Chapter 25

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Alastor POV

With what Y/N had told be before she woke up, it narrowed my search quite a lot. Angel was very popular in his... industry. But, Valentino had only put up so many billboards of him around the Pride ring. From my morning strolls, I could recall where each of them were.

It was likely that Y/N was being held in a place she couldn't see outside, due to her questioning in her mind scape. If she couldn't see outside, no one would be able to see inside either. I called to my shadow, who appeared a millisecond after. "Search around any of the billboards that have Angel's picture plastered on them. I will inform the others of my findings and have them search around there as well."

Without saying a word, the wisp was gone. Sinking back into the darkness of the shadows and going to the sight that was on the top of the list. After a quick shower, I threw on my usual attire and traveled through the shadows. The group had been talking about something I couldn't be bothered to listen to.

"Chums! Excellent news!" I spoke out, interrupting Charlie and startling everyone besides Husker in the process. "I have new information on the whereabouts of my gorgeous gal!"

In a bubble of confusion and excitement, it was impossible for me to be heard. With a little magic, I closed the mouths of the chattering sinners before me. "If you would hush your incessant gabbing, I would be able to tel you. Can you all be quiet for a moment?" The group nodded in unison and I removed the spell, "good! Now, Angel you have a few billboards around Hell, don't you?"

"A'course I do! Val's got my face plastered everywhere. But, billboards are anotha story. He only puts those things up around the Vs main buildin's. Why?" My smile grew bigger at his response.

"My friend it seems your like of work has finally showed useful! It would appear Y/N is in a building close to one of those billboards!" Angel looked a bit offended by the comment I made, but soon everyone erupted in cheers of excitement.

"Wait," Charlie spoke, "Alastor, how do you know she's around the billboards?" The group looked to me, now falling quiet.

"My dear, some things are best kept in the dark. It's best if you don't worry about how I know and simply accept the fact that we are one step closer to finding her." She seemed displeased with my answer, but accepted it nonetheless. "Now, it's best we split up in order to find her more effectively. Husker, Angel, you two take Niffty along with you two and search for her around the more... provocative locations. Vaggie, Charlie, you two search Velvette's areas."

"I think it is best if sssomeone were to stay behind, incase she were able to return!" Pentious added, the group nodding in agreement.

"Lucifer," my eyes narrowed at the small demon in front of me. "You search Vox's business district."

"And where are you gonna go? Too scared to search for someone you love?" He straightened himself, trying to appear more threatening. "You don't even love here enough to search for her yourself. Some boyfriend you are. If she were with me, this would never have-"

Without thinking much of it, my body grew and contorted into its more powerful form. A green glow surrounding me. "I love her more than anyone could fathom." I took a large step forward, towering over the king of hell. "To imply that I don't love her, that it's my fault she isn't here, that I would not risk my own afterlife to save her..."

As much as I hated showing such weakness around other people, I couldn't prevent the tears that had began to pour from my eyes. The mixture of the week's stress, worry, exhaustion, and now added anger finally cracking through my exterior. "YOU MAY BE THE KING OF HELL, LUCIFER. BUT I WILL NEVER HESITATE TO KILL YOU FOR THE IMPLICATIONS YOU MAKE OR WHATEVER FEELINGS YOU MAY HARBOR FOR Y/N. SHE. IS. MINE."

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