07 ] little things

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15th of December.

The next day, I decided that I needed to get my life together before starting a new chapter in my life. I needed to write new schedules and meticulously plan out what my life would look like. As much as it seems like a chore, I do enjoy it.

After my little life clutteration session, I decided to go to the grocery store and buy some essentials.

I need to clear my mind before work on Monday. The thought of a new chapter or perhaps a new whole book in my life got me to my feet, and a burst of motivation ran over me.

House is clean, mentality and physicality are stable, new environment, and new schedules..

On my way to the store, I spot a familiar face in the same section. Is that...phil? I quickly hide in a corner watching him....is he....with... a child?

I never knew he was married. I know I don't know much bout my brother's friends, but I didn't expect it to be Foden, who is married and with a kid.

I stay in the corner spying on him, awaiting the arrival of his wife. I assumed she'd be there, but it seemed to be only the little guy.

I decided to ignore it and continue shopping for my stuff. "Riley?" I hear a disturbing voice behind me as I grab a drink from the fridge.

I look behind me to be met with the one and only Phil Foden.

"Oh, hi- "

"Daddy, who is she?" The little lad asks. He's like a mini Phil.

"That's Riley, she's...a friend of mine," he says, leaning down to the little kid as I wave to him.

"I never knew you were in a relationship and had a son," I state, looking at the older male.

"Oh, no, we... aren't together anymore. I just have him." He says, standing up and scratching his nape.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't -.." I apologize.

"No need," he says. "By the way, congrats on the job acceptance."

"Thank you, I wouldn't have done it without you and sabrina." I thank him.

"It's nothing, just helping a friend." He smiles brightly as a ringing sound emerges from his pocket. "Oh, can u stay with Ronnie for a second?" Phil then leaves.

"Mhm," I answer, looking at the little guy admiring the sweets on the shelf in front of him. So he called him Ronnie, huh?

I kneel down so I can be the same height as him. "Hi," I say, trying to be friendly.

He looks at me and then looks away. "Are you Daddy's girlfriend?" He asks.

"Huh- oh no no. He's a friend." I say, pulling my hair to the back. This kid, man.

"Do you like M&M's?" I ask since he's staring at all the sizes and kinds in front of him. He nods.

"Which one is your favorite?" I ask, trying to keep the convo. Am I really struggling to make a conversation with a little kid?

"The yellow one. Peanuts, " he answers. "But Daddy doesn't allow me to have more than one a week."

"Ohh, did he buy you this week?" I ask Ronnie, looking around for Phil. The little kid shakes his head as if a no.

I whisper something in his ears, grab the 3 yellow M&M packets, stand up, and go to the cashier. I give it to him with a smile on my face.

I could literally see the sparkle in his eyes.
Phil then came by putting his phone in his pocket. "Sorry bout that,"

"Daddy! Look what Riley got me!" The mini Phil Foden says, running to his father.

"Oh, you didn't have to, I was going to buy it for him anyway," Phil says, looking at his son.

"It's the least I can do, really," I say, standing up from my prior position. "Well, I better get going, long day ahead."

"Bye, rileyy!" The little kid exclaims as he comes to hug me. M&M's sure is the way to a kid's heart, huh?

I wave at him as I turn around but hear a deeper voice. "Riley, uh...thanks again"

"It's nothing, I should be thanking you. see you, Foden. " I say as I emphasize on you.

I can feel my face getting abit heated up. Is it because of the sun? Its not that warm today, though.

I wave once more, grab a few things, and walk myself to the cashier.

Timeskip :

Reaching my house, I make my way up the stairs to my apartment and sit down to unwind.

I decided to treat myself to some much-needed relaxation, and I turned on my favorite show, hoping to forget all my worries.

As I settle in, my phone beeps with a notification; it's a text message from Phil, thanking me for helping to keep Ronnie occupied while he was out. I smile to myself and respond, saying that it's totally okay and that it is the least I can do.


16th of December.

it's the game day. It has been a long time since I last came to watch Jack play, so this was really exciting. I open my closet and grab some light blue flair jeans and a long-sleeved white skinny shirt. 

Where did I put my earrings....

I hear my phone buzz from my bed. I grab my phone and my myself comfortable.


Bbg 🫶

sent 11:25

Good morning to you, too
Im almost done
Dw dw, i won't forget you
Sent 11:27

You better. Btw get my phone charger with you it's on the counter.
Sent 11:28

Sent 11:28


I put my phone on my stationary and looked for Kayla's charger. "On the counter"... I recall.
There is absolutely nothing on the counter. Ugh.

I spent the next for minutes looking for the charger until I finally found it....UNDER THE COUCH. Im so going to kill Kayla for this. I did notice she kept spamming the phone since I was 'late', but it was her fault.

I grab my coat, finalize the outfit, and yeet myself outside the apartment building.


"Care to explain why you were so late and left me spamming?" She says as she gets into the car with a smirk on her face.

I smile to myself and look at her. "Care to explain why your charger was under the couch?" I say back.

"Ohhhhh," she says, understanding the situation. "Care to explain why you didn't text me when you couldn't find it because I could've just told you to leave it and come?"

"Care to explain why you make me your Uber driver even though you have like 3 cars and can literally buy yourself a driver?" I retort back.

She looked at me defeated, and then we both burst out laughing.




Word count: 1163

The Foden Factor | A Phil Foden FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now