Chapter 14: I will keep loving her

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"My bed!!!" Jennie ran straight to her bedroom after getting home and dropped her body on it, making snow angels.

Jisoo giggled seeing Jennie's playful demeanour back. After the sad and depressed phase she went through, she definitely deserved a break-up with the sad side of hers.

"Bye guys! Do whatever the heck you want. I'm going to sleep." Jisoo sassily waved at the younger girls and walked to her bedroom while doing a catwalk.

"She ain't waking up unless tomorrow's sun is down." Rosè dramatically sighed and fanned herself. "Do me a favour Lisayah."

Lisa raised an eyebrow, waiting for the older to completely her sentence. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Telling you." Rosè cheekily smiled. "Please order dinner and send my plate straight to my room. Ya know my meals." She smiled and walked to her bedroom with her suitcase leaving the poor maknae all alone with a ton of responsibilities.

"What am I? Their servant? Princess treatment they want now? Shitzz!" She mocked her elders who had no idea whatsoever she was talking about them.


"Your order, your ROYAL highness." Lisa said, dramatically bowing in Rosè's doorway with a tray in hand.

"Thanks servant." Rosè causally took the tray and closed the door on Lisa's face making her Lisshook.

"She did not call me a servant." She said, pissed off.

"I totally did." Rosè sneered from her bedroom, even though she knew Lisa couldn't see it.

Lisa rolled her eyes and walked back to her own room.


Jisoo's POV.

I did say that I would sleep but here I am, sleep deprived just at the thought of confessing to Chaeyoung.

Got to confess, I feel like a huge weight shifted off my shoulders when I told Jennie that I liked Rosè.

Atleast someone knew my true feelings. Now, I won't have to keep it inside. I can openly speak about it with Jennie....... Or maybe not, on a second thought.

Won't it be like I am rubbing salt to her wounds?

She loves me but I love Chaeyoung.

She didn't seem angry, upset or offended when I confessed of liking Rosè.

But she didn't seem okay either.

She might think I didn't notice but she should totally quit the act and take classes from me before trying.

Her acting like she was fine and happy as if nothing ever happened was so suspicious and obvious.... To me.

I will ask her later goddamn!

For now, all you need to focus on is Park Roseanne, Park Chaeyoung.

Get it together Jisoo!

You have to confess before I lose my chance. It's a good thing that I already know her answer.

I will propose her, then ask her, yes or yes? Girl I know you love me.

I do feel confident but that one part of me is anxious. What if she says no? What if it was just a crush? What if she doesn't like me anymore?

Dear diary,

I have started falling for Jisoo unnie. I really love her, I realise it now but I think it's too late. She doesn't love me but that's okay. I will keep loving her even if I don't get her love back. Ok bye, I have to sleep or else I will get under eye bags.

The words written by her in the diary flashed before my eyes.

"I will keep loving her even if I don't get her love back." I repeated.

A smile creeped up to my lips as I remembered the words written by her, engraved in her pink diary.

I will keep loving her.......

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