Chapter Fourteen

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Another ball. Another dress, another round of pampering, but, another round of dancing and laughing with Anthony. Delilah never thoroughly enjoyed balls until now. She loved the elegance and the gracefulness she was able to bring with going to a ball, but she never really enjoyed it until she was able to enjoy it with Anthony.

"You look stunning."

Delilah turned her head to her mother who stood in the doorframe. She smiled at her, "Mama, you have had a lot of strength recently."

"Bed rest does grant you that," Mary laughed.

Delilah hummed and turned back to the mirror, studying her appearance.

This evening's ball had her decision set on wearing her family's signature Silver dress. Her hair was in a gracious bun atop her head held together with pins and settled around a small tiara with two subtle pieces of hair framing her face. The silver eyes she adorned certainly stood out.

"How are all of the married ladies of the ton? I am sure your friends miss you." Delilah asked.

"Oh," Mary sighed, "Friends is a daunting word when I only have two of them. The rest are simply to give me something to look at other than my walls. But, I was invited to have tea with Her Majesty."

Delilah spun around to look at her mother, "Mama!"

"Oh child, I have had tea with the queen before."

"You have?"

"Oh yes," Mary smiled, "Agatha and I were quite the gossip for Her Majesty."

Delilah laughed softly, "Well, you need to rest so you have more strength to go. Perhaps, you can come to a ball soon."

Mary smiled at her daughter. A mother's love shining brightly in her eye, "I would love to my dear.

— & —

Delilah walked through the halls of a big manor. Much bigger than hers. She was young, and clinging to her mother's hand as she walked through the tall hallways.

"Delilah," Her mother said softly, "I have a new friend for you today."

Mary led her to a room where a boy stood with  a crouched Agatha Danbury. It was the young and future Duke of Hastings - Simon Basset.

Delilah watched silently as Agatha talked to him. As she took his small hands into hers and began to make him a promise.

"You can speak," Agatha told Simon, "I understood you well enough. And I will help you overcome this stammer of yours. But in exchange, you must promise me, that when you step into the light you will be worthy of the attention you command."

Delilah watched as Simon watched the Lady for a moment before nodding. A small light came to life in his eye.

"Now, I have a friend for you."

Then, Mary nudged the small girl from around her back. Into the light, and Delilah stepped out from her mother's side.

She took one look at her mother and then walked up to the boy with slow steps. Simon looked at her, and Delilah looked back.

"I'm Delilah Silvester, Mama says you are my new friend."

— & —

When Delilah entered the ball her eyes were immediately drawn to the man who held more and more pieces of her heart with each day. Anthony.

Except when her eyes found Anthony, it was also that she found him with Daphne and Simon. Her feet moved and soon she was trotting through the room directly at the trio. Directly to Anthony, more specifically. She couldn't hear the conversation when she approached. But, she knew that tonight as many others before, would mainly be her and Anthony.

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