Chapter Fifty-Two

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"If there is ever to be a grander finish to the season than the one provided by the Duke and Duchess of Hastings featuring Delilah Silvester and Anthony Bridgerton this year, this author will need to feast upon her own words.

"For it was this couple's memorable affair that brought another scandalous London season to a close. As many now leave the city behind for greener pastures, some endings seem more permanent than others.

"Of course there are other endings that will offer new beginnings. However uncertain those new beginnings might be."

"Anthony, you looked very happy with Delilah last night." Daphne proclaimed seeing her brother.

"Yes. She is truly a new string in my life I am quite grateful for." He sighed happily, "The two of you are off to Clyvedon, I presume?"

Daphne shook her head, "We have decided to stay in London a little longer. Take some time to enjoy ourselves, just the two of us. And you? What are your plans, brother?"

"Nothing of note. Other than promptly declaring my intentions to the soon to be viscountess, of course." Anthony said.

"The viscount is ready to make his courtship a marriage?" Daphne asked.

"Well, Delilah is the only girl to capture my interest and always will be. I am taking my time with her only because I do not see myself courting anyone else. But, yes, a marriage should follow through soon. It just needs to be perfect." He explained.

Daphne nodded her head with a smile, "I wish you well."

"And yet, there is no ending in sight for this author, who recently became aware of a scheme to unmask her by one worthy opponent, indeed.

"Perhaps I will come forward one day. Though, you must know, dear reader, the decision shall be left entirely to me.

"The last thing I leave you with however, before my departure is of the abrupt death in the early morning of the Viscountess Mary Silvester. My condolences rest dearly with Delilah Silvester, the only air to the Silvester fortune. It must be a time of peril for their house.

"Give your support, London. Miss. Silvester is a pivotal part of our ton, and we shall represent with support and kindness.

"May god be with her, Mary Silvester, as she reunites with the Lord Silvester in death."

Yours Truly,

Lady Whistledown

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