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Mikayla's POV

After I got revenge on Claire, we all started packing. Holt and Luke went home with their mom to pack but they were going to be right back. We are all sleeping here tonight since our flight is at 5 in the morning.

Claire walks into my room, "I finished all my packing. You would think packing for 6 days would be hard, it was so easy!" She said happily.

"Lucky you. This is all new to me, I have no idea what to pack or anything." I said glumly. It's true. My parents didn't have the best jobs so the money was never there. Moving to LA was the first time I was free from the Michigan walls.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." Claire sighs. She walks over to my closet and within minutes she had my whole week picked out. "There you go. Don't worry, mom and dad will surely buy you Mickey ears and other souvenirs from Disney and Universal. But, this should hold you over til then." I swear this girl is a fashion wizard.

"Thanks, Claire. Hey, sorry about the revenge. It was a little intense but you know you deserved it, right?" I say.

"Yeah, I get it. I muffed up and deserved it. But, you're not wrong. Those boys have been tormenting me since I moved here the summer of 8th grade. I do have a small secret to tell you." Claire says in a hushed tone. I scrunch my face at her as if to say 'what?' "I think Luke has a crush on you." She says quickly.

"What!?" I gasp. "There is no way. We're just friends" I can't lie, I felt butterflies. Claire has known Luke much longer but there is no way he could like me too... right?

"Oh, come on! You don't see it? He has a cute little nickname for you and I heard him tickle you. He called everything about you 'cute' and 'adorable'. That boy is crushing." Claire says confidently. I blush hard at this. Can it be true? "Oh! My! God! You like him too!!!" She's beaming.

"WHAT! No... like I said we're just friends." I quickly spit out.

"Oh, Kayla. You forget. I have ways of making you talk." My heart beat fast, but I had no time to protest. She threw me on my bed and climb on top of me. Not again! This is the 3rd time today! "You're gonna confess, Kayla. And I won't stop until you do!" With that she started attacking my sides.

"WHAHAHAT THEHEHE HEHEHELLLL!" I screech. It didn't tickle as much as Luke but it was still crazy ticklish. "STOHOHOHOHOP! IHIHI GIHIHIHIVEEEHEHEHE!" I am rolling around the bed trying my best to hide my sides. Claire isn't as strong as the boys to pin me so my arms are free. But, that didn't stop her from attacking me.

"Ohhhh no! You have to admit it! You like him!" Claire says tauntingly. "All you have to say is 'I like him, you were right, I'm sorry' and then it's over!"

"NEVEHEHEHEHERERR!" I scream. No one is going to know about my secret crush.

"Okay," Claire shrugs, "more tickles for you! Don't give me an opening to those pits. I know that's your tickle spot!" Dang it, Claire. She just had to be my long time friend!

I am squealing and kicking but she would not let up. Then I made the mistake of trying to get her hands off of my ribs. She quickly took the opening to my pits. I instantly scream louder. "STOHOHOHOHP! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHE PIHIHIHITS! AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH! CLAHAHAHAHAHIRE PLEHEHEHESEEHEHEHE! IHIHIHVEHEHE HAHAHAHAD ENOUHOHOHOHOHGH!" I beg.

"Not until you admit it, Kay." She continues to poke, pinch and scratch my pits. She refuses to go anywhere else. She knows this is torture for me.

I'm defeated. I can't breathe anymore and I just want it to stop. I cave. "IHIHIH LIHIHIHIKE HIHIHIHIHM YOHOHOHO WEHEHREHEHE RIGHIHIHIHT! IHIHIM SOHOHORY! PLEHEHESEHEHE MERCEHEHEHY!" I plead with her.

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