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Claire's POV

I begged with Mikayla, but she was clearly very mad and upset for good reason. When Luke and her walked into the house it left me with Holt. "So, Claire Bear, not cool." He shook his head at me.

"What! You guys have been tormenting me since the 8th grade!" I shouted. "She's been here 6 months and now I am 'not cool'." I roll my eyes and pout. I know I didn't do the right thing but these two were tickling masters. They made Mikayla go silent. I've know her since Kindergarten and we used to tickle each other all the time. She was a tough cookie to crack, but they can do it in minutes.

"Hey, that's not the point. You were supposed to be her friend. Tsk tsk. What are we going to do with you, Bear?" He walks away slowly. Ugh. It's not that serious. But, I felt a familiar shudder across my back. I hope it's not what I think it is.

I walk back into the house to find my mom glaring at me. "Come here, little missy." I walk over to my mom defeated. "I saw what happened out there. You let poor Mikayla get tormented by the crazy boys." Holts mom, Mrs. Linda, put her arms out to protest. "Oh stop it, Linda, you know they are." Mrs. Linda folded her arms back and continued glaring at me. "Claire. You have seen what your father can do to me. We live in a tickling family. We live the tickling life. Mikayla is sort of new to all of this! You should have protected her. I just hope you are prepared for sweet sweet revenge." I gasp.

"Re-re-revenge." I gulp. The boys are masters at it and Mikayla knows every spot that exists on my body. I shudder at the thought.

"Claire, you act like you wouldn't plot revenge on Mikayla if she did the same thing to you." My mom said.

"No, I would accept the fact that she didn't want to be tickled and move on from it." I say weakly. I look up and see my mom giving me the 'I don't believe your crap' look. "Okay, fine. I have it coming."

"Go get packing, sweetie. And hope they don't start before the trip!" My mom sipped some wine and giggled.

I walked glumly up the stairs, terrified about what can be waiting for me at the top. Mikayla walks out of her room laughing and catches a glimpse of me. "I know, I deserve every ounce of revenge you give me. I should have helped you and I was wrong. I'm really sorry, Mikayla."

She cocked her head at me with a confused look on her face. "Revenge? That was a joke Claire. I could never get revenge on you." I look dumbly at her. What? She just said outside she would. "Look, Holt told me what they put you through and it was basically what they did to me. But, it was on a regular basis. I'm just now coming into all of this and you have been dealing with it for 2 years. I get it." She shrugs with a warm smile.

"So... we're good?" I ask, pleading. She nods her head and gestured for me to come to her room. I walk up the stairs and we hug each other. "I have to start packing." I say.

"For sure, I just wanted your opinion on something." I shrug and walk into the room. "I have never been to Disney before and I can't choose between these two shirts." I look on the dresser and immediately my face grows hot. The shirt read in black and white with a finger pointing at me "GOT YA!"

Next thing I know, I feel 4 hands grab at me and slam me on the bed. "Nohohoho. You said no reveeennnggeee."

Mikayla smirked and did a sideways shrug "I lied. Alright boys. Pin her down. Holt you get the arms and Luke you get the feet. Let's start this party." In a swift motion I was bound to my friends, unable to move. "Hmmm. Where should I tickle you first?" Mikayla asked while lightly scratching my exposed belly. This made me giggle a little. "I haven't even started! This is going to be a while, so buckle up, buttercup!"

Mikayla hops onto my waist and is still lightly scratching my skin, making me giggle like an idiot. The next thing I knew she dug her fingers into my sides and I let out a loud shriek! "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO ANYTHING BUHUHUHUHUHUT THEHEHEHEHEHE BELLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEY!" I try to buck but Luke held on tight to my ankles.

"Awww. Who's the ticklish girl now, you are. Yes you are." She taunts. This for some reason makes it tickle more. "I have a surprise for you, buttercup. Holt, go ahead." As if turned on by a switch, Holt started attacking my armpits making me scream out in ticklish agony. "Oo oo. One more. Attack her feet, Luke!" Luke let out a 'yes ma'am' and immediately started scratching my soles.

I tried my best to kick him off and squirm away but it was no use. I was screaming at the top of my lungs before it was no sound coming out of me. That's when they finally stopped. "Now you know how it feels, little miss! That's how much they tormented me. Til I couldn't breath or make a peep. Revenge is sweet." She taunts.

"Okay, little girl, enough with the rhyming!" Luke groaned as they all got off of me. Just like Mikayla I was left in a fit of giggles still feeling their fingers all over me. But one thing is for sure, it was fun!

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