Chapter 5

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These past few months, Alastor had really taken what I said seriously. He's done multiple things that has made me believe that he actually wants to become close. And I can confidently say that we have.

We talk on our lunch breaks, he'll pay me visits at my desk while I work, and when I'm having a rough day he'll attempt to cheer me up with dad jokes and puns. And of course, it always works.

I was currently sitting at my desk, sorting through files as usual. The phone rang, catching my immediate attention and I brought it to my ear. "Hello, this is the Hazbin Hotel where your path to redemption starts! This is Y/N speaking, how may I help you?" I said in my best customer service voice. If it were up to me, I wouldn't say it every time. Those who called were always one of my bosses or someone prank calling the hotel.

"Just the girl I was looking for!" An unfamiliar voice spoke on the other end.

"I'm sorry sir, do I know you?" My sentence caused the man over the phone to laugh loudly.

"Oh sweetheart, you'll know me soon. I'll be sending a car to pick you up at 8, wear something nice. See you later doll." Before I could protest or ask questions, the man hung up on me. I set the phone down with an extremely puzzled look.

"Something wrong my dear? I don't believe I've seen you so distraught before!" Alastor's voice brought me back to reality. His signature smile on his face, though from the look in his eyes I could feel he was genuinely worried.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," my voice was somewhat quiet as I remembered the strange conversation. Alastor raised an eyebrow at my words, urging me to continue. "Some guy just called the hotel and said he was sending a car to pick me up at 8?" I watched his eye twitch and his smile turn from intrigued, to some that looked almost like agitation.

"My dear, have you ever spoken to that man before?" I shook my head to which he seemed to relax a bit. "I think it's best if you don't go then, my dear. Who knows what kind of monster he could be!"

"Yeah... you're probably right." I smiled up at him and just then a very excited Angel burst through the front door. His eyes went straight for me and he booked it towards my desk. The second he got there, out of breath, he looked at me with a smile.

"You busy tonight cucciola?" I rolled my eyes at his nickname.

"No I'm not, and what have I told you about calling me that?" He shrugged and let out a laugh.

"Anyway, there's this new club that just opened and I figured we could go out and have fun!" He was practically bouncing where he stood. "Please cucciola~"

"Fine fine, just stop with the begging!" I laughed, the tip of my tail hitting the ground, causing a small thumping. Angel leaned over my desk and pulled me into a hug, almost suffocating me in his chest fluff. He pulled away and ran off towards the bar, likely to ask Husker if he'd like to come with us.

"What does cucciola mean, my dear?" My focus shifted up to Alastor, "you seemed quite displeased by the name. I'd like to make sure Angel is not insulting you." I giggled at him, making his head tilt to the side.

"He's calling me a puppy in Italian. While I don't particularly enjoy the name, it's all in good fun so I don't mind it." Alastor nodded to inform me he understood. "Since you overheard the whole conversation, would you want to come with us? I'm sure Angel wouldn't mind," my question made his smile widen.

"I don't typically enjoy his company, but if you're there my dear I'm sure it's worth it. I'll see you then my dear," I gave him a small goodbye and we both returned to our work.

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