Chapter 2

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Nari and Jimin sat in the living room,
buying online everything the baby needed: clothes, diapers, soap, and other necessities.

"Jimin, can you check on Tae and the baby? Neither of them has eaten anything since this afternoon, and now it's getting late," Nari said with a worried expression.

Yep, the pills have arrived. I'll give them to Tae," Jimin said, While heading upstairs

Upon opening the gate, he melted like a candle at the sight before him, placing a hand over his mouth to stifle any 'aww' sounds.

Quickly retrieving his phone from his pocket, he captured the heartwarming scene of his brother and the baby.

He approached them, gently kissing baby Koo's forehead before turning to Tae.

"What's wrong?" Tae grumbled, prompting Jimin to bite his tongue and curse silently for waking the queen just by kissing him.

"Nothing. The pills have arrived. Today's dose is stronger since baby need milk and  the milk will start coming in 1-2 hours," Jimin explained, placing the pills on the side table.

Handing Tae the pill and a glass of water, Tae took a deep breath before swallowing it.

"Now, you only need to take the pill at night daily ," Jimin stated as he left the room.

Tae glanced at the baby, noticing the small frown on his forehead, perhaps due to not receiving milk as he continued to suckle.

Tae gently removed his boob  from Kook's mouth, which get red because of continuous  sucking , earning  a whine from the baby, which stopped when Tae began patting his small, adorable bumps.

In the hall,

"Nariiiiiiiiiiiii, Nariiiiiiiiiiiii!" Jimin yelled, running at his vampire speed through the kitchen and into the living room.

"Yessssss, Jiminnnnn! I'm in the garden," Nari yelled back, engaged in conversation with her husband, who wore a puzzled expression.

"Nariiiiiiiiii, looooooook!" Jimin stood in front of Nari, his excitement evident.

Raising her eyebrows, Nari glanced at the phone he shoved in her face. Confused, she looked from the phone to Jimin.

Growing annoyed, Jimin snapped, "Bitch, look at the photo."

Nari examined the photo, zooming in and out until her heart melted like beeswax, and she exclaimed loudly, "Awwwwwww!"

Turning to Jimin with a smug expression, he raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Told you, bitch."

"Nari, look what I've achieved! Finally, I can blackmail my devil of a brother," Jimin declared, laughing loudly.

"Jimin, my child, I'm so proud of you. I knew from the start that my Jimin was destined for greatness," Nari dramatically praised, sharing in Jimin's sense of accomplishment.

"Nari, now I'll take Tae's black card," Jimin said with a smirk.

"You already have a black card, Jimin," Nari reminded him.

"Fine, then I'll take Vamptech. I'll become the queen," Jimin declared evilly before laughing maniacally.

Nari rolled her eyes at Jimin's foolishness. "You're a fool," she remarked, flicking Jimin's forehead. He frowned and rubbed his forehead, sporting an angry pout.

"Why'd you do that?" Jimin whined, still massaging his forehead.

"I'm done with you," Nari declared, heading inside.

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