Picnics, Nando's and Jealousy

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A/N: Okay so school has started back some weeks ago which explains my late update, by now you should of figured out that it’s going to be very slow updates. My laptop is not taken away this term but my focus will be mainly on my school work. I seriously need to get better grades from now on. *sigh* I also tried to make this chapter long so… cut me some slack?

Give a round of applause for @Yum_cheesefish and @lissy2199 for the lovely ideas for this chapter and some upcoming ones as well!

Chapter 15: Picnics, Nando’s and Jealousy

~Shae's Pov~

I stared at the three cakes that I made around two in the morning because Niall took forever to fall asleep. I was exhausted right now but the cakes looked perfect. I slammed the car door at the back closed. I put the cakes in there so Niall doesn’t get at it until later. I trudged up the staircase, walked into my room and then into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door and stood in front the mirror and stared at my reflection.

The dark circles under my eyes were slowly but surely disappearing and my face showed less bone than before, my eyes didn’t look as hollow and lifeless like it once did. I peeled off my clothes and got into the shower, the warm water relaxing my muscles as I closed my eyes while taking deep breaths. I made sure to wash every inch of my body, the lavender smell of my body wash filling the room. I washed my hair, messaging my scalp with my fingers. When I was finished, I just stood there until the water started to run a bit cold.

I stepped out and quickly wrapped my white fluffy robe around my body so that I wouldn’t get cold fast. I took a towel and started to dry my hair with it, then I dried my skin and pulled on my bra and underwear. Again, I stood in front the mirror but this time I put on some mascara, eyeliner and some foundation to cover up the dark circles. I blow-dried my hair and then plugged in my flat iron for it to get heated. I got out the bathroom and went to my closet.

I eyed all my clothes and then settled on a simple white camisole with a red and blue button-up plaid shirt, my washed out blue skinny jeans and my air walks that Liam spray painted. I walked back into the bathroom and started to work on my hair. Forty-five minutes later I was finally finished and felt extremely accomplished with myself. The doorbell rang and I made my way down the steps. On the threshold stood Chelsea. She was wearing her converse, Blue skinny jeans and red top with the word ’love’ scrawled across it. Her brown hair now had streaks of red.

“Morning,” she said.

“Hey, you wanna meet the boys now?” I asked and she nodded. She followed me inside and into the kitchen. “Okay, so be warned that Harry is kind of flirty. Louis is weird and childish but that means that you two will get along and Niall loves to eat and seems innocent but he isn’t really.”

“Got it,” she replied and smiled and as I got up, I felt her hand on my wrist, stopping me. “How are you holding up?” she asked and I gave her a small smile.

“I’m good I guess. I saw Zayn yesterday and I… uh… told him what happened,” I said softly. Her eyes showed that she was worried about me but the thing is that she really doesn’t have to be.

“Are you gonna forgive him?”

“I can’t Chels. I feel like I want to but I just don’t know what to do really. I mean if I forgive him, what then? Do we stay friends? Give him another chance?” I said. I really meant what I was saying, I mean once a cheat always a cheat. That’s what they say, right?

“I think you should give him another chance,” I frowned at her answer,” You don’t see the way that you two look at each other. It’s kind of like the way I look at… pizza. Filled with love, joy and happiness. Whenever you were with him, you were a whole different kind of happy. It was a really good thing, trust me. I’m pretty sure that today he’s gonna be looking at you like a lost puppy looking for his owner.”

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