Chapter 19

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The final days at the palace were somewhat uneventful. Alastor and Lucifer would bicker about little things, the others and I would watch until it got too heated.

A few activities had taken place, but for the majority of it, Alastor and I would try to get some time to ourselves.

Now though, we were back at the hotel. Alastor walking along side me as we went to my room. I opened the door and walked through, Alastor setting down my bags then immediately taking me into his arms from behind. "Al!" I giggled, "put me down!"

"But I carried your bags all the way here, surely I deserve some kind of payment for my services," he teased and set me down. Spinning me to face him he brought me back into his tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around his thin waist and looked up at him with a smile.

"Hmm and what exactly do you believe that payment should be, Al?" He looked down at me with a lovesick expression and a signature wide smile.

"Why don't we go out tonight my love? My payment will be your undivided attention." I hummed as I jokingly contemplated his suggestion. Watching in amusement and his ears pinned back.

"I think that's sounds like fair payment, for now though," I lifted myself onto the tips of my toes, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek and then his nose. "There's a tip for all your help," I smiled. Lowing myself back down to my normal height, I could see a faint blush on his cheeks.

He gave me a large, lovesick smile, the look reflecting in his gorgeous red eyes. He then left my room and I began unpacking my bags of their contents.

After finishing, I decided to take a shower before my date. Basking in the lovely warm water in a place of familiarity was a lot more relaxing than showering at the palace.

I hadn't realized how much I missed this place after only being gone a week. Still, I showered, blowdried my fur covered areas, and left my hair to air dry while I decided on an outfit.

He hadn't told me what we were doing, so I wasn't exactly sure of how to dress. He's the kind of guy to show off what he has most of the time, so perhaps something more elegant and put together? But then again, our first date was private and romantic. So maybe I should tone it down a bit? I planted my face in my hands and groaned in front of my closet.

"I really wish he told me where we were going," I huffed, removing my hands from my face. I crossed my arms on my towel-covered body and stared blankly at my closet. A flicker of red caught my eye in the darkness of my closet, immediately capturing my full attention when two dark tufts and little antlers could be seen. "Alastor!? Have you been watching me!?"

"Relax my darling, it's just me," his shadow spoke in its usual echoey tone. "I enjoyed our little encounter the other night and just had to see you again. Alright this time, the boss knows that I'm here," he said with a wispy chuckle. He glanced at my current attire, his red smile growing seemingly larger, making my cheeks burn. "Though I must say, I don't mind the view."

"You're just as big of a flirt as he is," I muttered, earning a silent chuckle from the shadow. I heard him shift through my clothes before humming to himself in discontent. 

A silent snap came from his fingers, now holding a red satin gown that looked incredibly expensive. With it, a long black fur boa was wrapped comfortably around the top of the hanger. In his other hand, he held a jewelry box, urging me to take it as he hung the dress up on the back of my door.

I hesitantly took the box from him. If the dress looked expensive, I was scared to know what could possibly be in the black velvet box. Opening it, I was met with the most gorgeous looking necklace I've ever seen. It was a long silver chain with two large antler pieces on either side. The antlers held a beautiful ruby between them, not large, but certainly not small.

Tears welled in my eyes, through it was silly to cry over such a thing. I felt a cool touch on my cheeks as my face was lifted to meet Alastor's shadow. Unlike Alastor, he wore no smile this time. Worry painted on his glowing red features. "My love, are you alright?" I leaned into his chilled hands, accepting the comfort.

"I'm okay, really. It's stupid, but, I've never had gifts given to me by a significant other before. Especially something so expensive or nice looking..." his worried frown turned into a gentle smile before his lips connected to my forehead.

"You deserve all of it and more, my love. Now, I will leave you to get ready. We'll both be thrilled to see how you look later, though I know the two of us will think you're beautiful anyway." He placed another chilled kiss on my forehead before his figure dispersed into nothingness. Leaving only the gifts I'd been given as a sign he had actually been here.

The entire time I got ready, I couldn't help but smile. Continuously looking over at the boxed necklace and making me smile larger. In order to balance all of the red from my dress, I paired it with a nice pair of black heels and threw the boa over, resting it in the creases of my elbows as it should. I grabbed a small red purse and threw in any essentials I would need, then picked up the black box and left my quarters.

When I reached the lobby, Angel and Husk were the only two around. Deciding to join them while I waited for Al to come down. Angel wolf-whistled at me while I walked closer and Husk sent me a nod and a smile. "You look smokin' babes! Hot date tonight?" I giggled at his question.

"Yes, actually," I stated happily. "Isn't it all so beautiful? Al got everything for me for tonight... he really is a sweetheart..." I said the last part a bit quieter, though definitely audible enough for the two of them to hear.

"Well I'm glad you love your gifts my love," I felt an arm wrap around my waist and a pair of lips press against my head. "But you're missing one little detail. Where's the necklace I got you? Surely that oaf didn't forget to give it to you."

I chuckled and turned in just enough time to watch his shadow smack him in the back of the head. He shot the dark figure an annoyed smile, his shadow reciprocating with a snarl and narrowed eyes. The two immediately lost their when I placed my hand on Alastor's cheek and turned him to look back at me.

"No, Al. He didn't forget," I smiled, holding the box to him. "I was wondering if you could help me out it on, actually," my smile remained as a dusting of pink rushed over my cheeks. I watched that lovesick smile creep back onto his face just as it had in my room a few hours ago, his eyes softening.

"I would be delighted to, ma belle." He opened the velvet box and gently removed the piece of jewelry from it. I turned around as Alastor set it in front of me and I picked up my hair so he could fasten it. All while Angel and I exchanged mouthed words to each other. Mostly things such as 'oh my god!' and 'this is so fucking cute!'

Once it was fastened around my neck, I let my h/c hair back down and spun around to face him. That same lovesick smile plastered along his face. "There, now everything is perfect," he stated proudly. "Shall we go my love?"

I nodded in excitement as he held his arm out for me to take. Wrapping my arm around his, my hand finding its place comfortably in the nook of his elbow. I gave Angel and Husk a wave goodbye as me and Alastor walked away. I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation as we walked off, but I was too busy focusing on what was to come with our date and how excited I was to find out where we were going.

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