Chapter 37: A Wild Flower in the Beast World (17)

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The next day, Yan and his group of warriors returned wearily to the Howling tribe. Not only did they bring back many jars of salt, which was the main reason they went out to trade, but they also received various gifts from Fang, such as ceramics, animal skins, and dried meat. As they entered the familiar territory of their home, they were greeted by curious stares and whispered murmurs.

Yan was too embarrassed to talk about the Great Wolf clan, but his companions recounted their encounter with Hua and her new tribe. They spoke of the stone houses, the braided hair, and the air of prosperity surrounding them. They mentioned Patriarch Fang's invitation to join them, which promises a better life beyond the confines of their struggling tribe.

As they spoke, the crowd listened intently, their eyes widening with wonder and hope. Many of them had grown weary of the various intrigue in the Howling tribe, especially those who were close to Fang before.

"Where is this tribe located?" someone finally asked, breaking the silence that had settled over the group.

The warrior hesitated for a moment, considering his response and looked around hesitantly. "It's not far from here," he replied in a whisper, not wanting to get in trouble with Yan. "It's over there... then you turn here... after that... you got it?"

The crowd nodded in understanding. As they dispersed, whispers of excitement filled the air, mingling with the quiet rustle of the wind through the trees. 

Yan sat dejectedly in his living room, thinking about how much he had failed the tribe. Maybe it is better to join the Great Wolf clan instead.

At this time, Elise stormed into the cave, her frustration evident in every step she took. Her fists clenched at her sides as she barged in.

"Yan, what is this I hear about everyone wanting to move to Fang's side?" she asked, her voice laced with anger.

Yan met her gaze evenly, his expression calm but guarded. "They are doing so much better than us—so, so much better," he admitted, not bothering to sugarcoat the situation. Many are considering the offer. Even I have been thinking about it."

Elise's eyes flashed with disbelief and betrayal. "And what about me?" she demanded, her voice rising with emotion. "Am I just supposed to follow along blindly?"

Yan sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Elise, you know how difficult things have been for us here," he said gently. "Life in the Great Wolf clan is different. It's better. You can have the stone house you wanted and good food..."

But Elise hesitated, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. "But then we have to follow Hua and her family again," she argued, her voice wavering. "I don't want to be under their thumb any more. Here, at least, we have the control."

Yan hesitated. What sort of control does Elise mean? In his opinion, everything has been out of control since Fang left. 

However, facing his own mate, he sensed her reluctance and had to nod in understanding. "I understand, Elise," he said softly. "We'll talk more about this later, I promise."

With a heavy heart, Elise nodded, her anger subsiding slightly in the face of Yan's reassurance. 

Yan sat beside Elise, his mind swirling with thoughts. He glanced at Elise and thought about how Hua glowed with gentle light as she was expecting a child. There was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes before he finally mustered the courage to speak.

"Elise, do you ever think about having a baby?" he asked hesitantly.

Elise's eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden question. She hesitated for a moment, trying to mask her own internal turmoil. "I...I'm not sure," she replied evasively, hoping to divert the conversation elsewhere. "But speaking of the Great Wolf clan, have you heard about the rumours of Ember Rock?"

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