Chapter Fifty-Six

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"After everything that happened with his scullery maid last season, and Lord Cho cuts me?" Lady Danbury asked as she took a seat next to Delilah.

Delilah sighed, "We know what we are dealing with at least."

"We shall not remove ourselves from this fight," Lady Mary said, "All will be lost if we run now."

Edwina sighed, "I should like to remove myself from this room."

Delilah looked over to Williamson who kept his head down. She let out a quiet breath before turning her attention back to Lady Danbury, "Every day that goes by without our altering the ton-shared sentiment will harden it."

"Perhaps," Delilah said, "We need another story as to why things ended."

"We have already started to tell one. We cannot change course now." Lady Danbury opposed.

Delilah nodded her head then looked down at her hands, "If we cannot speak about the reasons, might we at least act as though they are of no consequence to us?"

Lady Danbury tilted her head, "A ball."

Lady Mary smiled, "Yes!"

"Together. We prove to the ton that our story is true. It was a mutual decision between all interested parties, and that there is no scandal or ill will between families at all." Delilah rambled.

Lady Mary looked to her daughter, "A ball would give Edwina another chance to find a suitor."

"Another ball? So that the ton might inspect this wreckage with an even closer eye?" Williamson asked.

His comment draped silence across the room.

"A ball may very well work." Edwina said. All eyes turned to her as she continued with her speech, "After all, the lord and my sister have been so good at hiding their true feelings from everyone in public this far. It should not trouble them to do the same a little longer."

Delilah took a breath at the girl's statement. Bitterness had coated every word she spoke. Delilah couldn't find it in her to shame the girl either. Heartbreak was not fun.

"Edwina..." Lady Mary mumbled.

Then Newton came scampering into the room and jumped up to Williamson's lap. He stood up alongside Kate. She mumbled her apologies before the two turned and in close proximity the air stilled around them. Williamson avoided her eye but couldn't stop the smile at being around her. He was sure he was going to become a madman due to her.

Edwina watched them then turned to the other three women in the room, "Was I truly that blind? Were they always this obvious?"

Delilah shifted in her seat before standing up, "If this plan is to work I suggest you two stand on opposite sides of the room at all times."

"Delilah!" Kate said.

"All we need," She pressed, "Is for someone to witness something untoward-"

"I beg your pardon, Delilah. I do not know what you mean to say." Williamson interrupted.

Delilah smiled knowingly at him, "I mean to say is that those of us in this room are the only ones who know the full truth."

Lady Danbury nodded, "And we would prefer to keep it that way. As should you. If there is so much as a passing look between the two of you, then this plan of ours will be for nothing. Are we all in agreement?"

Delilah stood next to Williamson gazing between him and Kate.

"Of course," Kate nodded as she took a seat.

Williamson nodded his head, "Yes, Lady Danbury." Then he walked out of the room swiftly.

Delilah exchanged a glance with Lady Danbury before following him out, "Williamson. Williamson."

He stopped and turned around to look at her on the stairs. Delilah looked at his eyes. She was worried he would lose it. If Felicity could catch onto the pair so easily from just his words, what did everyone else already think? She had hope from the oblivion Thomas showed, but she knew to assume was a downfall for everything.

"Is this plan going to be a problem for you?" She asked.


"I only ask because of what happened the last time you found yourself in such close proximity to Miss Sharma. Well, that and all of the other moments."

Williamson gave her a hard stare, "You have nothing to worry about. I will play the part."

Delilah raised a brow at him, "And then? This plan is a temporary solution. If it is successful all of these rumors will die. Yet, no matter what, it still leaves you with no one to marry. Unless you no longer plan to marry?"

"Delilah you realize it is possible for people to figure out I was originally supposed to marry you. But, even if they don't, the line doesn't end with me."

"No," Delilah breathed, "The deal is no more. And Thomas hasn't planned to make a debut yet even though he is already behind his year. Do you plan to rely on him?"

Williamson stood straighter, "Do you need me to admit I made a mistake? Is that what you want, Delilah? For me to admit that I should've never asked for Miss Edwina's hand? That I never should've gone this far? I realize, I really do see the problem in this equation. I realize I have indeed failed at more things than you will ever know."

Delilah's head dropped. She didn't want to argue with him. She didn't want to make him feel bad. Williamson must have sensed that because he took a breath and shook his head, "This plan will work. I am certain both you and Lady Danbury will make sure of it."

He turned again and walked away from Delilah out of the Danbury manor. Delilah watched him sadly. She took a breath and waited a moment, before walking out herself and heading towards the Bridgerton home.

Delilah forced herself to get up that morning to make it in time for the next social activity. The silver accents of her room. Her eyes strayed to the personal desk in front of one of three windows lining the wall blockading her from the fresh spring breeze. On top of it were several very neat stacks contrasting the state of the study.

Her body relaxed at the sight of them. Wedding plans. Wedding plans that she had moved back along with the date since Williamson did not go through with his. But, it still brought her an ever-looming joy.

She had memorized all of what she had written. White roses with purple and blue accent flowers. An elegant and sleek white dress with silver dotting specialized areas. Silver in every place she could fit alongside the signature Bridgerton blue and specks of purple. But, most importantly, the small invitation list. Family and only the most trusted of friends. This day was to be special.

Her eyes shut momentarily before a loud knock sounded at her door.


There were no more seconds of granted privacy before Felicity came barging in through the door. Her blonde hair was already curled around the nape of her neck with small braids running all throughout her hair. She wore a red that complimented her beautifully.

Delilah smiled at her from the bed, "Good morning, Felicity."

Felicity smiled at her, "A good morning indeed. Why are you still in bed? You should be getting ready, we have to leave soon. I'm very excited about participating in my true first social event."

Delilah could only laugh at the girl's ramble.

Felicity gaped at her, "Are you laughing at me?"

"Never. Come on, help me get dressed and then we shall depart with the boys."

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