November 12, 1893 (Augustus Wheeler's Diary) [continued...]

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With a light heart I walked towards the road, to which Jeremy had objected. As the path began, an old and dilapidated nameplate on the side caught my sight. On it was written, "Welcome to Ravenrose". Finally! It was a great relief. And so, if Ravenrose is there, the lake must be somewhere near according to Kingsley's map. Now begins the real journey as the forthcoming lake must be crossed to reach my destined place, Castle Varcolus.

Saw the time, it was around 9:34 A.M. The cloud in the sky, looked like a dark veil, protecting the Eye of the Heaven. The snowy path, the windy weather and the dense forest alongside, oh I really cannot express how mesmerising it was. A picturesque of hopeless romanticism, waiting for eternity, longing to be loved. This reminded me of a line from Wordsworth's poem:

"She dwelt among the untrodden ways, besides the spring of Dove, a Maid whom there were none to praise, and very few to love..."

There was not the slightest reason, that I could see, for Jeremy's objection. And I daresay I trampled for a couple of minutes without thinking about time or distance, and certainly without seeing any person or a house. So far as the place was concerned, it was isolation itself. It struck me that it was considerably colder than it had been at the commencement of my walk. Could be due to the great thick clouds drifting rapidly across the sky. There were signs of coming storm in some lofty stratum of the air. So I walked faster. While walking, I realised something that I saw in the beginning of the path, but did not notice. There were not any single footprints of any human. Nor there were any footprints of horses or any tyre marks of carriages. Do people never come here? How can they disown such beauty? And all that, for some stupid superstition. But there is nothing I can do to change their mind. But, not getting the sight of any footprints, tensed me. As it means, there is no one to help me cross the lake. But still went on, hoping that I would find someone. I further went on looking for footprints of people and tyre marks, but couldn't see a single one, instead, I found something else, and on the very first glance, it felt as if the cold wind blew through my body. There were paw prints of wolf. Not a pair, but many, which means, there are many wolves around here. And the most terrific part was that, the prints were fresh. The wolves come out of the forest and roam around this area. And here I am, all alone by myself, without any weapons. The prints were scattered here and there. I understood, it was a bad idea to come here alone. But what could I do now. I cannot go back and ask for help, the only was that I move forward and successfully cross the lake. So I walked as fast as I can.

As I was walked further, I felt something strange. No, I was not carried away by the villager's superstitions but, it felt as if, someone was following me. As I stopped and looked back, there came a cold shiver in the air, and the snow began to fall. Darker and darker grew the sky, allowing almost no amount of sunlight. I looked around myself, but saw none. Maybe I was thinking too much. To be honest, now the atmosphere around me, scared me a bit. I have walked a lot of distance, where is the lake? Have I lost my way? This thought continually stressed me out, and just when I thought that I might be in trouble, I heard something which is the last thing I would have wanted to hear at that moment. From somewhere far, a wolf howled. Oh God! I made a huge mistake. I should have listened to Jeremy, and not come here alone. I cannot go back now, I am in the middle of this snowy horror. Felt very hard to hold my nerve strong. The wind must have grown colder, for I felt myself shiver as I walked forward, blindly following my instincts. Just when, I stopped, for there was something behind the trees and bushes. Wolves. It must be them. It is their place, their home. But why am I here? To build a hotel? In this place? The beauty of which I was admiring a while ago, and now it has transformed into a horror. It could be my last day in this world. As, I heard wolves lurking behind the trees. They have seen me, and most probably waiting for their other pack members. All of this for a hotel? No, no, I was stupid. I should have listened to those villagers, and Jeremy. They warned me, and I ignored. And now the only way to survive is, to find the lake and hopefully, someone who can drag me out through this place. The only thing I have now, is hope.

I ran as fast as I could. While running, for a few moments I looked sideways, towards the forest path, and all I could see was, pairs of bright yellow flames. They were looking at me. Probably laughing at me watching me run, as they know, they can outrun me anytime, any moment they want. But I did not stop, until I was relieved. There was the lake. Yes! I found the lake. I stopped by the lake, and was panting. Just when I was relieved thinking that I can come out of this terror, the terror itself came towards me. The vicious beasts have arrived to devour me. The wolves, came out from behind the trees and the bushes. Their eyes, oh God, I will never forget them. Their eyes were bright yellow, as if they were burning, fueled by rage. One, two, three, I don't know how many were there. Slowly moved forward towards me. I became numb, as they growled. Their drooling mouth expressed their hunger, and more than that, their rage. I retreated but hit a rock and fell down, drowned in a paroxysm of fright. Now, in front of me, was death itself. I stared at the nearest wolf's eyes. Don't remember for much long. At that moment, the only thought that came to my dreaded mind, was about Julia. She would never know what happened with me. For her, it would have been my sudden disappearance. And she will have to spend the rest of her life with this regret. The only witness would have been my diary, if it ever reached her.

All this thoughts surrounded me, as the wolf came near me. This is when I realised, these wolves are of much bigger size, than I know. But does it matter anyway? As the wolves came near me, I tried to shout, but, I could not. I understood, this is my last moment. But then something unusual happened. A perfect tornado burst upon me, as dark fog covered me up from behind. The ground shook as though thousands of horses thundered across it, and at this time, the wolves moved back, in a hurried manner. They saw something, or someone, behind me. I was numb, but all of a sudden, in these hurried events, I regained my consciousness and turned back. There I saw a figure. A tall and well built figure, amidst the dark fog. The wolves retreated and ran away from where they came. They behaved as if they were not wolves, rather frightened cats, who fear their master. As the dark figure moved towards me and lend the hand for me to get up, I realised he was a man. Wore a long black cape, but why is he surrounded with such fog. I didn't have the energy to think all of this. So I held his hand and stood up. I swear I have never held someone's hand so cold and rough. As I stood up, that man looked at me and said, "Do not worry. Come this way, you shall see the boat." Saying this, he turned back and began to walk. I followed him. I had no other option. He took me to the boat, and said, "We shall head towards our place, so sit comfortably, Mr. Wheeler."

"Lord Lazarus?", I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "I don't know how to thank you, Lord Lazarus. You saved my life. You gifted me back my life. If you had not come, I would not be able to escape alive. I owe you my life." On hearing this, he laughed. His laughter sounded like a muffled thunder. He rowed the boat. But as he began to row, it felt as if the dark fog, and a musty smell covered our boat. It did not go away as we sailed, rather it grew slowly. At a point, the musty smell, and the foggy environment became nauseous for me, so much, that I fainted. I do not remember what happened all the way along. All I remember after that was, when I woke up, I was lying on a massive and majestic looking bed, and by my side stood Lord Lazarus. He smiled at me and said, "Good morning, Mr. Wheeler." I looked around myself, not knowing where I am. Seeing this, he calmy said, "Ah, do not be afraid, you are in Castle Varcolus."

That day and the next day too, I caught high fever. Lord Lazarus said it was because of the intense fright, that I experienced that day. Couldn't agree more. And maybe I am thinking too much, but one thing, that I noticed is, even being inside the castle, the musty smell and somewhat the dark fog, follows Lord Lazarus, wherever he goes.

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