Feel better

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Claire's POV

We are finally back from our crazy Orlando trip. My two closest friends were finally dating and now I could finally see my boyfriend. I decided to test it out with Jason and see if we could be a perfect match. Mikayla and Luke were already out on their date so I had to trust my outfit was perfect.

Jason picked me up and we went to a near by park. "Wow, Jason, it's really pretty here." I say shyly.

"Yeah, it's great. I love the way the trees rustle in the wind. The sound is pretty beautiful." He says.

"Well, are going to have a picnic or... what are we doing here?" I ask.

"No. I thought we could just hang." He shrugs and takes my hand to sit with him under this big oak tree. "Wow, the sun is really glistening on you." He says biting his lip. He leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back.

Oh wow. This guy is a great kisser but a terrible date maker. Maybe next time I should plan it. Maybe to a nice restaurant or an amusement park. I love rollercoasters and I could be there—. My thoughts got cut off when I felt him try to wiggle up my shirt. "What the hell are you doing?" I say.

"Come on. Don't be weird about it, let's keep kissing." He tries to pull me back in.

I push his hand off of me and stood up. "Did you just bring me here to make out and feel me up!"

He looks dumbfounded. "Well, yeah. I thought you were cool." He says angrily.

I look around and I see other girls that go to my school. They are all giggling and watching. My eyes start to burn. "Is this your glamours make out tree. You brought me here just like you did other girls!" I am fuming. "I thought you liked me."

He starts to get up. "I did like you, when I thought you were cool. This is lame, I'm out." He walks away from me leaving me there to be laughed at by other girls. I'm officially crying at this point.

I race home and run up stairs. I heard my mom call after me but I ignored her. I slammed my door and fell on to my bed, finally able to let all of the tears out. A few moments go by and I hear my mom come in. "Ohh, honey. What's happened. Did the date not go well." My says softly as she picks me up onto her lap.

"No, mom. All he wanted to do was make out and try to feel me up. I got up once I realized what he was doing and confronted him. He blew me off and walked away. I was humiliated. A bunch of girls saw and were laughing at me. I hate him." I continue to bawl into my mom's chest as she shushes me.

My mom is petting my head and she's calming me down. "I know it hurts. I'm so sorry that jerk did that to you. You want me to get dad on him?" She says and I giggle as I shake my head. "I know someone who can make you feel better than I can. Wait here." My mom gets up and leaves the room.

I grabbed my phone off my night stand and text Mikayla.

It was the worst date of my life. Jason was such a pig!

Kay Kay:
I'm so sorry girlie. Luke and I will be home in an hour. Can you manage til then? You can tell me all about it!

Yeah. Thanks Kayla.

Kay Kay:
Love you! See you soon and we can eat all the ice cream you want.

I put my phone back down and I heard a knock on my door. "Hey, Claire Bear. Your mom told me what happened. Are you okay." It was Holt and I was so happy to see him.

I crawl off my bed to go hug him tight. "Thanks for coming for me. You're the best." I let him go and we sit on the bed together.

"I'll do anything to make you smile, Claire Bear. Now, where does this jerk live so I can pound his lights out." I giggle and fall back onto the bed. "Are you sure you're okay, Claire?" He asks softly.

I feel the tears come back and I hide my face in my hands. He rolls over to make me move my hands and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry like this, I was just so humiliated."

He smirked at me. "You know what can help with that." No! No no no! He climbs on top of me, "This is for your own good, Claire Bear." He starts to pinch my side and I let out a big squeal.

He starts to spider my ribs up and down and I tried to block his fingers. "Nohohoho. No tihihihckless!"

"Oh, no! You're not laughing hard enough. I have to bring out the big guns." He rushes over to grab something from my closet and comes back. "Close your eyes." I close them like an idiot.

The next thing I felt were handcuffs go on one hand. I try to fight it. "Wait! Nooo! No! Let me go Holt!!" It's no use. I am bound to the bed and he laughs at me. "Holt, plehehehease nohoho"

"Sorry, princess, you brought this on yourself. I have to see your smile one way or another."

He started to dig into my sides with both hands and I let out a loud laugh. "AHHHH! HOOOHOHOHOHLT!!" All I can do is kick and scream. He stops tickling me for a minutes while he slowly sits back further on my legs. My eyes grew big when I realized what he was doing. He smirked at me and quickly went to pinching my inner thighs and I scream so loud! "NOHOHT MYHAHAHAHAHA THIHIHIHHOGHS! NOHOHOHO! AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOH OHOHOHOKAHAHAHAY! I FEHEHEL BEHEHETER."

He stops for a second. "I don't think you do. Your face isn't that shade of red I love. Let's see what these toes can do."

I start to kick harder. "No, Holt, not thereehehe." He doesn't care. He straddle my foot in his arm and started to scribble on them. "AHAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOP! NOOHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHO!" He stops abruptly and runs over to my dresser. I couldn't see what he grabbed but I was terrified. "What are you do-IHHIHIHNG! AHHHH WHAHAHAT THEHEHEHE HELLLL!" I am thrashing in my restraints. Holt grabbed  hairbrush and rubbed my feet hard with it sending me into ticklish hell!

After about 5 minutes on my feet he gives me a quick break. I am trying to catch my breath when he climbs on my hips. "Big finish, big smiles!" He taunts.

He starts to tickle my ribs and my sides hard and I couldn't help but scream! "AHAHAHHAHA! IHIHIVE HAHAHAHAHAD ENOUHUHUHUHUHGH!!!" He smirks and did the finale. He tickled one pit with one hand and tickled the other with a brush. I have never felt so much tickle agony! "STOOHIHOHOHP STOP IT STOP IT! HAHHAHAHAHAHA! THIS IHIHIS HEHEHEHEHEHELLLL! HEHEHEHELP!!! AHHHHHHHH!" He continues this for a couple more minutes before releasing me. All I could do was hold my sides and get the last bit of giggles out.

He walks over to my mini fridge and grabs me a drink. I quickly drown in it. "Feel better?" He says with a bright smile.

"Much." I smile back. "Thanks, Holt." He gives me a hug and we lay in my bed and talk until Mikayla and Luke get back.

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