Three magic words

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Once I open the door, Luke says hey and gives me a kiss. He walks in while I catch my breath at the door. As I start to close it, Luke says "Are you okay, Kayla? You haven't looked at me since you opened the door." He sounds so concerned and it's really cute.

I grab his hand and lead him to the couch. I can feel my face on fire. "Luke, we need to talk." I say with my voice shaking.

"You're breaking up with me? Why? What did I do? Kayla!" He starts freaking out and my eyes grow wide.

I giggle a little at him, "Calm down. I'm not breaking up with you." I watch him as he takes a deep breath and looks at me waiting for my next words. "I.. um... I have to tell you that... um..." I gulp.

He smiles at me and takes my face in his hand. "Kayla, you can tell me absolutely anything. I just hope you know that. Come here." He pulls me into a long hard kiss. I could feel my body weaken and see the world spin around us. I could've sworn I heard violins. I just simply melt in his arms. He pulls away, "Now, that you are all loosened up, tell me what you need to tell me." He says calmly.

I start to giggle and blush. I playfully hit him on his arm, "You're so crazy. I swear I love you so much." At that moment, I froze. I looked at him trying to read his face. I said it and there was no way that I was going to take it back. I just had to wait for his response.

After what felt like forever, he smiled big at me and pulled me for another kiss. This one was different. I felt more sparks and more chemistry between us. I could feel the electricity going through us. When he pulled away slowly, he said "I love you, too, little girl." I smile big at him and jump in his arms. We kiss some more before Claire's dad walks in.

"Awww. That was adorable! Now get off my special daughter!" He booms.

"Dad.. it's cool! He just told me he loves me!" I say. I call Claire's Dad, Dad. Simply because my dad is non existent. It's just my mom, my sister, my older brother, and me. So he's always been my dad.

"That's amazing! Come here son." Luke looks at me as if he was saying "help". I just shrugged at him. He walked over to my dad and he says, "You break my little girls heart, I will break you!" I watch as Luke eyes grow and nods slowly. "Alright, have fun. BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN!" He says as he starts towards the door.

"Okay, Dad. Don't worry, we are just doing homework." My dad nods slowly as he walks out of the door. I turn to Luke, "Sorry about him. He can be really protective over Claire, Riles, and I."

"Yeah, I get it. It's just that I used to be his favorite, now I'm the boyfriend of his bonus daughter." He laughs at the irony. "Come on, let's work on this homework, then."

"Luke, that was just an excuse to get my dad to leave. Come on, we just found out that we're in love. Don't you think we should... I don't know... celebrate?" He looks at me with a half smile and I bat my eyes at him. I poke my lip out and try to look like a little baby.

He laughs at me and pulls me into a backwards hug. "How are you this cute, little girl." I giggle and turn my head to kiss him.

"Awww. You guys are literally the cutest thing!" I hear Claire says as she walks into the living room.

I sit up off of Luke and say, "I thought you said you were going to stay in your room today. We kind of want alone time."

Claire giggles, "You really think you were alone? We all saw it. I'm just the brave one who came in." She says as she points to various corners. Sure enough, her mom and sister were listening and so was Luke's mom. They all ran away when Claire pointed them out. "So, how are we celebrating?" She beams.

Luke gets up and grabs Claire's arm. "Well, we are going to be together in here. While you are going to be with your mom and everyone else in there." He pushes her into the kitchen and comes back dusting his hands off. "Now, where were we?" He says as he comes back to the couch.

He starts to kiss me again and I have a silly thought that I know will totally backfire on me. As we're kissing, I squeeze Luke's side. I felt him smile in our kiss so I started to squeeze harder and he started to laugh a little. "If you don't stop you will regret it, little girl." I didn't listen. I kept going and he kept laughing. He pulled away from the kiss and had a smirk on his face.

"You're ticklish." I say excitedly.

"No, I was laughing because I thought it was adorable that you were trying to tickle me." He says with this deep bass in his voice.

This sent a shiver down my spine. "Y-y-you're not ticklish?" I gulp.

He shakes his head. "Mmm. Nope. But you are. You have a 5 second head start, little girl." My eyes grew. I quickly got up and ran upstairs to my room. "IM COMING FOR YOU!" I heard him yell.

He comes into the room and I stay put on the side of my bed. "Luke, let's talk about this. I thought you were ticklish. I thought we could have like a cute little tickle fight or something, ya know?"

"I understand that, princess, but I warned you. Now, it's time for your punishment." He pounces at me and I climb on top of my bed and try to jump off to the other side. He catches me by the leg and I fall onto my bed. He climbs on top of me as I fight him off as hard as I can. But, it was no use. He had me pinned in two seconds. "Are you ready, little girl?" I shake my head violently. "Too bad!"

He starts to wiggle his fingers above me and I squirm as hard as I can. He gets above my pits and slowly starts moving towards me. I'm already giggling hard. He tricks me and darts to my sides and starts to tickle the crap out of me. "WAAIIIIIITTTT! IHIHIHM SOOHOHOHOHOHORY! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA OHOHOHOHKAY OKAY! IHIHIHIHI WONT DOOHOHOHOH IT ANYMOHOHOHORE!"

"I know you won't, my ticklish little girl. You won't forget this punishment!" With that he started to tickled my ribs. He scribbled and poked them all while I was thrashing underneath him. "I think I should count these." He says as he lets me catch my breath. "1 cute little rib." He pinches my ribs as he counts, sending me into a burst of laughter. "4 cute little ribs." With every rib he would tickle the ones he already counted which drove me crazy. "6 cute little ribs." I couldn't help but thrash and squirm. This was tickling torture.

"STOHOHOHOP, LUHUHUHKE! HAHAHAHA! OHOHKAY! I CAHAHAHANT TAHAHAKE IHIHIT!" I scream, kicking my feet wishing he would let me go.

"Time for the big finale!" He smirks at me.

"NO, LUKE DONT! NOOO HOHOHOHOHOHO! AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! STAWHHAHAHAHAHAP!" He digs into my pits going crazy on them. He scribbled and scratched and I was losing my mind. What made it worse is that he would transition from super soft spidery tickles to digging into my pits as hard as he could! "LUHUHUKE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH OHOHOHOHOKAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I could help but scream!

"Say sorry and it's all over! Come on, little girl." He smirks.

"IHIHIHIHM AHAHAHAHA SOHOHOHOHAHHAHAHAHAH SOHOHOH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SORRRHAHABABAHAHHAHA SOHOHORY!" Every time I would get close to saying sorry he would switch which pit he tickled and it just drove me mad!

"Nope! You have to say it clear! I don't know what 'I'm hahahah shah shahs shahah shahaory means!" He teases.

I whine under my laughter. I was never getting out of here. I tried to say "I'm sorry" about 20 times before I couldn't take it anymore. I was in tears from laughing so hard and I knew I was on the verge of passing out. So, I quickly belted it out, "IM SORRY! AHAHAHAHAHHA! I SAHAHAHHAID IHIHIHIHIT!"

He finally released me and I'm left in a fit of giggles trying to calm down from the complete torture he just put me through. "Thats my good little girl." He pulls me into his arms and makes me look at him. "I love you, Mikayla."

"I love you too, my Lukey Loo!" He gasps and pinches my sides a little. I giggle and he smiles at me. He pulls me into a kiss and all I can think about is how lucky I truly am to have an amazing guy like him.

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