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"Okay, class, I want you to create a song. It doesn't matter what genre song you choose just as long as it is your own creation. If you want to make it in the music business then you have to know songwriting! Get started!" Mrs. Green, our music teacher, spoke.

If you have forgot, I go to a performing arts school. That's why I live with my best friend, Claire, right now. I love when she gives us free rein to create whatever music we want. Mrs. Green is like my mom away from my mom. She has helped me through A LOT when I moved here.

Claire was in my class and so was SHE... Raina Wilson. She is the girl who bullied me when I first moved here. Oh and a bonus... she was Luke's girlfriend at the time. He dumped her once he realized how evil she could really be. "Hi, Mikayla!" Raina says as she walks over.

I roll my eyes, "Hi, Raina. What do you want?"

She acts defensive, "I just came over to say hi! No reason to be snarky." I roll my eyes at her again. "Well, I heard you and Luke are a thing now." There it is.

Claire laughed at her, "Wow, you just heard that? Well that's odd considering they have been going out for 2 months now." Claire hates Raina just as much as I do. If I'm being honest, I took Luke and Claire from Raina. When I came here, Claire and Raina were best friends, but again when Claire found out how evil she really was, she got dumped!

"Oh, shut it, Claire. I didn't think it was going to last but now that it has, I just want to prepare you for a few things." This ought to be good. "He's a little clingy and won't let you have any guy friends. He can be really high maintenance and likes his girls to look pretty all of the time. So, if you need help with any makeup or anything, I'm your girl." She beamed while her little minions at their table snickered.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't need help from a troll who needs makeup to be beautiful. I haven't worn makeup once and somehow I have Luke. So, if you would excuse me, I would like to get back to my work. Get out of my face, Raina." She glared at me as she began to walk away. This girl really doesn't know when to quit.


At lunch, Luke and Holt caught up to us and we sat down together. Luke kissed my cheek and told me he'd be right back. He gets my lunch for me everyday, he's so cute. But, guess who decided to show up, again. "Aww. That was adorable, Mikayla. He really acts like he likes you." I roll my eyes so hard that they almost got stuck.

Claire looked her up and down. "You know what I find cute, Raina? The fact that you are so OBSESSED with their relationship that you're stalking them. Get lost." Claire goes back to her lunch as she rolls her eyes. I giggle a little.

"Haha. Yeah that's sooo funny!" Raina says in her fake cheery girl voice. "You two are big losers." She tried to walk away but Luke caught her.

"Oh, hey, Raina. Fancy seeing you here." He says. I try to hide my smile because I know what's about to happen.

Raina turns back around and flips her hair, flirtatiously. "Hey, Lukey Poo! I missed you! I was just saying hi to your cute little girlfriend." She tries to walk towards him with open arms.

I start to get up, ready to punch her daylights out when Luke puts his hand on my shoulder, telling me that he's got this. He puts his hand up to stop her, "Don't come any closer, Raina. I heard you call my girlfriend and my best friend losers. I bet the only reason you're trying to bully them, again, is because you realize this relationship will last between us. So, doesn't that make you the loser? The girl who still follows up on a guy that doesn't give any cares about her? Well, then I guess it does. Stay away from my girlfriend! Oh and by the way, Claire told me everything. Mikayla will always be 10x more prettier than you. She doesn't have to work for my attention, she always has it. There will be NOTHING that makes me not want to be with her. So get lost, Raina."

I was so proud of him and he made me blush like crazy. He sat down and pulled me into a long kiss. The whole cafeteria cheered as Raina and her wannabes stormed off. "That was really hot." I say to him.

"It was all true. I got you, Kay." I smile as we eat our lunch and talk about school.


Back home, Claire's mom was waiting for us. "I got a phone call from Rainas mother. She said all of you attacked her?" Claire and I looked at each other and started laughing! We couldn't help it.

"Mom, that is gold! Let me tell you what really happened." Claire says.

We fill her in on what REALLY happened and her mom was furious. "That woman made it seem like Mikayla started it all and it went downhill from there. That's it, she's getting a piece of my mind. Sorry girls." With that, she storms off while screaming into the phone.

"Raina is really trying to be relevant in our lives, Claire." I say pulling out my homework for music class.

"I know. I thought we got rid of her 6 months ago. Hey, do you know if Holt and Luke are coming over today?" She asks. Claire has been hiding something from Holt for a while now and she's still not ready to tell him about it. She tries her best to avoid him, but we're all best friends. It's kind of hard to avoid a guy who comes over all the time.

"Just Luke today. We want to spend alone time, well I do. I'm trying to write my song, but I only do my best work when he's around." I blush.

"I totally get it, I'll be in my room. See ya later." She waves and I sit on the couch waiting for Luke.

About 20 minutes have passed and he's still not here. I'm so nervous because today is the day. I'm going to tell Luke how I feel about him. How I REALLY feel. My palms are sweating like crazy and my heart is racing. I don't know if I can do this. I start to whip out my phone to tell him never mind when I hear a knock on the door. I froze. Should I open it? What if he doesn't feel the same way and I ruin the best relationship I've ever had? Oh my God! What should I DO!?

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Authors note: sorry there is no tickling in this chapter, I'm setting up something for Mikayla and Luke to finally say the three magic words! I promise it will be in the next chapter! Thank you for reading and thank you so much for over 500 reads!

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