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Claire and I were lying on her bed. The boys were off doing something with their dad today, so we were pretty lonely. "I can't believe I'm finally dating Holt!" Claire beams.

"I know! I told you that you two were made for each other. I'm so happy for you Claire!" I say as I toss a small ball above my head.

Claire reaches over and catches it before I could. "I have a devilish plan, that may just backfire on us." She says sitting up.

"It depends on what it is..." I say slowly.

"Revenge! I think we should go to the boys house and prank them somehow." I looked surprised at her. I knew if we went through with this, we would get the tickling of a lifetime.

"Slow down, Claire. Haven't you thought about what would happen if they caught us?" I say, trying to actually use my brain unlike her.

"Yeah, but their mom said they should be gone all day. I know their mom won't mind if we go over there and do a harmless prank!" She seems to have her mind made up.

I can't lie, it would be nice to get the boys back somehow, especially after learning Luke wasn't ticklish. "Okay, I'm in." I say, knowing that by the end of today, I'm going to regret those words.

We get up, toss on our shoes and race downstairs. "Hey, Mrs. Myers. Do you mind if we go to your house?"

She pauses from drinking her tea, "What for, girls?" All I can think is please say no!

"We're going to get the boys back for all the torture they've given us. We're going to play a little prank on them." Claire beams as if this is the best idea in the world.

Mrs. Myers looks at us curiously. "You do know that if you are caught, they will get you back 10 fold?" Claire and I nod. "Sure. Good luck girls. I won't say a word!" She tosses us the keys and we head two houses down.

We double check that their dad's car is gone and then we enter the house. I just realized this is my first time being in their house and it's just as gorgeous as Claire's. "Stop gawking at the house, we're on a mission." Claire whispers.

"Why are we whispering?" I whisper to her.

She stands up straight, "I don't know. Come on, their rooms are up here." We go upstairs and we stop in front of their doors.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"Honestly, I didn't think we'd make it this far." She admits.

"Claire!" I whine. "You have me risking my neck and have no idea what we should do?"

"Calm down. Look, let's head to the store first. I have an idea." I groan as she drags me out of the house.

We get to the store and we go down the boys isle. Claire runs to a section and she jumps up, excitedly. "Holt has this exact same shirt!" She exclaims.

I look at the pink shirt and knew there was no way he owned it. "Are you color blind, Claire? That's pink. I'm pretty sure his shirt is white."

"I know, but the prank I'm going to play on them is to make them think we dyed all of their favorite white tshirts pink." She beams. "All we gotta do is toss these and some other clean clothes in the dryer and hide the original items. They won't even know until maybe tomorrow!"

I shrug my shoulders and admitting to myself that it was kind of genius. We buy all of the clothes they have and race back to the boys house. We find the exact matches and put them in a book bag. Claire grabs the pink clothes and a few other clean clothes and drops them in the dryer. We started to panic once we heard the front door begin to unlock. "We gotta get out of here!" I panic whisper.

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