Orlando Trip: Part 1

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Mikayla's POV

"Luke, I really dont want to tell you. Please, don't make me. I will never forgive you for it." I say seriously. "This is just something that I fear and I just want to keep it between me and Claire. Okay?"

"Okay," he reassured, "is it bad though?" I shook my head. "Well as long as it isn't bad then I won't make you tell me. I just hope that one day you can come to me."

"I hope one day I can tell you as well. Thanks for understanding, Luke. You're the best" I say. I leaned in for a hug and he hugged me tight.

"This friendship means the world to me, Mikayla." He says as we're hugging. "There is nothing that will break it." We pull away and I smile at him. Why must he be so prefect.

Claire and Holt walk back and I immediately pull her to the side. "Claire, did you crack!?" I y'all whisper.

She put her hands up, "No, and you're welcome by the way. That was torture. He kept going longer because I refused to tell. He eventually got bored, thank goodness!" She's lying and I knew it.

I glared at her. "Claire, did you squeal!"

Holt comes over. "You know you're not the quietest whisperer, right?" He yell whispers to me. I roll my eyes at him. "And no, she wouldn't tell me." He says then walks back over to Luke.

"I know you're lying!" I whisper.

Claire drops her jaw. "I didn't! And he just told you that I didn't! Sheesh." I knew I wasn't going to crack her and I have had it with the tickling today.

"Fine. Let's just watch a movie." I walk back over to Luke and Claire sits in the middle of the two boys. Luke gives me a sideways hug and then keeps his arm around me, making me blush. "What movie do you guys want to watch?" I say through my red cheeks.

Luke catches this, "Why are you blushing? Is someone feeling some feelings?" He says as he lightly tickle my sides.

"Nohoho. It's just... warm in here." I say. "No more tickling today. I'm exhausted." I put my head on his shoulder.

"Me too," Claire cried out, "You too are menaces!" The boys start to laugh. "And you know it, too! That's why y'all are cracking up!"

"Oh, Claire Bear. It's fun and we know you guys like it too." Holt teases. We both turn bright red. "See you're both blushing like crazy!" They laugh some more while Holt pokes Claire's firey cheeks and Luke does the same to me.

"You guys are jerks!" I say jokingly.

"Hey now," Luke starts, "You can't say no more tickles and then call us jerks! You're asking for it then." Luke starts to squeeze both of my sides.

I grab his hands and beg him to stop. He only did it for a couple second, but sheesh! "Luhuhke! You got to stop. I'm tired!" I giggle.

"Hey, you guys, the movie is starting." Claire says grabbing some popcorn.

We watch movies and talk until we all pass out.


The next morning

I was suddenly blinded by this bright light. Aliens! The Aliens are getting me!!!!! Then I heard laughter. "No, the Aliens are not getting you, crazy girl. Get up you guys. Grab your last bit of goodies and let's head to the airport." Claire's mom says.

I look over and Luke is laughing so hard that he's holding his stomach. "What's so funny?" I still didn't realize I had said aliens out loud.

"ALIENS! THE ALIENS ARE COMING! AHHH!" He mocks. He's laughing so hard that his face is turning bright red. I then hear Claire and Holt begin to laugh hard.

I throw a pillow at each of them. "Shut up! I was still dreaming!" Everyone is reduced to tears from laughing so hard. "I hate all of you! Get out of my room!" I start grabbing everyone and pushing them out.

"Okay, okay, Kayla?" Luke says. I raise my eyebrow at him. "I forgot something. Can I please have it." I let him back in and watch him as he grabbed something. "Thanks!" He runs over to me and starts pelting me with a pillow. "I AM THE ALIEN AND I HAVE BROUGHT MY ALIEN FRIENDS!"

As if they had rehearsed it, Claire and Holt each grab pillows and start pelting me with Luke. "STOHOHP YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST!" I giggle. The next thing I knew my sides were getting attacked while I was getting pelted by two pillows. "AHHH STOHOHOHP! PLEHEHEHESEEHEHE!" I cower on the floor trying to push off these hands all while fighting off these pillows.

"You can't protect yourself from the aliens if you're getting tickled! Mwahahaha!" I hear Luke say.

"GUYS THATS ENOUGH!" Saved by Claire's mom! Thank goodness! "Come on, we will miss our flight because of you!"

"You got lucky." Luke whispers in my ear.

We all run downstairs in our pjs and quickly jam into cars. Boys in one and girls in the other. The airport was about 20 minutes away from their house so I decided to make small talk about the one thing that's been bugging me. "Soo, mom number two, what is up with all the tickling!" Everyone giggles.

"Oh please, Mikayla," Riley starts, "you have been here 6 months and you're just now getting the heavy end of the stick. My boyfriend tickles me all day everyday. I think it's just part of life at this point." Everyone is nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, but, this is crazy. I mean Claire and I used to tickle each other all the time but never like this." I protest.

"Honey, you're going to have to ask the crazy boys mother. They are the culprits!" Claire's mom says.

I turn to her and wait for her to answer. "I honestly don't know why my boys are... how would you girls put it.... Tickle monsters. Their father is the same way." She shrugs.

"Wait, so all of you have to deal with this on a daily basis?" I ask surprised.

They all say yes at the same time. "Look, Kay, we are used to it, now it's your turn. Especially if you want Luke to be your boooyyyyfriiieeennndd!" Claire teases.

I punch her in the arm hard. "CLAIRE!"

"Ow!" She rubs her arm, "this is a safe place, no one will tell Luke about your crush!"

"You like my son? Well, yeah, you better buckle up honey. He is crazier than Holt, not by much, but he is. Honestly, I'm pretty sure he likes you too. Whenever he would go over their house he would say, 'I'm going to the Roses house.' Now he says, 'I'm going to go see Mikayla.'" Luke's moms says gleefully.

I blush at this. Everyone seems to think Luke likes me back. I can't help but pray that it's true!

We soon arrive at the airport. We all get out and meet up with the boys. Luke bull rushes me, making me scream. He then scoops me up and spins me. "I missed you! These boys are so boring." I giggle. Maybe there really is something there.

Authors note: sorry this one barely had tickling in it. I'm trying to set up the plan for the two kids to get together! I hope you're enjoying it so far! Thanks!

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