Stupid Allergies

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A/N: Happy Reading! Sorry, the chappie kinda short. Hey no attitude please, ugh!

Chapter 11: Stupid Allergies!

~Shae's Pov~

We stood in a massive line that was moving ever so slowly. My time with Liam flew by so fast that it hurt. Right now we were waiting patiently to get inside. I was currently using Liam as a post as I read my book. I was so into the book when I felt someone constantly poking me on my arm. Sighing, I closed the book and looked up," Yes, how may I help you today sir?" I said sarcastically.

"What book is that?" Liam asked.

"City of Bones."

"What's it about?" he questioned.

"Do you really want to know?" he nodded slowly and I smiled at how childish he was acting. Rolling my eyes, I started," It's about a girl who went to this club with her best friend. There she saw two dudes and one girl but the thing was, no one else could see them. Now the girl, Clary, decided to follow these three people. After that some serious chiz happens and her mom gets kidnapped by this evil dude and also the three people aren't human but they're Shadowhunters, also known as Nephilim. They're half human and half angel. It's a great book, if I do say so myself."

"I'm just gonna agree with you there," he said and I laughed. The line moved a bit and my feet were killing me, I could just sit on the ground and I would but it was kind of dirty. No! not because it's the ground but because it has some sort of stain there.


We were finally inside and Liam got this extremely long number to where. We sat in some chairs and I put the book in my cross-body bag and pulled out a marker. I started decorating the right side of my left shoe, when I saw a hint of gold underneath it. I laughed when I saw what it was.

"When did you do this?" I asked Liam, pointing at his name under my Air Walks.

"Do what? I have no idea what you're talking about," he said while looking all over the room. He's such an idiot sometimes. Yeah well, he's the smartest idiot I know.

"I'm being serious here."

"Alright. Remember two days before you had to go with Zayn, you came by my place and I was spray painting for no reason?" I frowned and nodded slowly," Well when you went down stairs for some snacks and you were talking to my mum for so long, I got kind of bored so I found the alphabet stencils and sprayed my name on your shoe like what Andy did to Woody in Toy Story," he said the last part like he was a little six-year-old. He sounded so innocent.

"Why my shoe and not yours?" I asked. He raised his left foot and under it was my name in gold. I laughed. So he did both then and his shoe had a hole in it as well.

"What? I said you were gone for a long time, didn't I?"

"You realized that that shoe has a hole, right?" I asked him and he smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes, he's unbelievable. Who goes on the X Factor with a hole in his shoe? Oh yeah! Liam!

"Liam, they're ready for you," I looked up at the girl wearing a black T with CREW written on it in white. Liam's face suddenly tensed up so I took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He looked at me and I smiled. We stood up and walked backstage to where there was a bunch of screens. I stood next to Liam's mum as he walked up on stage.

"Liam, how are you?" Simon Cowell said. I felt like nervous poo and I wasn't even auditioning so I could only imagine how Liam felt. I missed what Liam said to Simon and the next thing I heard was Louie talking.

"How far did you get the last time Liam?" he asked.

"Um, well I was here in 2008 and I made through to Simon's house in Barbados," Liam replied.

"What are you gonna sing today?"

"Uh, I'm gonna sing Cry Me A River," the music soon started and I just couldn't wait to hear him sing.

And now you say you're lonely,

You cried the whole night through,

Well you can cry me a river,

Cry me a river,

I cried a river over you.

Now you say you love me,

Well just to prove that you do,

Come on and cry me river,

Oh, cry me a river,

I cried a river over you.

Cry me a river.

"You definitely got it, whatever it is that you got it and I think your voice is very powerful," Cheryl said and Liam thanked her.

"That was really impressive," Natalie said.

"Uh, Simon, this is the guy you didn't vote through!" said Louie.

"He wasn't quite ready when he came to my house two years ago but I said to him then 'Come back two years time and then you're gonna be a different person.' I got it right," replied Simon with a smile on his face. The crowd cheered and that's when Louie said they're going to start voting. The first three judges said yes and I knew Liam was ecstatic but I really knew he wanted Simon's approval.

"Based on talent," Simon started," absolutely incredible. One massive, fat, almighty Yes!" he said and believe it or not but Liam's smile got even bigger.

"Thank you so much," he said and came off stage. I ran into a group hug with his family, yeah okay some people might say 'How can you do that with Liam and not Zayn?'. Well the fact is that I knew Liam's family longer and they treat me like I'm actually part of their family. We started to walk back the way we came when it hit me, they're both going off to bootcamp.

I only have a week before they leave for it and then that's it. They're going to go to someone's house and start doing live shows because deep down I know they're both going to make it. Life is going to change for him and Zayn and me, we might never be the same or maybe I might never hear from either of them again.

As I thought of that my eyes started to get a bit watery. "Hey, you okay?" Liam asked me. His voice was so soft so that only I could hear. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, you know me and my allergies. Stupid allergies," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You know that that's not going to happen, right?" he said and when I gave him a confused look and he put his arm around my shoulder and said," I won't ever forget you. I'll be back, through thick and thin, I'll always come back even if it might be just for you."

"Yeah, I know. You're the best, do you know that?" I asked as I put my arm around his waist.

"I definitely knew that but it's always good to hear you say it," he replied, I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. I'm really gonna miss this!!!


A/N: Again I'm suffering from some serious case of writer's block. Any recommended meds for it? Anyone?...... Just kidding, anywho I just wanted to say that catfish are awesomely hideous fish but they remind of cats and I like cats so... um... yeah! TOODLES!!!

P.S.: that toodles thing reminded me of Mickey Mouse Club House.

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