Chapter 74: The Sick and Weak School Flower (9)

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After the karaoke night, Hanae's social circle expanded to include not only Reika Inoue, her group and Kaito, but also Daichi and Hiroto. It was surprising at first, but for the students of Eikou Academy, a group of elite with high face value joined together, blinding their eyes. 

One crisp Saturday afternoon, Hua found herself at a cozy café in the heart of the city, surrounded by her friends. The café was renowned for its warm ambience, delicious pastries, and aromatic coffee, making it a favourite spot for local students. The large windows offered a view of the bustling street outside, where leaves in shades of amber and gold danced in the wind.

Reika was in the middle of telling a humorous story about one of their teachers when the doorbell chimed, signalling the arrival of more friends. Hanae looked up to see Kaito Watanabe, Hiroto Takahashi, and Daichi Ishikawa walk in, their presence instantly drawing attention. The three boys exuded confidence and charm, fitting seamlessly into the lively atmosphere of the café.

"Hey, guys!" Reika greeted them with a wave. "Over here."

Kaito smiled and nodded, leading the way to their reserved spot. As they settled in, Hua couldn't help but notice that the three guys attracted everyone's attention. Kaito, with his serious yet approachable demeanor, Hiroto with his laid-back charm, and Daichi with his infectious energy, brought a unique balance to their group.

"Thanks for saving us a spot," Kaito said, his gaze briefly meeting Hua's. "This place is always packed on weekends."

"It's one of the best cafés around," Aiko chimed in, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Their cheesecake is to die for!"

As the conversation flowed, Hua enjoyed the company more than she had anticipated. It was a stark contrast to her previous worlds, where she would spend many days by herself. The laughter, the shared stories, and the genuine warmth made her feel part of this world instead of just a tasker. This world is very peaceful, and there are no dangers at all, making Hua sometimes forget that she is not the real Hanae.

Meanwhile, Tatsuya Yamamoto watched from a distance. Outside the window, he observed the group with a mixture of longing and regret. His pursuit of Akane had not been going well. She seemed determined to keep her head low until graduation. She would find an excuse to leave whenever he approached, avoiding him like a plague.

He had just gone to Akane's family shop in the nearby shopping district. However, as soon as she saw him, she pushed him out directly and refused to talk to him.

Her parents looked at him suspiciously because of this, making his plan to get close to them futile.

Tatsuya's eyes lingered on Hanae and her friends, a pang of loneliness stabbing at his heart. He remembered a time when he was part of the group and had everyone's admiration. Now, he felt like an outsider, watching a world that no longer seemed to welcome him. Everyone seems to reject him and cannot tolerate him.

Not even Hanae.

Daichi, always perceptive, noticed Tatsuya's gaze. Leaning towards Kaito, he whispered, "Looks like someone's feeling left out."

Kaito glanced in Tatsuya's direction, his expression unreadable. "He brought this on himself," he replied quietly. "But I can't help but feel a bit sorry for him."

Daichi frowned slightly. "Maybe we should invite him over. The more the merrier."

Kaito glanced at the girls, who didn't notice at all, immediately shook his head and motioned him to keep quiet. 

Daichi pouted slightly, but remembering all the trouble Hanae had because of Tatsuya, he had to swallow his words.

As the afternoon wore on, their group decided to explore the nearby shops. The bustling streets were lined with boutiques, bookstores, and quaint souvenir shops. The crisp air was filled with the scents of roasted chestnuts and freshly brewed coffee, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

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