Chapter 28

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A month had passed since my kidnapping and Alastor had become more... clingy, than usual.

At first, I hadn't noticed. I was recovering from a few injuries I had caused to myself due to trauma responses in my coma. So, him sticking to my side while I healed was nothing to raise questions about. Though due to the help of demon healing, my injuries were gone within the week.

Al was fairly clingy before my incident, but he would still run off every now and then to meet with Rosie or simply to work and broadcast. Now though, he rarely ever left my side. If he did, his shadow would simply take his place.

He explained to me that it would be best if I wasn't somewhere the Vs would know where to look for me. And to that, I had agreed. With Vox's disappearance, the two left were extremely unstable trying to run their own departments. There was no telling what they would do to me since they knew I was one of the last people seen with him. So, after I had healed properly, Alastor conjured a small and comfortable cabin for the two of us to stay in.

It looked like any old cabin set out in the middle of marshy woods. But in the inside, it was a perfect mix of lavish and homey. Alastor had even made a few of the items of furniture himself.

The walls were a nice tone of burgundy, matching the dark paneling of the wooden floor. The living space had an extravagant fireplace that was large and decorated with the skulls of deer and knickknacks, and on either side of it there was a matching set of arm chairs. A soft rug was placed beneath the other articles of furniture, which were a small and simple sofa with a glass coffee table made up of antlers.

Around the cabin, Alastor had placed several photos of the two of us, typically set next to an old fashioned radio or the occasional record player. The kitchen looked as any 1920's style kitchen would, due to his time period. And the bedroom held a variety of bookshelves, dressers, an on suite bathroom, and a large king sized bed with red silk sheets and pillowcases, covered by a large black comforter when made up.

I had made myself at home in the time I had been here. Even with Alastor always glued to my side. Currently, we were cuddled up on the couch together under a light blanket. He read to himself as I watched the fire in front of us, following the embers as they would fly off and turn to ash.

"Something troubling you my love?" His static peaked the silence, startling me only slightly. "You look as if you've got something on your mind, penny for your thoughts?" I turned my focus to him, watching his reading glasses lift at his warm smile. I gave him back a weak one and turned my focus back to the fire, my ears falling to the sides of my head.

"I was just wondering what could have happened to Vox. I'm just a little nervous he might come looking for me again." I heard his book close and his arms wrapped found their way around me, pulling me in close to his warmth.

"Darling, I assure you that Vox will be the least of your worries. I have taken extreme precautions to ensure that he won't hurt you again." Snuggling into his chest, I took a deep breath as his words sank into my brain. "But it is still dangerous which the other two, and more overlords that would be happy to see me crumble at your disappearance." He lifted a hand to my cheek and guided my focus to his eyes. "But I assure you, I will do anything in my power to make sure you are safe and sound."

His words were comforting in the moment. Though as time went on, I thought more and more about what he had said. What "extreme precautions" had he taken to make sure Vox couldn't get to me? I had been moved out of the hotel and he never left my side, but that meant nothing if Vox would find me at a time Alastor or his shadow weren't present.

For the time being, I decided to push away my thoughts. Thinking in such a way would only make me more anxious and paranoid than I had already become, any more piled on and I'd likely snap away from reality.

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