Clearly I'm Interrupting

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Chapter 20: Clearly I'm Interrupting

~Shae's Pov~

I woke up with my head on Zayn's bare chest and his arms wrapped around my waist. I could still see the popcorn on the floor and the laptop was closed next to me. I looked up at Zayn's face and my eyes met his already open ones. "Morning," he said with a smile, his husky morning voice sending tingles all over my body. How is it possible for him to be able to do this to me?

"Morning," I snuggled into him once again, not wanting to move out of this position. "How long were you up?" I asked and a yawn formed at the end of my sentence.

"A half hour, give or take," he replied and I was shocked.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You just looked so peaceful," he answered as he started to play with my hair. He has now found another one of my weaknesses. My eyes closed again as his fingers brushed my scalp and untangled the knots at the end of my hair.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"A bit after eleven. I think that there's no one else here," he said.

"Niall said that they were going out for the day," I told him.

"So what are we-" he was cut off by the grumbling sound that came from my stomach. "Breakfast it is," he said and I groaned when he untangled himself from me to get up. When he stood, he picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He made his way to kitchen and I wasn't complaining about how he was holding me because I got a really great view. When we got to the kitchen he put me to sit on the counter and then he went to the fridge.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I swung my legs back and forth.

"Making breakfast," he said and closed the fridge door. He held three eggs in his left hand and in his right he held a tomato and an onion. He rest them next to me on the counter and went to the cupboard for a bowl and frying pan.

"Where are the forks?" he asked and I pointed to the draw below me. He moved my legs so that he could pull the draw open and took out a silver fork and a spatula. He went into the pantry and came out with salt and blackpepper. I watched as he cracked the eggs in the bowl, adding some salt and blackpepper before mixing it.

He cut up the tomato and onion in a plate. I reached behind me for the lighter and handed it to him. He fumbled with it for a few minutes which made me laugh until I couldn't take it anymore and got off the counter. I took the lighter from his hand and lit the burner under the frying pan.

"I would've gotten it too if you gave me a chance," he said and I rolled my eyes before sitting back down on the counter.

For some reason I enjoyed watching him make breakfast. I liked to watch his muscles move under his skin. It was a complete turn on, as Kim would say. In a matter of minutes the eggs were finished and Zayn had set the dining table for two. He poured out two tall glasses of orange juice and made toast to go with the eggs. I was impressed. I sat opposite Zayn and started to eat and my tastebuds were so happy right now. I never had scrambled eggs this good.

"This taste so good," I mumbled with my mouth filled with toast and eggs.

"I learnt from my mum," he said with a shy smile.

"I hope you realize that you now have to make me eggs more often," I laughed and he smiled. "So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he grinned. I loved surprises but in a way I hated them too. The anticipation kills plus if the surprise sucks then you have to pretend you like it so you don't hurt anyone's feelings but I knew that I would love any surprise he gives me. I stabbed the last bit of my eggs and drank out the orange juice before I looked at Zayn.

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