Angel and I were currently out shopping together. On the way into the city, he had informed me of a few important things. One, hell has overlords that are extremely powerful. Two, Alastor is a very powerful overlord. And three, never make a deal with anyone.
He also gave me a brief warning to stay away from the Vs. Apparently their names are Valentino, Vox, and Velvet. Along with their names, he gave a brief description of them so I would be able to know who not to fuck with in a crowd. It was all very important information that I made sure to remember.
With the help of Angel and a mirror, I had also known exactly what I looked like. My skin was s/c, my hair was now h/l and h/c with two wolf ears protruding from my head. My body was the same shape it had been as live, though my hands now had long black claws and my feet looked a bit more like paws. My irises were a lovely e/c, though they looked much brighter with my black sclera. And then of course there was my tail, but I had already known about that. Unfortunately, scars are something that follow you into hell, which made me cringe when I had found them in their usual spot.
We had been shopping for at least three hours and decided to go back to the hotel. On our way out of the last shop, we just so happened to find Alastor coming from a small café. Unfortunately, he saw us and decided to join us in our walk back home. "Splendid to see you both this afternoon! Y/N, my dear, aren't you supposed to be working?"
"Charlie said I didn't have to start until after lunch so I had clothes and other necessities." I kept my face forward and picked up the pace. Angel seemed to get the memo and followed my actions. Alastor attempted to make poor conversation the rest of the way home. Angel would sometimes respond, though I didn't feel like I was obligated to speak to him outside of work hours.
When we reached the hotel I went straight to my room and changed into an outfit I had gotten today. Since red seemed like a very common color at the hotel, I put on a black pencil skirt and a red button up shirt. I paired it with a pair of black heels and tied my hair back while I made my way to the front desk where I would be working.
I took my seat and opened up the computer, sorting through files and paperwork. I printed out the ones that needed signatures and stapled the different groups together, setting them into a pile by what person they were to go to. The phone rang, snapping me from my work zone. "Hi Y/N, just calling to see how you're settling in!"
"Oh, hello Charlie! I'm doing quite nicely. I'll be on my rounds with all of the papers the bosses need to sign soon." She gave me a quick goodbye and hung up the phone, allowing me to get back to work. I had just gotten up with the stack of papers when it rang again, "hello you're calling the Hazbin Hotel, where your path to redemption starts! This is Y/N speaking how may I help you?"
"I must say," a familiar unwanted radio voice spoke, "this is a much better tone for you my dear, much more lady-like." I could practically feel his smug smile behind the phone.
"Good afternoon, Mister Alastor," my voice sounded a lot less nice than it had before, "is there something I can do for you sir?"
His hum was irritating, lasting much longer than needed, "a hot cup of coffee would be perfect my dear! Please, do bring the whole pot and a mug, darling." With that, he hung up the phone. I groaned as quietly as I could, yet Husker was still able to hear from the bar. I heard him chuckle to himself as I grabbed the stack of papers Charlie and Lucifer needed to sign then went to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.
The second it started to brew, I speed walked down to Charlie's office and knocked on the door. She opened it and I separated her stack from her father's and handed them to her. She thanked me with a smile that I returned and I set off to Lucifer's office. I knocked on the door and hear a "come in" from the other side. Opening the door slowly, I slows myself in and walked towards his desk. "Ah, Y/N, what a lovely surprise."
"Good afternoon sir, I have a few things for you to sign," I smiled and set the stack down on his desk, an audible thud echoed in the room the moment the papers hit the desk.
"I'd say that's a bit more than a few," we both shared a small laugh at the scene. "Well, thank you Y/N."
"Of course sir, if you need anything else just let me know." He grabbed hold of my hand gently, staring me in the eyes.
"Please, call me Lucifer," he planted a small kiss on my knuckles. Never once breaking eye contact. The action caused a small blush to dust my cheeks. He gave me a smile and released my hand, I awkwardly bowed in my flustered state and sped out of the door. The moment it closed I let out a deep breath to compose myself and returned to my desk to grab Alastor's paperwork.
I grabbed that, the pot of coffee, and a mug that said "oh deer," assuming it was his. Making my way through the halls as quickly as I could so the coffee wouldn't be cold, I was able to reach his office in just two minutes. It was hard to knock without spilling anything, but I finally managed. Hoping that he would open the door so I wouldn't have to fumble with the objects in my hand. Unfortunately, it was Alastor and he only gave me a "come in my dear!"
Sighing, I fumbled the objects around until I was finally able to open the door. I went to his desk and placed the pot down first, then the mug, followed by his paperwork. Instinctively, I grabbed the pot from the desk and began to pour it into the cup as I spoke.
"There are a few things that are more important for you to sign which I put up front. The pages at the bottom are mostly things that have to do with the news stations that are asking about an interview for the hotel. But I do need them back by the end of the week to mail them to their respective person." I placed the mug on a coaster beside his cup of pencils and gave him a professional smile.
I couldn't place a name to the expression he had behind his eyes. He looked... amused? Maybe infatuated? I'm not exactly sure what it was, but the longer he stared at me I started to become uncomfortable. "Uhm... well I'll bring going back to work now," I sped to the door and looked at him as I left, "just call the desk if I can help you, sir." With that I shut the door as quickly as possible and scurried off to my desk.
Thankfully none of my bosses called me before my shift ended. "Heya sweet cheeks, you free?" I looked up from the computer and then at the time, and finally to Angel.
"I have five minutes before my shift is over. Do you need something?" He gave me a weary look and pulled his shirt collar out, revealing dark nasty bruises. I nodded quietly and Angel took a seat on my desk while I finished my last task for the day and clocked out. Taking one of his hands in mine, I lead us to my room and closed the door.
Almost immediately after I seated us on the bed, he began to break down. I stroked his hair while I whispered things like "you're safe here" and "I'm right here" to keep him grounded and bring him comfort. There was a knock on the door, making the spider in my lap flinch. "Hey it's okay, let me see who it is and I'll be right back okay? I won't let them in." I gave him a reassuring smile, sniveling he lifted himself off of my lap and sat up with his hands wrapped around his legs, hiding his face.
My heart stung for him, I knew what it was like to be beaten by someone like that. Seeing him like this reminded me of myself after my ex boyfriend got short with me. And because of that, and Angel being what I think of as a friend, I was never going to let him go through it alone.
I brushed my clothes off and opened the door just enough for my head to poke through, not wanting to reveal Angel in my room. "Who is i-" I looked at the man in front of me, shocking me that he was here. "Oh- uh, hello Husker."
"Is uh... is he in there?" I looked back at Angel and watched him nod. Looking back to Husker I gave a small nod. "Would he maybe want to come to my room?" I didn't get to answer before Angel sprung out of the bed and slipped out of the door. It made me smile as I watched the two walk down the hall. Happy to know that he had someone who loved him through all of it.
I closed the door and just as I turned away, a kick was heard again. I smiled and went back to the door, thinking Angel had forgotten something. I began opening the door, not looking at who it was before I opened my mouth. "Back already? Jeez if I didn't know any better I'd say you're obsessed with me," I jested. And that's then I realized who I was talking to. "Oh shit-"

Loyalty (!Yandere Alastor x Reader)
FanficAfter falling into hell and looking for a job, you come across Angel Dust. He decides to take you to a hotel he's staying at. Here, you find a man that really knows how to push your buttons, Alastor. But the longer you stay, the more his behavior ch...