Chapter 12

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     Warning: this chapter touches on toxic
     relationships, implied abuse, and other
    sensitive topics! Please be aware of these
    things if they may trigger you in any way,
  other than that, please enjoy this chapter 🖤


Alastor's hand paused its motions and the sound of static grew in my ears. I felt him take a deep breath before the static died down and he began to rub my back again. "What did that scum do to cause you to be like this."

"Just..." I took a deep breath and attempted to ground myself. "He was talking to me in a way that made me feel so... small. And it... it brought back a lot of memories from my life that are hard to remember."

I nuzzled my head into his chest, comforted by the sound of his heart. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak. "When I was a teenager, I had this friend, Daniel. I always had a little crush on him, and he asked me to be his date for our senior prom. So, obviously I accepted happily."

Alastor stayed silent, continuing to hold me and rub my back gently. "After prom, he had asked me to be his girlfriend and I don't think I'd ever said yes so fast. We dated for a few months after that and after graduation, we moved in together. Things were great at first, but then he started acting weird. When we ere around friend of in public, he acted like his usual self. But, when we were alone he was... different. He was short tempered with me and expected me to do everything. Cook, clean, make myself look like some kind of maid. He didn't even have a job, so I had to take care of rent and bills on top of it. If something didn't get done, I was punished for it."

"In my day, it wasn't uncommon for women to stay at home and take care of the house while the man went out to work..." Alastor mumbled. "I never had a woman to come home to however, and it being the time during the Great Depression, I know of the struggles it took to take care of everything by yourself... of course not to your extent, my dear. Nor your exact experience. Please, carry on."

I knew he was attempting to comfort me with his own experiences. While it wasn't the most helpful, he was trying his best and for that, I appreciated his efforts.

"Eventually, I started to push back and unfortunately for me, he fought back harder. He'd smack me around, call me nothing but a worthless woman. Say that women should take care of their men. That kind of misogynistic bullshit," I chuckled a bit at my last sentence, mainly to try to make myself feel better. "Eventually, I had enough and decided I was going to leave him. The day I was going to do it however, I was driving back home from work and some douchebag of a drunk driver t-boned my car. And then, next thing I knew..." I lifted my hands to signify the next part was winding up here.

He rested his chin against my head and nuzzled his face between my ears. "A wonderful woman such as yourself should have never gone through such things. I promise you my dear, if I ever find that sad excuse of a man down here, I will be sure to give him the treatment he deserves. You deserve to be with a man who will use his strength to protect you... who will love you so much he would do anything for you. " I pulled away from Alastor's embrace and smiled at him weakly.

"Yeah? Well when you find him, let me know. I'd like to give the bastard a taste of his own medicine," Al and I shared a light chuckle that fell into a comfortable silence. Our faces inched closer together, eyelids slowly beginning to close.

Just as our lips were about to touch, a knock at the door startled the two of us apart. We scurried to our feet and I stepped to the side and opened the door. "Heya toots, just wanted to check in on ya. Dinner's ready too if ya feel up to eatin'," Angel gave me a small smile.

I wiped my tear stained face and smiled back at him, "yeah, I'm doing much better." I turned my head to look at Alastor, but to my surprise he was gone. Focusing my attention back on Angel, I stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me. We walked together to the dining hall where a concerned Charlie, Niffty, and Vaggie were waiting for me.

I was immediately bombarded with questions and hugs asking me if I was alright, if they had to kill someone, or if I needed to talk. I hugged them all back and reassured them that I was alright.

Conversation around the table focused on our trip to the palace in the morning. But I wasn't all that interested in the conversation and simply listened in.

Alastor didn't show up to dinner, which was a little disappointing. Nor did I see him for the rest of the night, which made be me get in my own head a bit. I packed up all that I would need for my stay at Lucifer's palace and set aside an outfit to wear tomorrow.

After changing into my pajamas and removing the messed up makeup from my face, I settled myself into bed and closed my eyes. That night as I fell asleep, I thought of the moment between Alastor and I and how we had almost kissed. Smiling to myself, sleep made its way through my body. Before I knew it, my last thought was of how happy I was to see Alastor in the morning.


I woke up feeling as energetic as I had been for the past few days. I was still unsure of why exactly it started out of nowhere, but for now I've decided to chalk it up to incredible sleep. My phone was blowing up with messages so I grabbed it and checked why it was going off so much. Thankfully, it was just Angel telling me how excited he was and how hot we were going to look.

Setting my phone back down, I then lifted myself out of bed. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards, I did my makeup then fluffed up the fur on my ears and tail and got dressed. I wore a fitted black tank top, a short skirt, and a pair of black tights with knee high black boots. After accessorizing, I packed up my makeup and shower products into my bags, grabbed my phone, and left for the lobby carrying them.

Right as I reached the stairs, I felt my larger bags slip from my hands. "Need help my dear?" His familiar radio-spiked voice spoke. I smiled and looked over to him, he was using his magic to carry my luggage.

"Thank you Al, always such a gentleman," I smiled at him and we made our way down the stairs side by side enjoying casual conversation. I was happy to know our moment yesterday didn't cause any awkwardness. But, also a little sad that he didn't seem a little bothered by the interruption. Then again, if he was a gentleman then maybe he only did that sort of thing after starting a relationship.

Charlie was excitedly waiting for everyone to get into the lobby as the car was already waiting for us. Alastor loaded my bags into the limo with a snap of his fingers, including the smaller ones I had been carrying. "Smiles can you gimme some of that special treatment too?"

"Absolutely not!" He replied with a laugh. I chuckled at Angel's face and went to him and helped him carry a few things to the car. As suspected, the moment I picked up one of Angel's much heavier bags, Alastor came to me and took it off of my hands with a smile. Instead, he placed it into Husk's arms and motioned with his hand to take it to the limo. Husk grunted, but he was already going to help his beloved Angel anyway so didn't protest.

The only other person Alastor willingly helped was Niffty. Which, I admit, was very adorable. Everyone's bags had been loaded into the car when something occurred to me. "Hey Al? Where's your luggage?"

"My dear I don't require such things. I'm able to conjure up anything I need with a wave of my hand!" He spoke with his usual cheery tone, making me laugh a bit. "Now, let's get this show on the road folks!"

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