Chapter Fourteen

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The races were always so much fun for Delilah. Although as a girl, she and her father would compete against each other about which horse would succeed. She had not been in years with painful memories, but now she was excited to attend and compete with Anthony.

Delilah wore a soft pink dress with dark rose-colored flowers and silver embellishments in the center of them. She had her hair in a loose bun around her neck and some white gloves to compliment the look she wanted to achieve.

She walked in with Williamson, Anthony, and the rest of the Bridgerton's. Smiling softly as memories of her running around with her father came to her head, she could hear his laugh dancing around the field.

Even as a little girl her parents loved bringing her to events even if it was against the normal.

"You've not been here in some time have you, love?" Anthony asked her as they approached the races.

Delilah shook her head, "I avoided it all these years. Bittersweet memories came with it and I wanted to avoid it. But, I'm ready to make new ones with you." She smiled up at Anthony.

Anthony looked down at her and he could swear everything seemed just a bit lighter. Delilah was a peaceful valley with so many flowers of different colors and shades that she represented a painting. He was so irrevocably in love with her, it felt like a million leaves were rustling in his ear.

He leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss, "I love you so much."

Delilah smiled brightly, sinking into his side, "I love you too."

A little ways away, Williamson slowly made his way over to Sharma sisters and Lord Lumley who appeared to be accompanying Miss Edwina Sharma, and another man who seemed to be with Kate.   

Clearing his throat and taking a breath he made his way over. He held a soft smile on his face, and held his posture up. His posture straightened just more when Edwina caught his eye and smiled.

"Lord Aevery!" She welcomed.

Williamson nodded his head looking between the three, "Miss Sharma. Miss Edwina. Lumley."

Edwina nodded at him, "How wonderful to see you, my lord."

"Lord Aevery, allow me to introduce myself." The man accompanying Kate said, "Mr. Thomas Dorset."

Williamson nodded his head then turned to Edwina, "Miss Edwina, I was hoping to call on you this morning."

"My sister is well aware of everything-" Kate tried to intervene.

"But, I promised Lady Silvester I would accompany her and the Bridgerton's for breakfast. They are exceptionally close and have welcomed me like close family. They break their fasts together, and have begun to invite me as of recently." Williamson carried on, then he smiled, "There they all are now."

Edwina turned her head slightly past to see the Bridgerton's and Delilah all laughing and playing around. Her eyes caught onto Delilah and Anthony and she smiled seeing the two look at each other with loving eyes and laugh slightly as Anthony made a joke.

She turned back to Williamson with a softer smile, "One can tell a great deal about a man from his family, I think."

Kate nodded her head looking at Williamson, "Yes, there are many excellent, affectionate families in the ton. Are there not?"

Lord Lumley nodded his head briefly, "Though none quite as inviting as the Bridgerton's or the Silvesters. My mother's been wanting to enjoy another cup of tea at the Bridgerton house for some time. As well as to the new Lady Silvester, she gives her condolences for the late Lady Silvester.

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