Chapter 1

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I was driving home from work when some asshole driver, who had to be drunk, t-boned my car. After that, darkness engulfed my vision. I could feel wind around me and when I opened my eyes, all I saw was red. 'What the fuck?' As I continued to fall, the tops of buildings came into my vision and the realization of hitting the ground flooded my mind, 'oh shit-' I shut my eyes tight expecting to feel the impact of some kind of pavement, but instead my fall was cushioned.

'Huh... I thought that was gonna hurt.' I got up and dusted myself off the ground, turning around to look on what I had landed on. Looking at the ground below me, I saw a definitely dead pig-like creature. It was wearing clothes and looked tall. 'What the fuck kind of pig is that?' I looked up, taking in my surroundings.

Flashing neon lights for different clubs and porn studios, the sound of honking cars and screaming people, druggies and drunkards passed out on the streets. It looked sort of like California to be honest. But the difference was what was walking around. Strange anthropomorphic creatures walked around the streets. They were talking to each other or standing around looking at different stores, they were like odd looking people, but without the human aspect of things.

I continued to look around until I saw a sign with a lit up arrow pointing downwards. The sign read 'Welcome to Hell,' and was plastered with graffiti. "Well, that definitely explains where the hell I am then," I said to no one in particular. I decided to look around my surroundings, just to explore.

I was definitely more calm than most probably would have been when they realized they were in hell. But, I did a lot of bad things and then got into a car accident, so I wasn't really all that surprised to end up here. If anything, I was more interested in what I was going to look like. The people I saw as I walked down the streets all had very interesting appearances. They were all some sort of mammal or insect.

My skin was not longer the color it was in the living word, that much I could tell. My skin was now s/c and my nails were long claws. I could feel something wiggling around behind me, but felt weird trying to chase my own tail. Literally.

I definitely needed new clothes, I had died in my uniform from work. And unfortunately, wearing a secretary outfit in hell called for a lot of cat calling. I walked around looking for any 'help wanted' signs. I stumbled on a very large building with three differently colored Vs at the top. Before I could walk in to the building, a very tall spider walked out with a bruise on one of his eyes.

Instinctually, I stopped what I was about to do and rushed over to him. "Excuse me? Sir, are you alright?" He jumped a bit when I tapped his arm and whipped around to face me.

"Why do you care? You don't even know me." his words were laced with a small, yet detectable, amount of venom.

"True, but I know from experience that a bruised eye like that doesn't come from a little slip and fall," I gave him a weak smile. He seemed to relax and hesitated before he spoke.

"Look, ya obviously haven't been here long. You don't seem like much of a threat either so... just follow me toots. I'm sure the girls givin' me a roof over my head won't mind another guest." I smiled in delight, not only have I just met someone I'm sure I'll be friends with, but my first night here wouldn't be out in the streets. I nodded at him and he started in his way, me following closely behind. "So, what's your name doll?"

"Oh! Right, I almost forgot introductions. The name's Y/N. And you are?" The pink and white arachnid laughed loudly at my question.

"Hooo you're definitely new here if you don't know who I am. Name's Angel Dust, but you can call me whatever you want baby," he winked and changed his tone to be more flirtatious at the end. He told me that he was staying at some hotel that was trying to rehabilitate sinners. It certainly was interesting, but I wasn't really all that interested in getting into heaven.

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