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Alex's POV
I knew Carina had ordered more meds for me since she wanted me to sleep but I did feel a bit high when I woke up

"Oh my god you're up" said Jo as she moved over from the chair next to my bed to my bed. "You scared the hell out of me" she said "and trust me if I could I so punch you right now" she said and I smiled

"Ci vuole più di una finestra per buttarmi giù" I smiled back

"Okay I have no idea about what you're talking about" she chuckled "I'm just glad to see you awake"

"Feeling slightly drunk right now" I said and she chuckled

"We can lower your pain meds if it's too much" she said and I nodded

"I'll let Amelia know" she said

"How's everyone?" I asked wanting to know about my team

"Well they had to be kicked out of the waiting room" she chuckled "but everyone is great. Not even a glass cut"

"I'm really glad" I said grateful it had all worked "my sister is she..."

"She was here. I'm not sure you remember it" she said "scared but she's alright. Was here the whole night round"

"I can imagine" I smiled "

"I've send her home now. She just wants someone around in case" she said

"I'm alright" I said

"Well alright is a broad word" she chuckled "but yes you'll be fine for sure. Oh Maya was here a while last night when you were out cold, she had her captain worry look on her"

"Yeah if I wasn't admitted I'm sure she'd kick me around for what I did" I said

"Same for me" she said "not kidding"

"How's everyone else?" I asked

"Andy Travis and Vic are doing great real great" she said "and Jack"

"Did he..." I asked

"He didn't. Not yet" she said

"But he was losing his mind last night in the waiting room. Badly" she said and I just couldn't avoid feeling so so sorry for him cause I knew I would be driving myself crazy if he was to be the one in this situation

"Damn" I said grabbing my head

"Damn what?" She said getting up

"No nothing just..." I tried

"Don't lie. Damn what?" She asked

"My head just hurts" I said

"I'll get Amelia" she nodded

Carina's POV
"Car..." said Maya as we were sitting in bed "I don't want you to be scared"

"I'm not scared Maya" I said "I just I can't go through this again"

"My love I know. I know how scary it was and it was for us all. But Car this is not how it happens" said maya

"But it happened to her" I said

"She did it cause she saved Andy and the rest of the team" she said "she knew she had the better chances."

"I can't do this" I said as I felt tears falling

"Come here" said Maya as she wrapped her arms round me "I promise that I'm always going to try and find the best and most safe option for the team okay?"

I nodded knowing she was right. I knew it was one of the best teams and that this sort of mistakes simply happened. Accidents happened, I just didn't want to believe she'd be involved in the accidents

"Okay?" Asked Maya and I nodded against her chest

Jack's POV
I had lost my mind all night long. I couldn't go to the hospital to see her I knew that. But I just couldn't stay home do nothing about it pretending like I didn't care enough that she was admitted.

I made my way to Grey Sloan soon enough parking there walking over to the nurses station asking for Alex's room

"Hey" I heard as Jo came over

"Hey how is she?" I asked

"She's alright. Asleep now" she said and I nodded "Amelia took care of what was going on"

"I'm glad. Is she alright?" I asked

"They had to adjust her meds this morning she was still with a bit of a headache" she said

"Oh okay. But she's alright" I said

"She's alright" she said "I'm sure she'd be glad to see you"

"Can I?" I asked

"Yes" she said "come with me"

I walked after Jo feeling my heart about to jump out my chest as I made it over to her room. Seeing her asleep on the bed

"They said she got burned" I asked Jo

"She did. It's superficial, the best plastics is taking care of it and she'll be more than alright" she nodded

"Ah okay okay" I said relieved

"Carina?" We heard from the room as Alex was waking

"Hey" I said softly walking inside

"Jack?" She asked confused as I nodded

"You scared the hell out of me" I said as I cleaned off a tear from my eye "you really did"

"I'm sorry" she said as she stroked my hand "I'm just glad it worked out"

"Me too" I smiled

"How are you feeling?" I asked "you know asides from everything"

"I'm alright. Tired but alright" she nodded "wanting to leave"

"Pretty sure you're not ready to leave yet" I smiled

"I know" she said  "I just hate being in here. Can't even wear a shirt due to this stupid burns" she said

"You'll be better soon" I nodded fixing the covers over her chest "you'll be back soon" I said seeing her fighting her which were closing

"Sleep. Don't fight it" I said

"Will you stay?" She asked

"I'll be right here" I said

Soon enough she was out like a light and I just sat there looking at her holding her hand

Amelia's POV
"Hey" I said walking over to Alex's room to find Jo standing outside "you alright?" I asked

"Yeah" she nodded "just so happy to see her alright. Those news scared the hell out of me"

"Same" I said "I just can't believe they actually do that sorta thing. Jumping out of buildings and stuff" I said not wanting to actually say why I was scared the hell out.

"It is crazy" I said "madly crazy. I just... thanks god she's alright"

"I'll go in later I'm glad she's getting some sleep" I said

"Yeah. Jack coming over really relaxed her" she said and I turned to see

"I didn't know they were thing" I said

"Well they're not really." She shrugged "complex"

"Ah okay" I said.

I wasn't jealous, I was with something with Kai and I didn't get to he jealous for her dating someone. I just didn't want her to get hurt in any sense.

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