The Date

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Mikayla's POV

Luke texted me this morning and told me he was going to take me on a proper date. We spent the whole trip to Orlando together but we were constantly surrounded by family. I'm really excited to get some alone time with my boyfriend. Wow I love saying that! Luke is my boyfriend. Chills!

Luke picked me up an hour later and told me it was all a surprise. I was so excited because if Orlando taught me anything it's that Luke is incredibly romantic. He bought me flowers and brought them to my room every morning and told me he wanted to find more ways to see my smile. He's so freaking perfect!

"Are you ready for a great date, Kay Kay?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes! Lay it on me!" I am so giddy. We drove to this building that had roller skates on it. "We're going skating! I miss skating, I used to do this everyday in Michigan." I said.

"I know. I knew you would love it. The best part is they have bowling in there too. So I can kick your butt in a skate race and on the alley!" He chuckled.

I gave him my "bring it" eyes. He laughed some more and leaned in and gave me a soft long kiss. Every time we kissed I felt the world disappear. I swear I could hear music too. "Come on, let's go see who the real loser is!" I raced out of the car to the front door. A couple of seconds later, he popped up next to me. "Ha! One Kayla, zero Luke!"

He grinned at me and pushed me playfully, "I didn't know we were racing, that's a foul missy!"

I giggled. "Okay. If you're a sore loser, just say that." He gave me dagger eyes and I giggled some more. "Come on, Luke, can we go in now?"

"The quicker the better. I have to knock you down a few pegs." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building. Luke paid for our skates and for our bowling game later and we went to go sit down to put them on. "Alright, how do you want to play this?" He asked.

"Depends on how good of a skater you are. If you're good then we need a hard game to challenge us, but if you're bad, which you probably are, we need an easy game for you." I say, tying my laces.

"I feel like you insulted me a bit." He says jokingly. "Alright, check this out!" He got up from his seat but immediately fell back down. "That doesn't count, stop giggling!" I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. He tried again and started to skate a little, but a couple seconds later he was on his bottom. "Dang it, I thought I would be like the skating master and I could brag to you how good I was on my first try."

I giggle at him. "Luke, did you bring us here just for me? You're the sweetest." I reach down to help him up. Once he stood up he gave me another kiss. "Okay, I will teach you. It's really easy to get the hang of, you just have to trust your balance."

"O-okay. You tell no one!" He glared. I let out a smile but tried to hide it. "I mean it, Kayla!"

I couldn't help but laugh because he looked like a baby giraffe. He pointed at me and gave me his serious look. "Okay okay! Now, Luke, you have to keep your legs straight. How about we just stand in place."

It took almost the whole 2 hours we had skating to teach, but he sort of got the hang of it. "Okay, now, my turn to laugh at you. Bowling is my specialty." He rubbed his hands together and gave a sinister grin.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm so bad at bowling." I say. We walk over to grab our shoes and get a lane. "Okay, 'master', show me the way." I sit down, cross my legs, and bat my eyes at him.

"Keep joking, I got something for you!" He rolled and hit 8 pins, leaving 2 side by side. "That's what I call a good roll! Time for the spare!" He rolled and definitely got a spare. He jumped up and cheered for himself, "beat that, little girl."

I get up and look confused at the different size bowling balls. "Hey, which one should I use, Lukey?" He gets up and gives me my proper ball, or so he thought. When he turned around I took the ball I really needed. Luckily, the balls were the same color. "I hope I don't blow it." I say baby like. I watch as he smirks at me. I give an evil grin at the pins and roll a strike. "Oh my God! I'm good!" I shout and clap my hands together.

"Whoa! Good roll, Kay, but it's a lucky shot." He smiles. Little did he know.

The next two games went like this. Mikayla: 189 Luke: 151, Mikayla: 235 Luke: 201. "BOOM!Never judge a book before you read it, honey." I ruffle his hair and giggle at him.

"You are so lucky there are too many witnesses around here, or else you'll be dead!" He glares and it wipes my smile away. "Yeah, just wait, little girl!" Luke grabs me and we walk to the car. "I have one more surprise for you, Kayla. The perfect end to a perfect date."

I stop him, "You think this was a perfect date?" I say softly.

"Yeah. I'm just a sore loser, but I loved seeing your competitive side. It was so cute. I just hope I can see you do that someone else someday so I can really soak it in." He starts inhaling the air and I let out a laugh. "Alright, buckle up. Final stop."

We drive to a nearby park and sit down for a picnic. "This is beautiful, Luke, thank you." He smiles warmly and starts unloading the food. It's all of my favorites. He even bought Chick fil a. "You're the best."

"I try, beautiful. I would do anything to see that smile." He wipes my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. I melt right into his arms. I didn't even notice him wrap around my sides. I felt him start to pinch my sides and I let out a giggle. "Whahahat thehehe heheheck! Luhuhke nohoho!"

He tickles me down to the ground and climbs on top of me. "This is for all of your gloating, little girl. I told you I would get revenge." He starts to pinch harder and faster and I'm officially laughing. I'm pushing his hands and he eventually got annoyed with it. He grabbed my hands in one of his and pinned my arms above my head. "No more fighting, little girl."

"Bahahabe, ohohkay! I'm sorry! NOHOHOHO!" He didn't care. He started to tickle my pits. He poked and scribbled as hard as he could. I threw my head back with laughter. "AHAHAHAHA OHOHOHKAY IHIHI LEARNED MYAHAHAHAH LESSOHOHOHOHOHN! IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHOHRY! AHAHAHAHAHA!" I was kicking and begging.

He finally stopped after 10 minutes of sheer torture. "Now, you are gonna sit here and enjoy the rest of our date, got it!" He jokingly demanded.

I nodded and then tackled him. "Not until you give me 10 kisses for every minute you tickled me!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He gave me kisses all over my face and all over my lips. This really was a perfect end to a perfect date.

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