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The house smelt strongly of sugar, frosting, and dough. It was a pleasant smell, actually. Y/n quite liked it.

He ambled down to the kitchen, and squinted his eyes. Nadia? Is that Nadia? How the hell did she even come here, anyways?

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow, "Nadia, what the hell are you even doing here? And, I thought you broke up with Alexis. Do you have a new lover, or something—why as you making so many valentine treats?"

Nadia looked offended. Really offended. She shook her head.

"These are mostly friend goodie bags," She winked, "And some are for stirring shit up."

Oh. With Nadia, Y/n could guess what she was about to do—place the goodie bags into unsuspecting people's bags, write fake love mail...yeah, Y/n wasn't about to get involved in whatever messy shit.

Y/n nodded his head, stealing a platter of warm cookies at a small corner. He bit into it, and soft gooey chocolate immediately oozed out, and his eyes sparkled. It's good. Y/n was honestly a little thankful his taste buds were still poor-coded because of all the expensive things that Aruna had bought for him to try. There was the salad with horrendous gold flakes on it, there was the steak with some kind of sauce that made it a hundred dollars more...

God, he missed Aruna. Y/n didn't just kiss the treatment he got—he missed much more than that. Something about Aruna was stabilizing, sweet, and the naga was just so sweet and so gentle—yet still teased him with that comforting lilt of his tone, that tender, tender touch...

Y/n swallowed. He was aware this whole muse thing was to distract himself from the fact how he missed Aruna so, so dearly. He never thought he would miss having a snake's tail coiled around him.

"It's alright if I just take a couple, right?"

"Of course."

Hmm. Wait. She didn't exactly answer

"For your information, your boyfriend subtly hinted at me to keep an eye on the people around you. And Caspian kind of became friends with me, thus me knowing your address." Nadia shrugged.


"He's a tad possessive. But at least it's not the creepy kind."

"When is he...coming back?" Y/n sighed. "I miss him."

"Didn't he send you fifty thousand?"

Oh, right. The fifty thousand. Y/n wasn't planning on using it, truth to be told. He was going to use the money from whatever the fuck this job was, and buy Aruna was something. He knew the naga probably had all the money in the world and thus could buy whatever he wanted, but hey, it's thought that counts, right?

"Well," Nadia smiled. "I think you'll be happy to know."

"Don't keep me in suspense!" Y/n glared at her. "Can you just say it?"

"Ooh." Nadia whistled. "Tonight. It's tonight," She winked. "Which means he probably told his sister a simple fuck off, cursed violently at her, and probably reduced her to some spiteful seething mess. Usually, he's too tired to deal with them, but his mother called me in an amused tone, telling me he was literally spitting fiery curses at them. Gosh, I've never heard him so riled up. Seems like he's eager to get back to you. Good luck walking tomorrow."

Tonight? Glee filled Y/n, tonight! Hell yeah! Freak yes. He could finally see Aruna, finally hug and kiss him, finally hear his sweet, gentle voice. Three weeks, or probably way longer than that, felt so long and—

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