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In deepest gloom,
I finally found you,
Gazing out the windows,
Of your room,
You point,
Asking me to look past the Darkness,
Do I see it out there,
Do I see the Light just ahead,
Blazing purple for all to see,
Lighting up the blackness-
All I've seen for months now.
I want to say yes,
I do see it,
The indigo light in the sky,
So bright I can see the stars again,
But all I see is cast in heinous shadows,
Filtered through the despair I feel outside,
And covered in blood,
I tell you "yes" anyways,
I do see your light,
And you smile, delighted.
I do not know if what you see,
Is a figment of your imaginings,
Or if you're able to look past the blackness,
And see something I'll never be able to;
A Light at the End of the World,
So little is well Outside,
And I hope for your sake,
That purple Light is real.

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