Hide and Seek

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Spring break was finally here! Time to sit back and not think about memorizing lines or having to come up with random songs and random genres. I can sit back and relax with my best friends!

"Mikayla. I have something to tell you." Claire said. Claire is my best friend. We have been close since kindergarten. Her family moved to LA when we were in the 8th grade but we always kept in touch. When I finally got accepted into Gifted Talent, my school, I knew I could turn to her for my last 2 years of high school.

"What?" I sit up. I was resting on the couch watching TV when she came in.

"You know Jason Bigby?" She said biting her lips. Like, duh, the guy she has been dreaming about all year. I nod in anticipation. "He asked me out today! EEEEEE!" She starts to squeal.

"EEEEEEE! I can't BELIEVE it! You have been dying for him to ask you out for as long as I can remember!" I shriek.

"I know," she places her hands on her heart and melts into the couch. "He is just so dreamy and now he is mine!"

"Aww. Claire Bear found a boyfriend!" Luke said as he walked into the room, teasing her. "I hope he isn't imaginary." He says in a baby voice.

"Ugh. Shut up, Luke. You always ruin everything." Claire and Luke are more like brother and sister. Watching them, you could swear they were related somehow.

Luke walks over and sits by me. He gives me a hug from behind. "You don't think I ruin everything, do you, Kayla?" He says as he rests his head on my shoulder.

I open my mouth to speak but Claire cut me off, "of course she doesn't. She's been obsessed with you since she got here." Claire's eyes grew big once she said it, realizing she just revealed something she shouldn't have. I glared at her ready to attack. "I mean, ya know, since y'all became besties and all. Haha ha ha. YEAH MOM? Whoops, mom is calling me. Gotta go!" She starts to get up and I stand up as well.

"Mom didn't call you." I say heavily while folding my arms in anger. "You're just trying to escape." I can hear Luke snickering behind me. "And what are you laughing at, sir." I say as I look down at him. Claire took this as an opportunity to run. "THERE IS NOWHERE YOU CAN RUN WHERE I WONT FIND YOU, CLAIRE!" I yell, shaking my hand like an old man telling kids to get off his lawn.

"Sit down, Kayla. You need a break." Luke says as he grabs my hand and makes me sit. "So, you have been obsessed with me, huh?" He says while he puts his pointed finger under his chin and raises his eyebrow at me.

I push him. "In your dreams, Lukey Lou." I giggle. But, it's true. He's just so cute and he treats me like a Queen even though we are just besties.

Luke laughs then glares at me in a way that made me shudder. "What have I told you about that, little girl." My heart started to beat fast. The last time he called me little girl, the tickling incident happened. "You need to learn some manners."

"NO!" I shot up and ran upstairs to get away from him. I looked behind me and he was close.

"Ohhh, Kayla! There is no where that you can run." He says as he reaches out to grab my shirt but I quickly picked up the pace to where he couldn't. He stops midway on the stairs and I turn around to face him from the top of the stairs. "Okay, fine. Let's play a game. You know it all to well. Hide and Seek."

"Okay, I'll bite, what are the rules?" I say panting.

"I'll go back to the couch and count to 30. You will go hide anywhere you want upstairs. If I find you though, you get tickled for 30 minutes." My stomach turned. He knows this house a whole lot better than I do. "But, if I can't, then no tickles for you. Simple and easy." He shrugs.

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