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Carina's POV
"And you're sure you don't want to ask Amelia more time?" I asked as we walked out of the consult room with Aless

"Car" she smiled "its been a month. I've been cleared, completely cleared"

"I know and I get the being cleared I just feel kinda that if you were to need some more weeks then..." I tried

"Car what's going on?" She asked "you heard what Amelia said, I'm good to work"

I sighed and grabbed her hand as I walked into my office closing the door behind me

"You're my little sister" I said

"Yes" she nodded "we know"

"You're my little sister and I saw you flying out of an explosive building" I sighed "saw you dead falling into an air mattress"

"Yes" she nodded

"So yes. I don't feel it's safe for you to go back to work ever" I said

"Car" she said as she grabbed my hand "I know and I'm sorry cause I know it must have been scary seeing it"

"Scary doesn't even begin to describe it Aless. I've just only found you here" I said "I can not lose you and I can not have something happening to you"

"Carina it won't" she said

"Aless this has already happened!" I said

"But Car here I am" she said "and I'm alright"

"But he isn't!" I said as I sighed

"Carina..." she began

"No you don't get it" I said "I've lost a brother already, a baby brother and I can not lose you Aless cause you're the only thing left to me" I breathed out "I just need to keep you safe the way I couldn't keep him safe" I finished

"Car" she said "what happened to Andrea was not your fault and I am truly sorry that I was not here for it and that I couldn't come"

"It was the middle of a pandemic Aless it was not your fault" I said

"Neither was yours Carina" she said "what happened to Andrea is not to be blamed on you And I'm sorry cause I know I might have unlocked every flashback from that day"

I nodded as I remember her in that trauma room

"And Car I'm really sorry about that. But you need to know you're always keeping me safe. You always have, ever since we were little and I jumped into your bed when I had a bad dream" she smiled

I smiled as I remember her trotting into my room when she was 3 as she had a nightmare and crashing into my bed cuddling in my arms

"That's all I ever want to do Bella" I said "and I just can't do it when you're at work cause it's out of my hands"

"I know" she nodded as she hugged me tightly "and I'm sorry cause I know I can't make you feel any better but telling you that I swear I'll do my very best at staying safe Car"

"I know you try but it's your blood to do the dangerous stuff Aless. A month ago you literally jumped out of a window" I breathed out

"And I get how dangerous it was just, it was the least dangerous of the options" she said and she sighed "im sorry okay? But I promise I'll always try and make it home and stay safe"

"Just promise me I won't ever find out from someone else's phone call" I said "promise me you'll call me"

"I promise" she said burring herself into me in a hug

Jack's POV

I was excited and nervous for her to come back. I needed for her to be back in the sense of seeing her everyday and being close to her. But I was just worried, worried about something like this again worried about being close to losing her.

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