Chapter 31: A Wild Flower in the Beast World (11)

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The Howling Tribe buzzed with activity as news of the captured prisoner spread like wildfire. 

Jex, the grey wolf that had just been released from prison, followed the young guard slowly to the makeshift infirmary while his eyes scanned the tribe with a sharp and observant gaze. He took in his surroundings with keen interest. 

His eyes widened in surprise as he noted that besides Ling and Fang, he spotted another silver wolf in the tribe. It was a rare sight indeed. There weren't many wolves around anymore, but this tribe has three!

However, after he arrived at the infirmary, he was even more surprised. The two females who tended his wound and bandaged him were also wolves! There are actually five wolves in this tribe!

As Hua and Ren tended to him, Jex couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through him. He felt a sense of kinship and belonging that he had never experienced before.

When he thought about it, it was logical.

Their wolf clan is always led by a ruling couple, not just a wolf king. When there is a wolf king, there must be a wolf queen next to him.

Once his wounds had been treated, Jex retired for the night, his mind abuzz with thoughts of what the future held in store for him.

Meanwhile, Hua sought out Ling to discuss the recent turn of events. She listened intently as Ling told him what Patriarch Fang said and did, then voiced his concerns. 

Hua's brow furrowed with worry. Together, they mulled over whether Jex would know anything useful and what the tribe would do to the rest of the prisoners.

As the night wore on, a young guard who was guarding Brin and the others approached Yan to report. As he spoke about how Patriarch Fang introduced Ling as a wolf king, Yan's anger simmered beneath the surface. His thoughts were swirling with confusion and doubt. What did this mean for him and the rest of the tribe?

The group exchanged puzzled glances, confusion evident in their eyes. "What does that mean?" one of their friends asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, what is the big deal?"

"Yan, why did the Patriarch call that black wolf 'king'?"

Of course, Yan knew what it meant. The patriarch referred to the prophecy of their clan. This means the Patriarch believes that Ling is the chosen king who would lead their wolf clan to return from the brink of death.

However, he couldn't bring himself to explain this to his friends. His teammates always look up to him. What would they think if they knew that Ling was the king while he was nobody?

Behind him, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"That's just the silly belief of their wolf clan, a superstition." Kyro, a snake clan and a guest of the tribe, offered his insight calmly. His words served like a soothing balm to the group's frayed nerves.

"You know that there used to be a Great Wolf clan? Well, their clan became soft and lazy, creating various stupid traditions and silly stories to keep themselves busy. That was why they got destroyed."

Elise nodded in agreement, her gaze flickering to Kyro with awe. "He's right," she chimed in. "We shouldn't put too much care in their traditions."

Since Kyro had shown his healing abilities before, Elise started to like him, and they became friends. 

After Kyro hung out with her, he knew that Elise already had three mates, and Yan was one of them. Kyro was disappointed, but his eyes were set on this woman, so he didn't care.

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