Altering Memories

177 11 4

Nick POV

I couldn't believe that Asher brought Maya back to life. He didn't tell Maya and I that he had a third ability.

"You can bring people back to life?" I asked him but all I received was silence from him a small smile still on his face as he looked at the unconscious Maya.

"Why did I feel so weak?" I asked him another question hoping I'll receive an answer.

Asher finally looks at me a smile no longer on his face, instead there was anger.

Before I could question him he lifts his hand up and I'm lifted up from the ground.


"I don't have good control when it comes to taking energy but when I took yours I somehow saw through your memories." Asher revealed.

My eyes widened realizing what this meant.

"I know everything! You're responsible for all of this. you call me a monster when the real monster is you." Asher exclaimed, "You were going to pin the blame on Tommy for being responsible for all these killings. How can you live with yourself knowing your responsible for those kids that died along with Alice, Archie. If it wasn't for me healing Ziggy and Cindy they would've died. If I didn't have the ability to heal Maya would be dead. You left us with trauma that we won't forget, Nick."

Asher POV

I glared at Nick with utter disgust.

"How can he act all innocent knowing he is to blame for the massacre, as well as Maya dying."

I closed my eyes trying to forget the image of Maya dying in front of us. I couldn't help but for the first time feel thankful for having powers that helped me save Maya, Ziggy, and Cindy.

"I should break your arm like I did to your brother. I'm sure Maya would have no problem with me hurting you." I said grinning at the fear in his eyes.

Just as I'm going to break his arm.

"You call me a monster when you're not so innocent either, Pierce. Did you forget that you are that killed Tommy right in front of Ziggy." Nick reminded me making me remember the look of fear in Ziggy's eyes as she backed away from me, the disappointment in Maya's eyes when she saw Tommy dead body.

I let go of my hold on Nick making him land on his back hard.

"Sure, Maya forgave me, but Ziggy won't she'll just view me as a killer... a monster."

"You can make them forget."

I turn my attention to Nick who looks at me with a look that makes me uneasy.

Nick slowly stands up his eyes not leaving me.

"You told Maya and I that you can alter memories right." Nick asked and I nodded in confusion.

"Then alter their memories." Nick pauses, "Alter Maya and Ziggy memories."

"Wha-what?" I said in disbelief what Nick said to me.

"Like you said Maya, Ziggy, and Cindy will be traumatized so alter Maya memories remove everything that I told her about our family secret, remove the memory of Ziggy witnessing you kill Tommy."

I scoffed in disbelief.

"You really expect me-"

"If you care for Maya and Ziggy then you will do this. think about it Maya not remembering won't harm her relationship with her dad, she won't feel guilty, and Ziggy wont see you as a monster." Nick explains as he walks closer to me.

Nick places his hand on my shoulder, "Don't you want everything to go back as it was before. You, Maya, and Ziggy being friends."

I stay silent.

"If you let Maya remember what she learned she will tell her mom and it will result in Maya's parents divorcing, Maya no longer wanting no contact from her dad, Maya leaving Hawkins with her mom. She'll be separated from her best friends and Max the girl she loves. Do you want that for Maya?" He asks and I look up at him.

"Maya lost her brother and when she wakes up and is told he is dead she will be devastated but she'll be broken if what I told you comes true. The Maya that you became friends with will no longer exist because the life she had before all this occurred is destroyed. Do the right thing and alter their memoires, Asher."

We hear the sirens of an ambulance.

"Do it before the ambulance arrives." He says before letting go and steps aside.

I glance at Maya and Ziggy.

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