

Eventually at home with Taurus, Lighthawk mentioned that every time he used his powers, it felt like something was off, whenever he was angry it felt like the powers just wanted to rip free from within him, but when he was focused it sizzled out faster than a firework sparkler. 
Though Taurus-4 did mention that Hawk had just gotten these powers, and unlike the rest of them, he had a long way to go to controlling them. Telling Hawk, "stop stressing out about it, and come watch this movie with me."
With that, Lighthawk dropped the topic verbally, even if mentally it still weighed on him.

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