I woke up the warmest I had ever been. The warmth wasn't overwhelming though, in fact it was extremely comfortable. When I tried to get up, I was a bit surprised to be pulled back down by something. As I gained a little more consciousness, something that sounded like soft static filled my ears as the events from last night played in my head like a movie.
Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with the sleeping face of Alastor. His red eyes closed and that smile on his face still somehow present. Though it was very soft, barely even there. My head stayed rested on the patch of fur that adorned his chest, sinking into the softness as I stared at his sleeping face. 'How can he look so handsome even when he's sleeping?'
"You know it's rude to stare at people when they're sleeping, my love," his morning voice threaded through my ears. It was low and held a gravelly tone to it. The regular radio static adding to the attractiveness of his voice. My cheeks heated up at the fact he had caught me staring, though my tail wagged in his presence. He places a loving kiss to the top of my head and smiled at me happily, "good morning sweetheart."
"Good morning Al," my own groggy voice broke out. He dipped his head to mine, placing a tender kiss on my lips. I kissed him back of course, but decided to tease a little. Pushing him to the side with a smile, his head cocked to the some. "Al your breath tastes like you ate roadkill! Brush your teeth before you kiss me," I laughed.
He shared a small chuckled before getting out of bed and lifting me up along with him. With a hoof stomp to the floor, we were both dressed in proper attire for today. He wore his usual red pinstripe suit and brighter red top with black slacks.
I looked down at my outfit and found myself in a striped button up shirt and a black skirt. My paws covered by black high heels with red tips and the necklace he'd given me the day prior resting on my neck. The beautify shine of the silver and ruby peaking through the collar of the shirt.
"Matching outfits?" I smiled up at him as we walked us into the bathroom and set me down. Conjuring up his toothbrush and handing me my own. "Nice touch Al," I kissed his jawline, taking immediate notice to the blush that immediately rose to his cheeks. We brushed our sharpened teeth and just like that, I was lifted into his arms again.
Being carried bridal style through the shadows Alastor traveled through when a bright familiar light was able to be seen as we now stood in the dining hall. Alastor had yet to drop me as he went to his usual seat, which confused me a bit. "Al you can put me down n-!" I shrieked the last bit of my sentence as the bridal hold I was in was now switched. He supported me from underneath, much like how he had done at Lucifer's mansion.
A bright red blush rushed to my face and the tips of my ears as he took his seat, my own being his lap. Everyone was staring, which made me a little embarrassed. But that's definitely what he had been trying to get out of me. So, why not return the favor a little? As he finished setting his plate with enough food for the both of us, I took a fork from the table.
Dipping a whole strawberry into the dollop of whipped cream on the plate, I made direct eye contact with him. Licking off the sweet substance from one side of the fruit before putting the entire berry into my mouth. Removing the fork from my mouth slowly and with a smile.
I watched him intently, noticing every little reaction. A small flick of his ear, a few small twitches to his eye and his smile, and a large ball of saliva he had gulped down harsh enough to make a small noise. I gave him a peck on the lips and cheek and shifted in his lap to make myself comfortable. Silently laughing to myself at the feeling of him tensing underneath me while I did so before I delved into the food like nothing had happened.
"Are we just gonna fuckin' ignore that!?" Angel screamed from across me. I looked up from the plate with an evil little smile, he returned one. Looking almost proud of my devilish little acts I had performed.
"Yes, for the sake of a not awkward breakfast. Well- at least a less awkward one, yes." Vaggie stated tiredly, yet sternly.
The hours that followed that were uneventful. Carrying on with my duties of answering the phone for the hotel and staking papers for each of my superiors to sign and delivering them. The time hit 12:30 and I excitedly dashed from my seat and to Alastor's office. He was up and fiddling with a few things in his office, all work related which uninterested me. "Well hello to you too my love," he paused and hugged my waist, a kiss finding my lips twice.
"Hi Al," I nuzzled my head into his chest, soaking in his presence. "Are you free for lunch?" I smiled up at him.
"I'm afraid not, my love. You see I have a very important meeting to attend with the other overlords of hell today. I was just preparing a few things before kissing you goodbye," he held his big smile and his usual confident tone. But the look behind his beautiful scarlet colored eyes spoke up for how upset he really was. He kissed me deeply and embraced me tightly before ending it all too soon, with a kiss to my knuckles he bid me farewell. Slumping into the shadows and disappearing soon after.
I walked back to my desk, a little upset that Alastor and I wouldn't have time with each other until later, but understood why. He is still a powerful overlord after all. The phone rang not long after I had sat down and as it is my job, I answered. Before I could say anything, a voice spoke over the phone. "Y/N, it's Lucifer!"
"Oh! Hello sir! Is everything alright? You don't usually call over."
"Oh yeah, yeah everything is fine!" He brushed me off, not entirely interested in answering. "Say, would you be a dear and go down to Brimstone's Cookery and fetch me my lunch for today? Great, thanks!" The phone cut off before I had a chance to say anything. I groaned and grabbed my travel purse, heading out the front door.
The walk there was pleasant enough. I had gotten used to Hell's screams and loud noises long ago. Stepping over a carcass of what appeared to be a skunk demon, or at least used to be, I opened the door to the restaurant. The hostess took immediate notice to my presence and flashed me a smile. "Hi there! Welcome to Brimstone's Cookery, what can I do for you?" Her thick southern accent and sweet tone made me smile back at her.
"Hello, uh I'm here to grab an order for my boss!" I stated simply, yet mirroring her cheery tone. She began looking through online and pickup orders fingers flipping hastily through names. "It should be under... Lucifer..." the sweet southern demoness lifted her head in an instant, a somewhat scared look in her eyes.
"Of course! I'll be right back!" She gave me another smile before making a b-line for the kitchen, almost catching me off guard with how fast she had ran. She returned not long after, carrying a plethora of to-go boxes in a large bag for me to carry. "Here ya go sugar! You have a great rest of your day!"
I took the bag from her hands and waved as I began to leave, "thank you, you too!" I hummed to myself as I continued to walk back to the hotel to fill the silence around me. 'I never noticed just how much silence Alastor's radio static filled when we walked together until now.' The hotel was just in sight as I turned the last corner. I attempted to pick up my pace a little as o not keep Lucifer waiting much longer, but someone stepped into my path.
"Oops... Excuse me miss," I said politely while backing away.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Your name is Y/N right?," she asked with her heavy British accent, holding up her phone to a picture of me. Instinctively I took a few steps back, and didn't answer. "Hmm Vox was right, you do look pretty. Pretty enough to work for me, how about instead of being that flatscreen's assistant you come work for me!"
"Now babydoll, you know Voxy doesn't like sharing," a voice from behind me spoke. I spun around to face him, only to be met with a cloud of red smoke. I felt my body numb in an instant, my eyes watering and vision becoming blurry. I stumbled back a bit, unsure of my surroundings and those around me. I was picked up into strong arms and carried somewhere, screaming at myself to move my body. But nothing ever came of my demands, darkness falling over me and voices beginning to sound muffled and distant as I fell unconscious.

Loyalty (!Yandere Alastor x Reader)
FanficAfter falling into hell and looking for a job, you come across Angel Dust. He decides to take you to a hotel he's staying at. Here, you find a man that really knows how to push your buttons, Alastor. But the longer you stay, the more his behavior ch...