Orlando Trip: Part 2

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Once we finally got to Orlando and settled into our hotel rooms, Claire ran off with Holt. I laid in my hotel bed wondering what they were up to. Were they finally into each other? Whatever. I'm just going to lay here and drift off to sleep.......

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*. I got up from a groggy slumber and checked my phone. I only was asleep for about 15 minutes before this jerk woke me up. I opened the door and Luke just barges in. "Please, come on in!" I say sarcastically.

"Sorry, Kay, I'm just weirded out!" He's pacing the floor at this point.

I walk back over to my bed and sit down. "I clearly can see that. What's the problem?"

He walks to me face to face and says, "Holt and Claire. They have been gone for 15 minutes and he just up and left me. I don't understand what's going on between those two. Do you think Claire finally likes him back? Does that really happen to people like us? Where we fall for our friends?" He's in full panic mode and I gulp. I was wondering the same things.

Claire comes into the room and without a word she drags Luke away. "Hey! Where are you guys going?" I shout.

"Sorry, Mikayla, their mom wants them. I'll be right back!" She pulls them out.

I get up to go and talk to Claire's mom but no one is in the room. That's odd, I thought, I swear everyone was just here! I shrug it off and go back to my bed and turn on some TV. After about 20 minutes, Claire comes back in and grabs me too. "Come on, my mom wants you."

"Okay, I can walk myself, Claire." I pull away from her grip. I walk into the room of The Myers and when I lift my head I am surprised. Right there was Luke surrounded by rose petals and all of my favorite flowers. "W-what's going on?" I stammer.

Luke took a big deep breath. "Mikayla, I don't know why this looks like a proposal, but," everyone giggles and I put my hand over my mouth, gushing at the thought of all of this. "You are my very best friend."

"Hey!" Claire says and everyone laughs.

"Shh. I'm speaking." More giggles escape into the room. "I am crazy about you Mikayla. I love the way you laugh and the way you want to make other people laugh. I love the way you lose yourself in music and in your acting. I love the way you want to help so many people. I especially love the way you make me feel, and that's happy all the time." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "You are so perfect and I want nothing more than to be your boyfriend. So will you please, be my girlfriend?" He says with his arms open inviting me for a hug.

I run to him and jump in his arms. I give him the biggest kiss. I have waited a long time for this and it's finally happening. I'm feeling sparks fly. I release the kiss and all I hear is awwwwww. "I would love to be your girlfriend, you idiot!" More awwwws. "But, one condition." He looks at me worried, "No more tickling!"

Laughter fills the room and he smirks at me, holding me at my waist. "No way! It's too cute watching your smile plaster on your face!"

I shrug, "Well, a girl has gotta try!" I hug him deeply and all I hear is applause. Luke was right, this was set up like a stinking proposal.

Mrs. Linda walks over to me and she says, "Welcome to the family, you're gonna hate it!" She laughs as she rubs my back.

"Mom!" Luke exclaims.

"I don't think it'll be too bad, Mrs. Linda." She looks at me basically telling me 'you just wait'.

"Okay, okay, enough of the love fest, who is ready to hit the water park!?" Claire's mom exclaims!

We all say "YEAH" and go to our rooms to get changed.

Once we were back in the room, Claire gave me a huge hug. "I am so happy for you two! I told you he liked you!" I blush hard. "You know, I did squeal to Holt."

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