Chapter 29

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!Very Short Lime Ahead!


The next morning, Al and I woke up as usual. My mind was foggy at first, though I thought nothing of it due to the boost of energy and confidence I had each morning. Rolling over on my other side, I was met with the sleepy red eyes of my loving boyfriend. "You know it's rude to stare Al," I teased.

His chuckle was low and raspy from his morning voice, the sound erupting butterflies in my stomach. "I know my love, but I can't help but stare at you." He lifted his hand to cup my cheek, his thumb rubbing against the smooth skin with ease. He stared at me love-sick and tired. As if nothing else was more important than looking directly at me at that moment.

"You know," his smile turned especially soft, "you're so beautiful Y/N. It's as if god himself hand made every gorgeous attribute of yours and constructed the most perfect woman in the world. And he's blessed me, a sinner, by sending you down here." As he spoke, he inched his way closer to my body and began to pepper sweet yet sensual kisses along the nape of my neck.

"Al stoooop," his kisses became more firm and I felt his teeth nip at the sensitive part of skin he had memorized. "A-Alastor... Alastor~" I moaned into his messy hair as his hands began to grope my body. His claws grazing the skin of my belly with a feather-like touch caused me to shiver yet his claws continued down my curves. They glided over my thigh and slowly his hand made its way to my womanhood. "A-Ahhlastor~ please."

"'Please' what, my darling?" His hand slowly began to pull away, though I quickly grew needy for his touch. Grinding against the air to chase his touch again, my efforts succeeded.

"Touch m-" just as the words left my mouth, a harsh knock sounded at the door, startling the both of us. He laughed silently as he shook his head and got out of bed. With a snap of his fingers we were both dressed and downstairs in front of the door.

I linked my arm with his and we shared a warm smile as he opened the door, "Y/N! Pleasure to be seeing you again!" Rosie waltzed through the door, pushing Alastor to the side and hugging me tightly.

"Uh- pleasure to see you too Rosie!" I said while an awkward smile stayed on my lips. I freed myself from her grasp and went to Alastor's side, brushing off the shoulders of his coat. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? It isn't often you come to our home, I think the last time was when I first got here."

I heard a faint, 'our home' from the man next to me and couldn't help but smile. "Ah, right! Where are my manners? I wanted to invite you out on a little girl's day! Just you and me! What do you say sweetheart? How about a little fun day with Rosie!"

I smiled in excitement and squealed in delight. It had been ages since I was out of the house and with friends. "Ooh I would love to Rosie! It's been so long since I've had a girl's day!" I squealed again, my excitement getting the better of me and causing me to bounce on the pads of my shoed paws. The clicking of my heels against the wood floor reminded me of the pressure of a hand around my waist.

"Now darling surely you didn't forget what we were doing beforehand," Alastor spoke as enthusiastically as always, "surely you wouldn't want to miss out on that all day now?" A faint blush tinted my cheeks as I recalled our previous activities. "Wouldn't you rather stay in today and you and Rosie can schedule a day we aren't so... busy?"

My bouncing had since come to a halt and my excitement withered. "Rosie, could you give Al and I a moment?"

"Oh of course honey, I'll be outside on the porch swing once you're done." She sent me a soft, warm-hearted smile before exiting the doorway, closing the door along with her.

"What is it you wanted to discuss my dear? Have you decided to stay in with me?" I turned my head towards Alastor, his smile seeming more frantic than his usual mischievous and sly smile. I stepped to the side, taking his hand in mine.

"Al... I know you're worried about me. But it's been months that I've been cooped up in the house. And even when we do leave I'm never more than three inches away from you or your shadow..." my ears flattened to my head and I looked off to the side as I spoke. Nervous of what he may say or do, I continued.

"I just want to spend a day with a close friend," he opened his mouth to speak though my words silenced him, "yes you're a close friend of mine, but you're also my lover. I love the time we spend together but can't I just... spend today with Rosie..?"

My focus was brought to Alastor's gaze as he guided me with his free hand. He released a long breath with his eyes closed, opening them softly as his breathing returned to normal. His eyes seemed soft, but inside of his red irises, I could see the hesitation.

"I suppose.. it is important for you to have girl time. Spend today with Rosie, my love. Take my card and buy whatever you wish. Just please be careful." His smile turned soft and loving and I felt my heart melt for him all over again, I gave him a similar smile before kissing his lips and cheeks. "Stay safe my darling, I love you."

I smiled back at him as I reached for the doorknob, "I love you too Al, don't go crazy while I'm gone," I laughed as I exited the door. Looking over to Rosie, I found her sat on the porch swing just as she said she'd be and gave her a smile. "Let's go have a girl's day!"

Hello my lovelies!! I know this is kind of a short chapter after being gone for so long, but I hope you enjoyed it! There's a few more chapters left before this book ends so stay tuned for updates, even if they're slow!

I love you all <3

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