We're Done Here

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I know you from somewhere,
Perhaps from inside my nightmares and fears,
If I could just see past the tears,
Maybe I'd try to remember your face,
After all, your name is already etched into my brain,
I can sense you every day,
Even though I know you're not really here,
You refuse to leave me to my musings-
Or at least your shade does-
There's no room left for you,
And yet you push your way through anyways,
I don't want to remember,
That part of me you took away,
Better it be gone forever,
Than a constant reminder of my cowardice,
I want to hide inside myself,
But my thoughts provide no comfort,
So I turn to other things instead,
So I don't have to think about myself any longer,
And what all of this has done to me.
Your coy and oily smiles are not welcome here,
I wish I couldn't remember them at all,
That they'd become a blur in my mind,
Here but not,
Far enough away I don't have to see it,
Don't have to think about it,
The intruder in my thoughts,
That refuses to leave me completely,
You're too afraid of what you'll be without me,
That you've never considered how I hated being with you,
You never left me alone long enough,
To ponder the life I could have,
If I didn't hear you whispering to me out of the dark,
Spinning carefully written lies,
Telling me what I should do,
How I should do it,
Understand that I want you gone and leave!
You're not welcome here and you never were,
Take a hint and go,
I don't care where,
Just any place but with me,
If I feel by my side again,
I will scream,
I want to be left alone for once,
With just my own voice in my mind,
I don't want to hear you,
Speaking to me,
Of all we could be together,
Because I already know and hate it,
Tell your sob story to someone who's stupid enough,
To listen,
I'm done here,
Done with you forever,

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