Tribute To The Troops

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*You stood backstage next to the women's locker room, hanging out with Stephanie waiting for your guys' match, which is in 5 minutes. The two of you were just getting done with making a TikTok on her account and tagging you in it*

Stephanie: Okay, we need to talk about the elephant in the room

You: Which is...?

Stephanie: You have a crush on Demi

You: I told you that 2 and a half years ago! How do you even remember that?

Stephanie: I remember everything..besides that one time I missed a volleyball game, but that's beside the point

You:..Dominik's fiancé did tell me yesterday that Demi might have a crush on me

Stephanie: See?! You two would be perfect for each other

You: So what? Do you think I should spill my guts to Demi?

Stephanie: Actually, I wanna see if Demi breaks and says something first

You: Stephanie Hym Bell, you are playing a dangerous game

Stephanie: So are you, Ashlynn Luna-Orton

*You and Stephanie smile at each other before fist-bumping then Stephanie puts her phone in the locker room before you guys head to the gorilla. While walking to gorilla you pass your dad*

Randal: Heading to gorilla?

You: Yeah, our match is next

Randal: Good luck to you both

Stephanie: Thanks

You: Thanks, Dad. See you later

*You and Stephanie head into gorilla as Jorge Boli, better known as, Santos Escobar, and Muñoz González, better known as Dragon Lee, and Dominik*

You: Dom?

Dominik: Hey, Ash

You: Didn't expect you to be here tonight

Dominik: Yeah, Hunter texted me last minute yesterday and asked me to show up

You: Hey, would love to talk more but gotta a match to do. I think Demi is in catering if you were gonna look for her

Dominik: Thanks. And good luck, Ash

*You smile at Dominik before walking into gorilla. Michin's theme plays and she walks out with the crowd cheering*

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first. Representing The O.C, From Fontana, California, Michin!"

*You watch as Michin walks to the ring as you put your jacket on. Michin gets on the apron the gets in the ring, standing on the ropes as she takes off her bandana. Her theme fades out as your theme hits. You walk out, gripping your jacket before reaching up and lowering your glasses a bit as you look around at the crowd with a smirk on your face before putting them back on and start walking to the ring while high-fiving fans*

"And her opponent. From Croydon, England, Ashley Orton!"

*You slide onto the apron and raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up before getting in the ring. You walk around the ring before standing in the middle of the ring and you raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up. You lower your hand and take off your jacket as you turn to Michin and you smile at each other as you set your jacket outside the ring*

Ring the bell!

Crowd Chant: Let's go Ashley! Let's go Michin! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Michin!Let's go Ashley! Let's go Michin!Let's go Ashley! Let's go Michin!

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